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File: 35 KB, 500x421, Yukio_Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1822482 No.1822482 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: "I've never read [author], where do i start?"

Yukio Mishima for me. What's his most accessible work?

>> No.1822484

I think most people will tell you The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea. I'd say Sun and Steel. It's short (~100 pages) and I believe captures much of his personal philosophy. I didn't care for it, but have at it if you've got a lazy few hours some afternoon.

>> No.1822488
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Specifically his fiction, since I've read some of his essays already.

Should I just jump in feet first with Infinite Jest?

>> No.1822504

The key part of >>1822484
>didn't care for it

Skip Mishima. Unless you love boredom.

There's something in a Tuttle paperback on Bushido/Hagakure which is fine -- but it's nonfiction and not what you're after, here, right, OP? The best thing he ever wrote.

The Samurai Ethic and Modern Japan

The fiction is all but unreadable as far as I can tell. I've never gotten more than a few pages in.

>> No.1822507
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I want to read this guys shit because he looks stylish as fuck, i didn't even know his name until recently.

Anywho, where do i start?

>> No.1822511

Le Etranger or w/e enough with this Stranger/Outsider troll bullshit
The Plague (quite good, prefer it to the above)
The Myth of Sisyphus

the first 2 are novels, the 3rd an essay. were i you, id go myth -> stranger -> plague

>> No.1822513
File: 21 KB, 60x80, icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I using vis-a-vis douchey?
(I think it is.)

>> No.1822517

If i were to skip Mishima, would you be able to suggest a better Asian author? I'm trying to get a feel for the literature of the world.

>> No.1822518

for a more modern outlook, try Haruki Murakami or Banana Yoshimoto. Something from the mid-20th century, Yasunari Kawabata or Kenzaburo Oe. at least give sun and steel a try (if you can find a copy), you can always put it down if it doesnt work for you.

>> No.1822520

Another inquiring anon here.

The only thing I've read by Mishima was The School of Flesh (or so it's called in French, L'école de la chair. I don't know if was published under another name in English). It as nice, but if it had any trace of Mishima's philosophy, it had escaped me. Also, it didn't help that I've read it in French, a language which always gives me great troubles.

That was a couple of years ago. Now, I've ordered Spring Snow. Did I make the right choice?

>> No.1822521


couldn't say, sorry :(

>> No.1822535

has anyone read forbidden colors? i tried and failed i just couldnt understand the protagonists jumpy narrative but i definitely want to try again

>> No.1822539

The Forbidden Colors? You mean The Giver?

>> No.1822545


that one
picked it up cause the plot rules

>> No.1822552


I've started the Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.1822554

just avoid vineland

>> No.1822558

Once I'm done with Lot 49 should I try Slow Learner or Gravity's Rainbow?

Oh, and is Against the Day any good or should I avoid it?

>> No.1822560

try V.

>> No.1822561

Read Mason & Dixon, then V. or GR.

>> No.1822636

Yukoku is good. In fact, Mishima himself recommends this story to anyone who has not read his literature, for this short piece of writing incorporates the essence of Yukio Mishima in the purest form.

>> No.1822782

I read a lot of Mishima when I was an Asian Studies major (a choice a lot of people questioned but I still got a job lol) and seriously, start with his nonfiction. It makes a very powerful statement about the changes in Japanese culture over the years. His death was pretty epic too.