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18230471 No.18230471 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get over commands like "turn the other cheek" and "love thy enemy"? There is no way Christianity couldve survived with that kind of mentality.

Are there books or passages that were slowly taken out of the Bible over the years to make it more submissive?

>> No.18230490

Anon, you can love your enemy and turn the other cheek. But you can also defend yourself, Jesus chased the merchants from the temple of God with a whip

>> No.18230505
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Sounds like you are taking things from an insipid basic pre established thesis and applying it to a vague abstaction and are getting annoyed that they dont match up one to one.
>turn the other cheek
isnt even a commandment, it was a point of wisdom in a specific context you can learn from.

Thats like taking "So above as bellow" and getting annoyed the earth isnt made up of air, but earth. Taking a sentiment and being myopic about it, but not so myopic that you then reduce things to philosophical expressions that make their own kind of perspectual sense. or
>History repeats itself
and going
>Durrr, Rome didnt have ak47's so thats fucking fake.
You are talking about the letter of a law rather than its spirit and how that spirit has been interpreted and changed in context.

>> No.18230539

The reason it works is because you have churchgoing slaves and the masters who tell them to be submissive.

>> No.18230546
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You don't. It's a slave religion.

>> No.18230549

By reading exegetical texts so you can understand how these things have been interpreted holistically.

>> No.18230551

Average Nietzsche appreciator

>> No.18230571
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Fair enough

>> No.18230577
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>Converting people by the sword is self defense.

>> No.18230597

These suppose to prove something besides people fall for current memes? I mean, I could probably just as easily find someone waving a flag for neitzche or odin doing the same thing. Its just that christianity is more manstream and thus the overlap is bigger.

>> No.18230606

It shows that even Christians know that being gay is based

>> No.18230618
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>> No.18230638

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a]39But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.40And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.41If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

43 You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

I think the text is pretty explicit. OP is just looking for an excuse to be yet another tit-for-tat spiritless mook upon the world. Try to make things better, not just the same.

>> No.18230647

>pagans never did anything bad
Literal retards.

>> No.18230656

Where does it say that?

>> No.18230660

>source: wikipedia

>> No.18230667

Where is it incorrect though?

>> No.18230676

Go to a Catholic Church and talk to a trained priest. The Bible is a deeply esoteric text you won’t understand on your own. Tradition is as necessary as holy scripture is.

>> No.18230678

>There is no way Christianity couldve survived with that kind of mentality.
And yet here we are

>> No.18230686

I never said that, I simply said you can defend yourself.

>> No.18230699

>There is no way Christianity couldve survived with that kind of mentality.
Ever heard the joke about the convert jew? The gist of it is this: he goes to Rome to see whether Catholicism is the true religion or not. When he sees the kind of corruption that runs wild there, he realizes there’s no way Catholicism is not the true religion because nothing like that would survive for thousands of years without divine intervention. Some other guy might phrase it better.

>> No.18230702

imagine having this saved on your pc

>> No.18230705

Christianity dying in the west, being overtaken by wokeism and islam, and thriving in Africa. Well done.

>> No.18230708

Lol maybe it's because I grew up with the brocountry of protestant church but it simply isn't the place to have actual discussion about interpreting the bible in any meaningful way. I'd rather watch Jordon Petersons meandering rambles about it. At least he is trying to pick up Joseph Campbell's torch.

>> No.18230712

Christianity dying in the west and becoming the dominant religion in China

>> No.18230714

Christianity might be losing numbers in places where heresy (pr*testantism) runs wild (America). That’s it.

>> No.18230718

I agree with these anons. I mean, Jesus was anything but submissive (in a weak sense, not in the holy sense). He roamed around calling Pharisees snakes and vipers, whipping merchants out of the temple, etc. At one point Jesus himself is slapped and he doesn't simply "turn the other cheek" but verbally presses back, saying "did I say something wrong? If not, why did you strike me?" So either Jesus is a hypocrite, or your interpretation is wrong.

Centuries of exegesis and moral theology make it clear that violence is allowed in certain situations in a way that is consistent with the Christian moral framework. Your questions remind me of people who want to stretch "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" into Jesus advocating abolishing criminal justice.

>> No.18230719

In Europe it's steadily being replaced by wokeism and islam. Apart from some places in eastern Europe, but orthodoxy is half paganism anyway.

>> No.18230728

Oops meant >>18230549
not this faggot >>18230539

>> No.18230735

Well, I didn’t tell you to go to a Protestant church. Peterson in no way compares to someone who devotes his life to Christ.
You wanted to know how can you understand these passages, and I told you how. There’s not much you can do other than that. You can guesstimate here and there but that won’t give you the answers you’re looking for.

Boomer atheism already peaked in Western Europe and right wing politics is making a comeback alongside zoomers going back to church.

>> No.18230736

Christianity is growing massively in South East Asia. China itself is predicted to eventually become the most Christian country

>> No.18230744

Christianity has lasted two thousand years and will remain until Christ returns

>> No.18230749

>Boomer atheism already peaked in Western Europe and right wing politics is making a comeback alongside zoomers going back to church.
Most right wing politics in Europe is either zionist or nationalist, not christian (except the former I guess). Less zoomers are going back to church than are converting to islam.
China =/= SE Asia.
>China itself is predicted to eventually become the most Christian country
Based on what?

>> No.18230758

How much longer are you planning on waiting? Art this pace by the time he gets back only blacks and asians will be left still worshipping him.

>> No.18230763


>> No.18230766

>Most right wing politics in Europe is either zionist or nationalist
Le Pen in France, Vox in Spain, etc etc prove you wrong.
>Less zoomers are going back to church than are converting to islam.
This is a flat out lie.

>> No.18230774

Jesus says that you will know the end is near when the fig tree comes to life again. I personally take this to mean the end is near. I dont think history will last another two thousand years.
But, it's of no conequence anyway. It will take as long as it needs to take and I can wait til then

>> No.18230775

>Jesus was anything but submissive (in a weak sense, not in the holy sense)
LMAO. Christians are completely retarded.

>> No.18230782

I mean, is he wrong? he was pretty assertive in his actions.

>> No.18230789

>Berkeley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs
>Written in 2017
This is more wishful thinking than anything anon, sorry to tell you
>Le Pen in France, Vox in Spain, etc etc prove you wrong.
Those aren't christian movements though, like I said they're either zionist or nationalist. Sure, there's christians among them, but it's not based on christianity.
>This is a flat out lie.
Nope, sorry. At least in western Europe. Don't get me wrong, I dislike islam even more than christianity, but it's reality.

>> No.18230792

People have been saying this for 2000 years though. Why would now be any different?

>> No.18230795

Anon, we can do this all day. The rise of Christianity in China is a well documented event.

>> No.18230798

Because the fig tree has come back to life

>> No.18230803

Oh no are you one of those christian zionists? Lmao

>> No.18230820

I'm not a zionist

>> No.18230823

>Those aren't christian movements
They are inherently Catholic and so are their ideas
>At least in western Europe.
Mass refugee migration doesn’t translate into mass conversions but the complete opposite

>> No.18230826

Then what are you referring to?

>> No.18230832

>"turn the other cheek" and "love thy enemy"?
do you really not understand these
or do you larp about striking down "them" whoever you consider "them" to be

>> No.18230839

>They are inherently Catholic and so are their ideas
No, sorry. I know it sounds good in your head but go talk to the average FN or Vox supporter and they will be atheist nationalists.
>Mass refugee migration doesn’t translate into mass conversions but the complete opposite
Those refugees are taking European girls who then convert to islam. Plus sad white zoomers who want to be part of the culturally dominant movement. The only reason why there's more people converting to islam is because there's hardly any people returning to christianity. Sorry to burst your burger bubble.

>> No.18230862

Can you source the claim for european converts to islam?

>> No.18230867

You’re writing some sort of deluded fan fiction at this point.
>yeah no the CATHOLIC NATIONALIST political party has a few atheist in them that’s why it’s not Catholic
>no no these Muslims are fucking girls into conversion
>it’s not like there’s about to be a fucking military uprising in France because people are sick and tired of Islam
kek whatever anon

>> No.18230868

I live in a big western European city and work in education. I just report what I'm seeing happening among young people.

>> No.18230876

My father works at Nintendo isn’t an argument

>> No.18230880

Yeah, you don't have much of an argument if that's your entire source. Sorry, anon.

>> No.18230881

>yeah no the CATHOLIC NATIONALIST political party has a few atheist in them that’s why it’s not Catholic
If most of the supporters aren't catholic that doesn't say much now does it?
>no no these Muslims are fucking girls into conversion
Yes? It's literally what's happening. I don't like it either.
>it’s not like there’s about to be a fucking military uprising in France because people are sick and tired of Islam
I never said there wasn't, but if you think that has anything to do with christianity you're deluded. Sure, a part of it, but for most French people it's patriottism and cultural heritage, not faith.

>> No.18230882
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Jesus willingly suffers excruciating death to conquer sin, yet you think he's weak because he's not like your syphilitic "ubermensch" idol kek

>> No.18230888

Do you want pozzed census figures? Go look them up yourself.
Don't believe me then. I suggest you burgers come and visit and see for yourself.

>> No.18230903

Anon, I was hoping for an actual source for your statement. Saying, "dude, trust me" as your entire source is eye rolling.

I can make a similar baseless claim too, most Europeans are being converted to Buddhism due to big dicked Asians. I work in the Fourth Reich's KGB department. Trust me.

>> No.18230922

Ressentiment has won. The meek (ie defective) have inherited the world and rule it under a totalitarian regime wearing the mask of human rights and equality.

>> No.18230926

I won’t even quote that shit to tell you you’re wrong. You did it yourself on that last part, you absolute retard.

>> No.18230936

What source did you expect me to give? Like I said, all census figures are tampered with. You can't trust governments here.
Your baseless claim is ridiculous though, in western Europe (France, Germany, UK etc) more than 1/3 of children in primary schools are now of non-European descent, the overwhelming majority being muslims. Most working and middle class white guys are limp wristed faggots, only the upper class is still relatively okay but they're the minority. Lower and middle class culture is being sandnegrified very quickly.
I teach kids ages 12-16. I see what happens. Don't believe me? Fine. I have no intention to lie though, I'm a European guy myself. Believing it's not as bad as it is won't do us any good. But keep dreaming.

>> No.18230949

No, you missed the point, faggot. Most people outraged over church burnings and whatnot aren't christians, they're nationalists and patriots. Even though they're not christians, it's part of their cultural heritage. Do you see the difference? I'm not a christian, but I don't want to see cathedrals burned by muslim scum either.

>> No.18230963

Once again, it was eye rolling seeing your claim that Europeans were being converted en mass to the other side (while supplying no evidence). And to be completely honest what you're describing is a new demographic wave heading into the country, which was the other anons point that any statistic is going to be skewered due to all the young muslims heading into your country. On part due to your retarded government.

>> No.18230972

>Religion should be about hating other people! Jesus was a sexist!

>> No.18230984

No, those are not mutually exclusive. In the age groups I told you about, about half of the "relationships" of white European girls are with muslims (and sometimes blacks). Do you think that will suddenly stop? No, more and more of those girls are converting. White guys are also converting but to a far lesser extent.
>Europeans were being converted en mass to the other side
I already said that no, it's not en masse (yet) but there's more people converting to islam than returning to christianity in the big cities. That's because there's not many people returning to christianity.
Again, I can't provide you the sources you ask for since they're deliberately misleading even if they exist.

>> No.18230992

Alright, I'd be willing to bet this is primarily for France/Germany/Nordcuck countries though. Since they have all the free benefits and are the most atheistic out of all the European countries.

>> No.18231005

Yes it's most obvious in the (former) protestant countries but it's basically happening everywhere except for eastern Europe.

>> No.18231007

Do you think it'll ever end? I'm hearing that its getting pretty bad over there.

>> No.18231010

>How do I get over commands like "turn the other cheek" and "love thy enemy"?
Stop taking them out of context and only viewing them as the three words.

>> No.18231027

Realistically? Slim chance. If nothing major happens within 2 decades, it's as good as over. But the media is in ((enemy)) hands and the government does the bidding of the corrupt EU.
Like I said the most worrying thing is what's happening among young kids and teenagers, mainstream muslim culture is now starting to be seen as cool and something to be emulated. Muslim boys are currently top of the food chain, white boys are mostly whiny attic creatures. It's not as bad yet in the rural areas but it won't stay that way for long.
I'll keep fighting though.

>> No.18231040

God speed, Anon

>> No.18231070

This isn't necessary, just get an ESV Study Bible and read the notations and articles without being lusted after by homo priests of Satan.

>> No.18231072

Christianity just isn't the full scope
You can't apply Jesus mentality to everything. If I find myself in war, I become war.

There is more to this comment about love thy enemy than people realize imo.
To love is to understand, absent of self. In cognizance, you understand why they are here to do what they are here to do.
You are here to do what you are here to do.
It could be that our enemies are really a test to learn from.

Also, the energy you give others is what will enter them. So if you throw hate at them, maybe they thrive on it. Either way, hate will enter them.

You still exist, it's important to remember that. You need to defend yourself from being attacked.
The idea is that helping others is more forward than yourself.

>> No.18231323

>How do I get over commands like "turn the other cheek" and "love thy enemy"? There is no way Christianity couldve survived with that kind of mentality.
Isn't the answer obvious? Christianity is not teaching that. You DO NOT read Bible verses in isolation and try to interpret them, the Church does that for you, they have all the traditional teachings from even before the Bible was compiled (oral teachings of Jesus etc.)