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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 328x500, slaughterhousefive-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1823367 No.1823367 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished reading this and holy shit it was great. It made me laugh out loud countless times and the the writing was great. Why don't you faggots like this? What else should I read from Vonnegut?

Discuss, share opinions on this, etc.

>> No.1823376

Most people do enjoy it - it's just the vocal minority that don't. They typically attack the reader, as opposed to the work, by claiming that only middle school children enjoy such basic books.

>> No.1823378

/lit/ loves this you summerfag

>> No.1823389

Fuck yeah, Vonnegut.

>> No.1823393

sirens of titan is fucking godly.
cat's cradle is second (probably tied with slaughterhouse for me)
also, if you really like his style then slapstick, breakfast of champions ( i was not a fan, but it's entertaining), god bless you mr rosewater.


>> No.1823419

Check out "A Man Without a Country"

>> No.1823421

Liberal willful ignorance and pie-in-the-sky communist bullshit.
i can tell from the title.

take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
go take a flying fuck at the moooooooon.

>> No.1823427

Lazzaro was fucking hilarious.

>> No.1823459
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>> No.1823481
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>> No.1823483

Cat's Cradle is better. Vonnegut is fine, but Pynchon blows him way out of the water even with Vineland. Read that.

>> No.1823486

i hated that book

>> No.1823506

Try out Mother Night or God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. Both of the protagonists are minor characters in Slautterhaus 5.

>> No.1823510

Slapstick is probably Vonnegut's best novel. Definitely better than Slaughterhouse 5.

>> No.1823516

I hated this. It was fucking boring, and I'm not a fan of uneventful books. He just hops around time and shit. I didn't much care for it.

While I'm at it, I felt the same about Catch-22 until I got like halfway in. Really, I think this would have been a great book, had it been longer.

>> No.1823518
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I thought Galapagos was great.

>> No.1823701

Shit's so cash

I like it more than Breakfast of Champions, but the latter is funnier

>> No.1823738
File: 25 KB, 227x330, BagomboSnuffBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a good book.

>> No.1823745
File: 10 KB, 249x250, Jerry Springfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refusing to admit that Harrison Begeron is Vonnegut's magnum-opus

Stay criminally furious, tyros.

>> No.1823759

Slaughterhouse Five is amazing and Vonnegut's best, anyone who denies this is just an edgy hipster faggot.

>> No.1823777

I personally didn't like SH5. I like to be entertained by books, and the book left much to be desired. I can handle literary books if the subject matter interests me, but SH5 didn't do that for me. the constant time skipping, the seemingly random aliens, and the fact that I didn't like the main character did it in for me. I realize that the aliens' peaceful society was supposed to be a foil for the war, but it was just an anti-war statement, and it wasn't interesting. I was bored and was annoyed at the main character's wishy-washy-ness the whole time.

or maybe it's because I hated the teacher that I had while reading it. that's probably the most likely reason.

>> No.1823778

Got a mate who mostly reads stuff by his favourite authors. Lent him this and he fucking loves it. Slaughterhouse Five is excellent and his favourite authors include Douglas Adams and PKD so I'm not claiming to be a wizard nor nothing.

Definitely read Sirens Of Titan, OP (ignore the intentionally kitsch title). It looks so loose and unconnected, then BAM! Tight as arseholes.

>> No.1823785

OP here, I'm going to read Sirens of Titan and Cat's Craddle. I really liked Vonnegut's sense of humor, and look forward to reading more of it.