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/lit/ - Literature

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1822687 No.1822687 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else think this is the second most monolithic pile of corporate propaganda ever created? (behind the federalist papers that is)

>> No.1822688

saged and reported. Anon will constitute the bulk of non-saged and reported responses.

>> No.1822689



>> No.1822691


this could be a great thread for the next counter-sage incident

>> No.1822692

Seriously guys, has /lit/ got a Rand fetish or something?

>> No.1822693

It's a poweful and underappreciated work, definately deserves more respect, the only propaganda involved it leftist bashing and all of it can be seen as the uneducated twaddle that it is by just reading the book.

>> No.1822698

We're supposedly not allowed to post about her and that just makes it all the more enticing...

>> No.1822702

she's not a philosopher. philosophers don't talk about things as if they were truth.

>> No.1822707

>We're supposedly not allowed to post about her
says who?

>and that just makes it all the more enticing...
you kinky son of a gun...

>> No.1822717


lulz, But really, don't judge Rand off of this book alone, read "Altruism as Appeasement" or some other interesting essays by her from "Voice of Reason."

She authored some reallllyyyy thought-provoking material, condemning both conservatives and liberals.

“My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.” —Ayn Rand

>> No.1822718

teh forbidden fruit that is Rand..,mmm

>> No.1822724

>“My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.” —Ayn Rand

Because that isn't just a really poor phrazing of Nietzsche's philosophy.

>> No.1822725

>says who?

The Rules

>> No.1822726


As if Neitzche wasn't just more modern phrasing of Aristotle anyway...

>> No.1822728

looks like ive done it again muahahahah

>> No.1822734

im a /lit/ janitor ask me anything

>> No.1822736

Why aren't you right now deleting every thread on page 0?

>> No.1822746


/lit/ has the lowest ctr to j-list of any board so the general idea is let the board self-destruct, give it 6mos

>> No.1822755

You fucking suck at Nietzsche if you think this.

>> No.1822776

>productive achievement

this is pretty enormous modification of hedonism

>> No.1823024

>anyone else think this is the second most monolithic pile of corporate propaganda ever created?

I have no idea why colleges still have students read this tosh

>> No.1823028

