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18229830 No.18229830 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some right-wing history books, or history books that are not explicitly political but contains information a right-wing person would find useful or enlightening.

>> No.18229847

my diary desu

>> No.18229859

Why would you want an outright biased history book? For answer, Gelzer's Caesar: Politician and Statesman is good.

>> No.18229874
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>> No.18229880

Lmao just read non biased history books. Opensyllabus.org

>> No.18229945

right-wing can't culture, nor write; give up larping and grow up, retard.

>> No.18229957

>unbiased history
no such thing

>> No.18229959

yo mama

>> No.18229976

Peter Kemp's trilogy from Mystery Grove. Frames the Spanish Civil War and WW2 through the lens of an anti-communist traditionalist, while being an extremely engaging read in the vein of Storm of Steel in of itself.

>> No.18229977
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Ignore these fags here's an actual answer

>> No.18229995

this is ironically something a /pol/tard would write about the left so it doesn't seem like all that culture helped your verbal and thinking skills at all

>> No.18230030

Try some Jewish history book, I don’t what to recommend, but some of it is explicitly right wing

>> No.18230043

Reflections of a Russian Statesman.

>> No.18230621


>> No.18230642
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>> No.18230649

>give me books i won't read to reaffirm my ideological beliefs

>> No.18230691

uneducated child

>> No.18230722

It's just a fact and it's obvious to anyone who isn't retarded.

>> No.18230726

Give me an example of an unbiased history book.

>> No.18230745

Read ancient history like everyone else. Start with Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophon.

>> No.18232055

even the post-revisionist historians are biased to some extent

>> No.18232116
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stop making threads asking for book recs when you have no intention of reading

>> No.18232532

>absolutely nothing to say
>still feels the necessity to post so he can tell himself he had the last word
So sad.

>> No.18233035

Just give me an example of an unbiased book? I promise I'll read it to verify your claims.

>> No.18233125
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In a slightly related note, are there any other books like the Ancient City? History books that are not full of grand events but describe the customs, social structure, and slow changes to a country? Something from the Middle Ages perhaps.

>> No.18233186

Sounds interesting.
Fuck that Commie bastard Hemingway for poisoning the perception of the Spanish Civil War forever. Communists are scum

>> No.18233358

>History books that are not full of grand events but describe the customs, social structure, and slow changes to a country?
Look at the university academic presses, and you'll find tons.
A very large number of the people writing those books do not believe in objectivity.
See Peter Novick's That Noble Dream: The "Objectivity Question" and the American Historical Profession. The four-part structure of the book should give you a clue:
I. Objectivity Enthroned
II. Objectivity Besieged
III. Objectivity Reconstructed
IV. Objectivity in Crisis
Most of the people I've met who speak of objectivity do so opportunistically. You should still read their work, but understand that it is written increasingly consciously from a specific set of perspectives.