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18226079 No.18226079 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think 4chan and shitposter culture generally is a culturally significant event that will have far reaching effects as a result of the generation of young men it influence? Or is this just some random flash in the pan we’ll forget a decade from now if they shut it down?

>> No.18226090

I dont think its a question up for debate. It obviously is. from both popular terminology as well as down stream influence in cultural trends and shit.

>> No.18226104

4chan is downstream from twitter and deviantart for the most part

>> No.18226204

What's downstream from 4chan?

>> No.18226237

well, at some level of course, its all interconnected, but I have to disagree in terms of precedence. the manor of speach and format seems to me to be a development of 4chan and similar image board "culture" that than developed or was subsubed into a larger fishtank of twitter and the like.

As far as we are talking about classically 4chan derived conventions.

>> No.18226241

wow, Vaush really went down hill since then, damn.

>> No.18226244

i only know filthyfrank who are the other guys?
and 4chan is totally irrelevant now. has been irrelevant since moot left. it's basically 9gag now.

>> No.18226252

literally one twitter community is responsible for all of 4chan culture

>> No.18226257

twitter is far far far more culturally significant.

>> No.18226264

which one?

>> No.18226266

Agreed, 4chan is just feeding off Twitter scraps now. This is increasingly irrelevant platform now that Twitter meme accounts create all the hot content and 4chan just adopts and distorts - anonymously of course.

>> No.18226269

4chan is downstream from *reddit* even.

>> No.18226271

Really? i cant speak to that Since I have never used twitter. Though I would assume that the format and mores would be somewhat different. Also, pretty sure 4chan predates Twitter as a popular service, so if anything, I would assume its at most coevolution.

>> No.18226273

which is wild because so few use it

>> No.18226274

can’t say I was only in it for a day, and didn’t speak once. it’s fascinating though, you just have to dig. whole thing is an application of the landian ‘runaway’ culture shit

>> No.18226282

that's wrong

>> No.18226287

Can someone dig up the passages from Ender's Game where some anonymous kid engaging in political debates in online forums manages to become the most important public intellectual/pundit? I don't remember the specifics

>> No.18226301

this is only the case in the last 3-4 yrs and a lot of stuff that's old news here takes a while to get popular elsewhere. it used to be case that things were very obviously from 4chan, now it's not really from anywhere. also, i feel there's still a unique style to 4chan, you definitely notice a difference, but the content is ofc much the same these days. i think the difference is in censorship and purpose. the purpose of it elsewhere is in virtual points and persistent identity (e.g. upvotes and followers). it's a bit more unhinged and autistic here. with no clear purpose aside from abusing the imageboard format and shitposting.

>> No.18226305

ITT: people overestimating twitter's influence because they're all twitterfags themselves.

Outside your bubble nobody gives a fuck about twitter

>> No.18226312

Eh, I’ve been using Twitter for 8 months now and there’s still a lot originating here and traveling there. 4chan is no longer the sole meme generator for the internet but it still makes up a sizable slice of the pie.

>> No.18226317

It's already the most influential communication platform in western world and growing rapidly. Even now you're already socially irrelevant without strong Twitter presence. Get clout or stay incel.

>> No.18226320

You don't wanna know.

>> No.18226330

>you're already socially irrelevant without strong Twitter presence.
Thank God, God willing it shall stay that way

That being said, after Trump's rise and fall, Twitter's importance in societal discourse and politics cannot be emphasized enough.

>> No.18226332

Imagine plugging yourself straight into a propaganda machine because you believe it makes you "socially relevant".
You've been spooked mate

>> No.18226333

It has to be said the quality of posts on this site overall has degraded so heavily since the 2016 election it isn't funny. /Pol/ really spacked up this site, and I say that as someone "conservative" or "right" or whatever the fuck that means now, I couldn't put a name on it thankfully. There's dumb wignats who shit up threads with questionable infographs, just the other side of the tranny coin where the countdown is on until "have sex incel" is posted. It's every fucking board, this one is better than most for actual discussion but not exempt.

>> No.18226336

That's true only for women, since they banned trump twitter lost its relevance. Most of twitter users a tumblerinas who like to declare their pronouns and stand with BLM, and all the intersting users get banned

>> No.18226338

racist pepe/animepedo discord groups

>> No.18226342

Yea, I find 4chan posting to be much more comfy. No adds, no profiles, no likes, just text and sometimes images. It feels distant from the rest of the internet’s noise. On Twitter you can fall down a chain of hyperlinks to all these different profiles and get barraded by shit like tik toks and otherwise normie content.

>> No.18226343

How do i find the good disscord groups? I how no idea how to use that site

>> No.18226346

>Even now you're already socially irrelevant without strong Twitter presence
I've never once had a conversation in person that involved the number of someones twitter followers. Then again I'm not a 16 year old girl.

>> No.18226350

>, after Trump's rise and fall, Twitter's importance in societal discourse and politics cannot be emphasized enough.

I get your point but I'm not sure I fully agree. I think Trump's twitter was highly influential not because of Twitter but because the media immediately jumped on anything he tweeted and made news out of it. Trump was in the news 24/7 because the media got attention out of it and he said outrageous things at times. It wasn't because he used Twitter per se.
I think he could have used any other platform and it would have a similar effect. It was more about the media dynamic.

>> No.18226351
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>> No.18226374

Board quality only decays from what I’ve observed. As time passes more and more normies discover the site and shit it up. Which is fine, quality discussion can still be had if you look. I find /lit/ a, for the most part, decent place.

>> No.18226378

nah that's just people shilling. twitter doesn't influence anything except the occasional normie, and only tourists respond to twitter threads
i don't know how you could draw that conclusion. deviantart is like some kid at school you keep around to make fun of.

that said, 4chan is no longer upstream of anything. our relevance as content creators is basically over.

>> No.18226379

Sounds like you're full of shit

>> No.18226394

twitter wasn't really discussed on 4chan until 2014ish when it became such a huge platform for political bullshit that culture war fanatics couldn't help themselves.

>> No.18226401

I personally love talking to interesting weirdos from across the world. It exposes me to tons of shit and points of view I wouldn’t otherwise have access to. It has been very instructive in broadening my worldview and for that reason I intend to be a lifetime shitposter.

>> No.18226410

2014 is like a different era in internet years, 90% of current 4chan users arrived later than that. Twitter is the dominant online trendsetter, vast majority of the new content that appears here originates from there.

>> No.18226418

> Twitter is the dominant online trendsetter, vast majority of the new content that appears here originates from there.
Name one such trend? Only thing I can think of is spottemgottem posting but that's not even online trend but a 4chan thing.

>> No.18226419

[citation needed]
Lot of simps for bluechecks ITT, at best.

>> No.18226431

believe what you want

>> No.18226432

give some examples then. aside from people shilling controversial tweets to election tourists i can't think of any content that originated from twitter. besides, the original post said "all of 4chan culture". chargin' mah lazer, habbo hotel, board-tans, ISHYGDDT, lolcats, wojaks, pepe, anime references etc did not come from twitter.

>> No.18226441

>ITT: retards who think that twitter has any relevance
Barely anyone uses Twitter in comparison to Instagram, which is by far the most important social media site for normies. Twitter isn't even in the same league

>> No.18226451
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You know what it was before Twitter?

It was Tumblr.

Before that, it was Reddit.

Before that, it was Gaia.

Before that, it was SomethingAwful.

Over and over and over, challengers to 4chan rise, and fall. They arise, and they shit up 4chan, and then they are broken, and are destroyed, and then they go away. And 4chan remains.

This site is a survivor. Twitter is next on the chopping block, it's going to be nuked into irrelevance the same way Tumblr, Reddit, and Gaia were.

>> No.18226453

The spotemgottem pooh shiesty video comments is all 4chan.

>> No.18226485

I want the twitter trannies who come to /lit/ for a “personality” to leave again.

No one gives a shit about your twitter meme bubble except yourself.

>> No.18226493

It was a failing website, which is why Jack Dorsey got his foot halfway out the door with squarepay, until Donald Trump singlehandedly revived it. Not sure how it's doing now but I'd be willing to bet in a couple years it'll start fading into irrelevance. If it doesn't it will only stay relevant because instagram became horrendous and all other competitors were forced out of business

>> No.18226501

Discord is fed-central

>> No.18226527

>manor of speach
jesus fucking christ

>> No.18226532

user base doesnt equal influence you fucking retard. 4chan has a much larger influence on memes than it's user base would suggest

>> No.18226552

Don't forget Ebaums.

>> No.18226553

That's like a solid 16th of the book anon, you'd have to ctrl c v an entire chapter.

>> No.18226578

Fucking t*itter narcissistic subhumans are chimping out here in full force.
Go back to your shitehole if you faggots think that it's "so culturally relevant".

>> No.18226590

>there are people that actually believe this

>> No.18226689
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>Even now you're already socially irrelevant without strong Twitter presence
yikes. The youths have been using Instagram and TikTok more than anything for a few years now. Twitter being the dominant platform is almost as outdated as Facebook

>> No.18226823

God i hope so. I've been a lurker for years and the quality is going drastically worse.

>> No.18226836

Maxmoefoe, idubbz and anythingforveiws.

>> No.18226840
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Lets all laugh at this stupid fucking faggot

>> No.18226890

>shitposter culture
It's a scourge even here. It's impossible to have a thread anymore without some retard trying to insert his politics into it. A one line shitpost can derail an entire thread as lurkers normally unable to contribute a single coherent thought to any thread see their opportunity to reinforce their sense of ingroup solidarity with a deluge of image macros and replies of BASED, KEK, and CRINGE. It's just an unenjoyable dynamic. When you try to confront them on their shitposting they try to turn it into some ingroup/outgroup dick waving contest as if you're attacking the specifics of their beliefs. Like nigger, I really couldn't give less of a shit what you believe politically. You are not that important. I don't want to see the seven-millionth thread on why tranny man or judeboy is very bad BECAUSE I don't give a shit about your politics. Go post on /pol/.

>> No.18226894

boomer moment

>> No.18226895

Pedos out

Reddit is a much larger website with a much stronger community than 4chan.

>> No.18226896

It isn't about websites anymore, but co-ordinated effort by groups to generate and push content on those platforms. If you are thinking in terms of "the cool funny website vs the gay lame website" you have a seriously outdated model that doesn't match reality.
What matters is private groups, small collectives working together. This doesn't have to be a super secret service, it can be on twitter, discord, reddit, FB chat. Basically any service that allows for private group chats so that an esoteric core can form to then push content on the exoteric parts of the web.
You can try this out for yourself, assuming you have 4 or 5 friends. Come up with some dumb idea and then orchestrate its introduction into the wider digital ecosystem. Chances it will not be very good, but there are people who are highly skilled at this, and it is a skillset being increasingly sort after by government and the private sector.

I would add that 4Chan is incredibly susceptible to these kinds of manipulations because of its pseudo-anonymity. On twitter if 20 accounts made 3 months ago, and mostly inactive up until the present, all started posting the same thing in reply to people, or dogpiling on one account with identical criticism, you can draw the conclusion fairly quickly as to what is happening. Although this is an example of people executing an operation crudely.
On 4chan you mostly have to rely on a sense of intuition honed from personal experience, and this makes it harder to articulate a case as convincing as you could on other websites. This also means it is easier to pass of an operation as organic. Paranoia is the flipside as people with the knowledge that operations like this happen, but lacking the information or experience to accurately identify them, start seeing it everywhere.

If anything this strange mixture of gullibility and hyper-vigilant paranoia is increasingly one of the defining traits of 4chan.

>> No.18226913

>literally one twitter community is responsible for all of 4chan culture
I've been here since 2005. Twitter wasn't even a known thing among tech plate until later 2009

>> No.18226961

You type like a fucking redditor

>> No.18226975

Facebook tier response.

>> No.18227001

Nigga what are you smoking. Reddit is terrible but it's objectively much more popular than 4chan, it gets millions of users every day. Unless you're talking about cultural relevance I guess, but the GME stuff is a recent example I can think of Reddit having an impact on the larger world

>> No.18227012

hello newfag, my new fren...
spouting bullshit here again...

>> No.18227016

There is one big difference between 4chan and all other site: Relative freedom of speech. This is the biggest advantage and disadvantage of this website. No other forum of this size allows you to freely say "Nigger"

>> No.18227023

Redditor spot'd and got'd.

>> No.18227033


>> No.18227054

True words. Although not every board is like that. /g/ for example is the same as it was 10 years ago. But now with newer technology.
Even /lit/ has more shitposting than it had, but still good discussion is present in the board.

>> No.18227055
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Ive been on 4chan since 2005 or 6 and on a certain germ imageboard since 2011 and started seeing memes leak out into the real world.

>> No.18227064

they leaked out since 2012

>> No.18227085


>> No.18227086
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I miss Papa Franku and Idubbbz

>> No.18227092


These two responses exemplify the outdated model based on juxtaposing website identities >>18226896 writes about

>> No.18227103

If we take your ideas to their logical conclusion we end up normalizing r*ddit and tw*tter screencap threads. By this alone every assertion you've made and ever will make is not just incorrect but acting directly and intentionally against the betterment of humanity.

>> No.18227112

The entire internet is downstream from here.

>> No.18227122


>> No.18227132

>some random flash in the pan
It's just a grooming site for Petersonesque gay men to find malleable youths to turn into girls

>> No.18227135

Max and views still do some dumb shit so thats all fine, Franku managed to sell out and make music that he wanted too years and years ago before 4chan forced him into doin wacky wahoo pinksuit man and idubbz became a cuck

>> No.18227141

This. 4chan was king 10 years ago, now it is a stale aquarium
Twitter is a toxic circlejerk, it doesn't originate anything. But it is far more influential now

>> No.18227143

trust da plan.....

>> No.18227165


>> No.18227171

im sure thats what they told you in marketing class boomer

>> No.18227173

Americans are waking up

>> No.18227177
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i think its more culturally significant than it gets credit for and will ever get credit for

>> No.18227193

Wrong lol, Reddit still exists and it's much bigger than 4chan, it'll probably outlive it.

>> No.18227194

Lol! Updooted!

>> No.18227208

you can say nigger here

>> No.18227212

if you look at any modern discussion on the internet, chances are you'll see vocabulary or formats that originated on 4chan

>> No.18227216

Case in point. They're gonna get the etymology wrong and attribute it to some mostly unrelated prior instances but the usage of the word contemporaneously is 100% derived from 4chan.

>> No.18227217

Bro, we are just coping, in reality Sneed beats everything

>> No.18227265

just look at the vocabulary zoomers on streaming chats use. and the excessive use of pepe.

>> No.18227375

You're delusion if you think reddit and twitter are 'challengers' to 4chan. Unless the challenge is not being turned to shit, in which case this site lost 13 fucking years ago

>> No.18227386

But faggots like you are still here.

>> No.18227413

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