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18222571 No.18222571 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend me some books on the true history of the Aryan Invasion/Migration theory in India? There's tons of videos on youtube as well as works by David Frawley that suggest there was never a migration or invasion. I'm interested in the truth of the topic so if there's a convincing argument that it never happened I would be interested in reading works related to that as well. Thanks in advance, I know this probably is a fringe topic so I hope someone has some good recommendations.

>> No.18223187

Check out eurogenes blog for actual genetic evidence.
It did happen. Migrators to Central Asia and Indus Valley were called Sintashta or also Proto-Indo-Iranians. They clustered closest to NW-C Europeans, like Swedes, but there is still some moderate distance.
They brought their culture and mythology, but they also mixed a lot with native BMAC and IVC peoples. They were polytheist, and their pantheon and languages served as basis for Iranic and Indian cultures.
They took a strange kind of hallucinogen called haoma/soma, breaking down barrier between man and the divine, and had other strange ritualistic practices. They resembled more spiritual Vikings.
For more info, I recommend first chapter of Religions of Iran: From Prehistory to the Present. They are also known as Proto-Indo-Iranians. Also, many Eastern Europeans have direct descent from them given high prevalence of R1a1a paternal haplogroup.

>> No.18224454

>For more info, I recommend first chapter of Religions of Iran: From Prehistory to the Present. They are also known as Proto-Indo-Iranians. Also, many Eastern Europeans have direct descent from them given high prevalence of R1a1a paternal haplogroup.
I've seen this elsewhere. I don't know much about this...but are you saying the Eastern Europeans are the actual Aryans instead of Western Europe?

>> No.18224522

"Aryan" was a term meaning "noble" in the old Indo-European language. It was a class term, there was no Aryan "race."

...with the partial exception of the Indo-European speakers emerging out of the Andronovo Culture who invaded the Indian sub-continent who used Aryan as their ethnonym rather than as a class term. And yes, they were more closely related to Eastern Europeans than to Western Europeans... and why wouldn't they be? They were coming from central Asia (the Stans).

>> No.18224558

So the Nazis were just bullshitting?

>> No.18224842

>Aryan" was a term meaning "noble" in the old Indo-European language
That's pure cope by Pajeets and Iranians who can't handle the fact they were raped by Central Asian BVLLs

>> No.18224864

Always have.

>> No.18224874

Aryan means Iranian. Anything else is nonsense Nazi wetdreams.

>> No.18224897

Uh... Yes?

Granted, they they didn't have genetic science back then. I mean, there WAS a more-or-less genetically unified population of proto-Indo-European speakers who began massively expanding out of the Pontic-Caspian steppe right around 3,000 BC, bringing their religion and language(es) with them. Their ruling class would have been called Aryans. Eventually, one of their branches, 1,500 years later, named their entire ethnicity Aryan, and endued up conquering south Asia and Iran (literally means "Aryan-land").

No. Among the old Indo-Europeans, "Aryan" meant noble. Eventually some of them applied it to their entire particular ethnicity (so like "Greeks" or "Germans"),and these were the people than conquered south Asia.

Also, you're retarded.

>> No.18224901


>> No.18224968

Thank you. I will check out the blog and the book you recommended.

>> No.18225502
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No, they were pretty much right about everything except that the Aryans (now known as the Yamnaya) came from the steppes and settled Germany rather than the other way around.


I highly recommend the book in picture, there's a whole chapter on the Aryan Invasion.

>> No.18225518

>So the Nazis were just bullshitting?
what is corded ware
and then CW (speaking a later PIE dialect also ancestral to germanic) back-invaded asia (pontic steppe, tarim basin and so on).

>> No.18225550

Have you read Reich's book? He's a Jew so the part where he concedes that the Nazis were right is pretty funny.