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/lit/ - Literature

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1822620 No.1822620 [Reply] [Original]


Anyone feeling generous? I know the guy who's trying to get it published, he's a pretty decent sort. This book might not be fantastic but I think he has potential, and it would be great for him if he could get this published. It's been his dream for years to get something out.
If any of you are feeling nice today, any amount would be greatly appreciated. If you're broke or don't feel like giving money to strangers, at least please pass the message on.
Thanks, guys. Much obliged. (pic unrelated)

>> No.1822622

no shut up

>> No.1822626

This is the fucking 8th time you made this thread

>> No.1822634

a burning meowth

>> No.1822651

If the book is too poor in quality to be accepted by a regular literary agent or publisher, then I would rather not put money towards it. If, however, it's good enough for a literary agent or publisher, then he should go through those channels.

Do you follow?

>> No.1823093

Look here, you have spammed us nonstop and we have no more money for tards. Please, leave this board alone.

If you want to be taken more seriously, you need to impress people with your writing- not your melodramatic "I'm an artist" pose. Go to any site, post the novel excerpt you have available directly on the site rather than giving a shitty out-of-the-way hyperlink, and if it's good you'll get an audience who cares.

Now fuck off