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File: 471 KB, 680x986, thisisme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18231518 No.18231518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write this scene in your best prose.

>> No.18231522

What a pointless and useless thread.

>> No.18231525

futa futa futa

>> No.18231535


>> No.18231543

So did they plunge it in the butt?

>> No.18231546

It's an assignment for my gender studies class. please you need to help

>> No.18231564

The stubble was hardly the first of the signs
But I’d been on the nofap and wanted to grind
‘Cause I’ve know for the bulk of the past twenty years
Just exactly how ev-er-y tranny appears:

They stand there all hulking with square giant shoulders
With legs so well-muscled they’d probably move boulders
And try to disguise with pathetic results
Their voices that actual women insult

I’ve never seen one that could pass for a gal
But I’ll fuck them as “Jody” as soon as as “Sal” –
Do they think that we can’t spot them from miles away
‘Cause I fuck them regardless: I’m really that gay!

>> No.18231571

I am so alpha I would tear apart any tranny's ass.

What is turning me on is the fact that I'm fucking a mentally unstable beta boy that looks like a hot girl.

I'm showing him his place in the food chain, the fact that he's nothing but a fuckin herbivore lying in a bed with the biggest apex predator out there.

We were both born the same gender, but only one of us is clearly a natural predator, and it is Me.

Eat my huge dick and spread your anus. Alpha is here. Get fucked, weeaboo!

>> No.18231572

> I’m really that gay!

It's not gay since you're attracted to the feminine aspects. A feminine penis is one that is small, smooth, flaccid and has a tender mouthfeel

>> No.18231588

A thread died for this shit

>> No.18231600

good, unironically

>> No.18231602
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Okay homo.

>> No.18231604

Fascists really are gay, they're more obsessed with trannies than actual leftists.

>> No.18231614

Thanks for telling us you're obsessed with fascists.

>> No.18231637

Ah because there is a "point" and a "use' to 4chan threads.

>> No.18231639
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kek way to give away your veiled beta faggotry

>> No.18231650


>> No.18231654
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>> No.18231655



>> No.18231667

So whats in her undies?

>> No.18231677

a blit

>> No.18231747

Absolutely repulsive. You belong in a fucking camp.

>> No.18231774

why cant this happen to me. Imagine you are hooking up with a cute girl (couldn't be me) and then you also have a hot dick to play with
not even my gay friends will fuck me

>> No.18231803
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thoroughly enjoyed anon, very nice

>> No.18231843
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There once was a tranny from Venues
And it turns out she had a penis
Yet I do lament; for he did consent
That is to say; her boyfriend is gay
And there both going to burn in hell

>> No.18231846

trans girls (that are under 25 and pass) are god's gift to the universe

>> No.18231888

I was finally going to do it. 14 shots of Jim Beam and I was finally drunk enough to lose my v-card to a tranny prostitute. "W-wait, before we go any further..." he said before disrobing. I didn't think it was possible for A-cup breasts to be mostly padded, but he took of his bra and proved me wrong. He smelled like raw asparagus, probably the result of his vegan diet, but the alcohol did its job and I was undeterred.

"W-well, this- this is me." I looked at him unsure of what I was supposed to say. $75 for 15 minutes and you really expect me to butter you up with compliments? Wanting to get on with things, I reassured him. "You're beautiful."

It was at this exact moment I realized there was no way I'd be able to maintain an erection and that I'd wasted $75, fuck my life.

>> No.18231892


>> No.18231976


>> No.18231981

>>18231888 check'd

>> No.18232157

fuck off natalie

>> No.18232170
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>> No.18232181

The man
He removed his clothes
The dick is out

>> No.18232196

good one

>> No.18232202


>> No.18232246

The two gay homosexuals retired to the bedchamber of their cozy San Francisco apartment.

The swarthy leather daddy disrobed and reclined on the bed in anticipation, his boner visible.

His ginger twink catamite, forever trapped in a loop of autogynephilic lust, reenacted the same twisted tranny roleplay as he had a thousand nights before.

And his daddy bear was more than willing to play along just so long as he got to furiously pound the twink's anus with his throbbing cock.

Which he did.

>> No.18232247

She ended the kiss abruptly. He looked at her, curious- but with a hint of worry. Before he could ask, she said to him "W-wait, before we go any further..."
Wordlessly, she took off her glasses, her shirt, her bra, then her bottoms. He waited with a sincere patience. When she had bared herself completely, she stood before him for a second. With a gleam in her vibrant blue eyes, she told him "W-well, this- this is me."
He remained laying there for a moment to think, not responding immediately. Finally, he replied "Ywn be a woman."

>> No.18232291


>> No.18232422
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>> No.18232449

Ayy yoo fidda fadda peep poop.
Gibbie that dique in the pinworm hole
thas it boyoh look ta that, hahaha pepepeee my peeeeeoeeeeepeeeee

>> No.18232564 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Before we go any further, this is me."

She began sliding off her cotton panties with a deliberate slowness, her eyes making contact with his each step of the way. With bated breath, he looked down. Time slowed as the lip of her virgin whites inched lower, first past her navel, then past the smoothly shaved pubis, until an almost imperceptible change in motion interrupted her graceful movement. Was that a trick of the light? Or did the waistband catch on something?

And then he saw it.

A thin sheen of perspiration formed on Bateman's face. He has seen plenty of other male members before in the gym's locker room. But this, this is something else entirely. "Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it." He gulped. "Oh my God, she even has a birthmark."

"Is something wrong Master Bateman? You're sweating..."

>> No.18232586
File: 14 KB, 225x400, 081215d6ec54646a6e44bba8cc37e3d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met her in the first semester. From the first moment I had liked her. She was nice, funny, sweet and smart. She was different from other girls (She was!), and so at first I had no idea what I should do about it. Yes, I liked her.
One night She came to my room on campus, We had agreed to work together on a project. I got up early to clean my room, it smelled like mess. Whoever says you can't smell mess, has no idea. The mess smells like pizza and dirty sneakers. I put everything in its place, washed my used clothes, cleaned the floor, changed sheets, and EVEN wiped my Internet history. Nothing illegal: video games, porn and 4chan. I was nervous and happy. When She arrived, We got down to work with the project. We also order pizza. At some point in the night We just relaxed, the project was almost done. We started talking and, between conversation and conversation, something happened. Suddenly I leaned closer, looked into her eyes and kissed her. I noticed that She got a little nervous, there was sadness in her eyes, but I didn't notice rejection the moment I kissed her. I caressed her and insisted with another kiss. This time She responded with passion. However, there was something that was bothering her. When things started to get spicier, and my pants were about to fly to the other side of the room, She asked me to stop. I watched her somewhat confused (but not less enthusiastic) taking off her clothes. Finally, with a hint of sadness in her voice, She said "This is me." Honestly, at this point I didn't know what to say, I felt moved as well as annoyed: why was She doing that? Or rather, why was She doing that to herself? I mean, I always knew, I knew She was different, I didn't care. So I told her bluntly, I told her She was beautiful, because yes, She was. In my eyes she was Venus, naked.

>> No.18232597
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added a sentence

"Before we go any further, this is me."

She began sliding off her cotton panties with a deliberate slowness, her eyes making contact with his each step of the way. With bated breath, he looked down. Time slowed as the lip of her virgin whites inched lower, first past her navel, then past the smoothly shaved pubis, until an almost imperceptible change in motion interrupted her graceful movement. Was that a trick of the light? Or did the waistband catch on something?

And then he saw it.

"I named her Bone. And the doctor told me the skin tone is something called pale nimbus." She looked at him nervously. His expression was inscrutable. "Well? What do you think?"

A thin sheen of perspiration formed on Bateman's face. He has seen plenty of other male members before in the gym's locker room. But this, this is something else entirely. "Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it." He gulped. "Oh my God, she even has a birthmark."

"Is something wrong Master Bateman? You're sweating..."

>> No.18232599


>> No.18232674

actually based

>> No.18232761

(You) for the effort

>> No.18232785

Anyone have the unedited Ben Garrison original?

>> No.18232788

>sees the tranny's dick
>my face flushes and then just as quickly drains of colour
>I look severely at the tranny
>"You've just pissed off Bruce fucking Banner, motherfucker"
>suddenly I start grimacing, the veins and tendons in my neck standing out like ropes
>my skin starts turning green and my body starts growing in size
>meanwhile the tranny is cowering in the corner with a look of disbelief and horror on his face
>I am now full-on HULK
>I proceed to grab the tranny by his legs and whip him around the apartment like I did to Loki in The Avengers Movie #1, smashing the furniture well past the descension of the tranny's ghost straight to hell
End scene.

>> No.18232791

When The Crying Game was released, the film’s distributor, Miramax, asked movie reviewers to keep Jaye Davidson’s gender a secret, and they did. And did. And did. The movie, which was made for less than $5 million, became the proverbial hot ticket, as well as the subject of a bizarre publicity melee in which journalists vied to see who could write the longest article without actually saying anything.

>> No.18232843

Go back to lurking on kiwifarms hontra

>> No.18232846

I have a similar sentiment but the way you talk about it reveals you as an overcompensating faggot who lacks any sense of power in daily life and posts about how alpha they are online to make up for it.

>> No.18232881

>You belong in a fucking camp.
No, a labor camp would be better. Don't put oil on the fire.

>> No.18232885

> and pass
How detached are you from reality, you incel homo?

>> No.18232914

He looked at it, not believing his own eyes.

"Haha. Were you expecting a penis?" The creature wearing his girlfriend's skin laughed nervously. "Too bad, I got the operation two weeks ago."

He stared into the chasm between the creature's legs and was reminded of that immortal line from Nietzshe: "if you gaze into the abyss too long, the abyss will gaze back." And here in his two thousand a week one bedroom New York apartment was the deepest abyss of them all. What kind of unholy creature have the surgeons created? Does man's desire to play God know no bounds? 'What would Jordan Peterson do?
he thought. He would probably tell him to wash its penis. But what happens when the penis is an inverted singularity on the manifolds of flesh?

The creature mouthed on but he did not listen. The preternatural sight of the gaping wound awoke something deep within him. Primeval dreams of chasing buffalo to their deaths on the plains of some ancient land. Of impaling vampires through the heart and burning witches at the stake. A thousand lives. A thousand screaming deaths. The Great Troon looming at the end of them all. In him flowed the blood of hunters, but even that proud and ancient lineage running in his veins could not help but chill at the sight of this alien monstrosity. It was not of this world.

He knew then in his guts then he had faced this foe before across countless eons and worlds not his own. But where? He blinked once, and the creature was gone.

In its place the thousand gnashing teeth of the Shai-Hulud stared back at him, the layers of dentata ceaselessly shifting and undulating across the inner folds of its flesh. A foul stench emanated from within. How many men has this beast lured into its bottomless depths with the promise of spice?

"AHHH GURNEY MAN! THE GREAT WORM IS UPON US. BRING ME THE SPEAR!". The voice was his, the words were not.

He blinked again and the worm was gone.

Now he was met with the gaping maw of a great sperm whale just breaching the ocean surface. Countless scars marred its rubbery hide. Sickly eyes encrusted with crabs and barnacles peered back at him. But this was no Dick.


The whale opened its mouth to swallow them whole.


And again the images shifted. Brief glimpses from behind the mask of a medieval plague doctor. He was trying to treat the festering, maggot infested wound at the base of a small boy's thigh. The rotting miasma of death pervaded the air. Suddenly, the boy grabbed his arm. "Doctor, do you want to feel my wet hole?"


The wound began to move on its own, mirroring the movement of the boy's lips in some macabre pantomime. "I am become Death," the wound spurted, "Destroyer of Worlds."
He tore off the plague mask and threw it at the boy. But the boy was no more.

>> No.18232923

This time he was standing before the gates of Mordor, treating with the Mouth of Sauron. Slobber coated the lower half of its face. Deep fissures ran through its lips, or what remained of it. And he saw that the surrounding skin was mottled with disease.

"Your girlfriend bids thee welcome."


"Come now, don't be shy. They say I'm a great kisser."

The Mouth moved in on him then and he did the only thing he could. He unsheathed Andúril from his hips and slit his own throat.

Screaming in agony, he awoke to find himself lying in a garden of ethereal beauty. A great tree stood at the center, a lone apple hanging off a low branch. A serpent slithered up to him. "Go on. Eat it. Haven't you ever wondered what it tassssted like? It has a great...mouthhhhhfeeeel".

"No..NO STAY AWAY." He put his fingers together at right angles to form a makeshift cross. He spat at the serpent. "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU."

"Sssssilly boy," the serpent hissed. "Your Chrisssst cannot help you here. You should wake up. WAKE UP! ANON WAAKE UUP!"

He jolted awake. "W-where am I?" He looked at it, not believing his own eyes.'

"You were screaming in your sleep, shouting at random people. Been reading too much lately?"

"I-I guess? W-what happened?"

"You don't remember? You stayed up all night last night eating me out. I was so happy. I thought you would find me...you know...disgusting. And then you fell asleep afterwards."

He wanted to puke.

"Oh and the insurance didn't cover the surgery so it was $5000 out of pocket. But I'm sure you'll figure something out. You always do."

>> No.18232966

Twas bryllyg, and ye slythy toves
Did gyre and gymble in ye wabe:
All mimsy were ye borogoves;
And ye mome raths outgrabe.

>> No.18233028

Hahaha benis :DDDD

>> No.18233036
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>> No.18233154

Can you rewrite it except with a feminine penis instead of an axewound?

>> No.18233623

Straight men will never be gay lmao

>> No.18233645

left is obviously a man lol. No trans person has ever passed lol

>> No.18233696

The cracks where already showing by the time ‘she’ started to get undressed. When they had come in to the house the mother looked had looked nervous and surprised. She had said ‘he will do’ to nobody in particular. Stranger, she let her ‘daughter’ disappear into the upstairs bedroom with a strange male without raising an eyebrow.

Looking closer the pieces started coming together. Feminine beauty is an art and it’s masters employed a natural feminine appeal. A grace that accentuated their natural body shape mixed with a honed artistically skill of applying product and fashion to cover up flaws and emphasize strengths.

‘She’ hadn’t an ounce a feminine grade. Her gait was clumsy and awkward. Her clothes were the sort of thing that were overtly feminine but not something any young woman would wear. A females clothes frame the female body and accentuate curves, breasts, hips. Colors are chosen carefully to reflect complexion eyes and hair. In this case it became apparent from the very foundation something was very wrong. Female clothes on a male form do not work. Fabric stretched and bulged where it was meant to drape and curve. Fabric draped where it was supposed to be full.

‘Her’ confidence was non-existent. ‘W-well This is me’

Yes, it was. A sad site. A scrawny male body with a poor attempt at a woman’s hair style. No fabric masking it at this point. The ruse was over. He’d been so stupid. The only move now was to get out and to do it without creating an unhealthy psychological attachment in an already psychologically compromised mind.

‘You’re Beautiful’

He started dressing and moved towards the door