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18222517 No.18222517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Twitter is shitting on Rand again, some pretty funny shit to scroll through on trending right now

>> No.18222535

Who cares what "Twitter" has to say?

>> No.18222538

i have never been on Twitter in my life, I don't care.

>> No.18222549


>> No.18222557

Jeez guys, just making polite conversation

>> No.18222558

Guarantee that if Rand was alive she would be more prolific on Twitter than even trump

>> No.18222565

yeah let's talk about the kardashians then

>> No.18222572

Fuck off back to twitter

>> No.18222576

It's about a fucking author faggot, why even open the thread if you don't care?

>> No.18222588

Sorry if I was harsh anon. I just think we could talk about something more substantive. What's a good book you've read lately? Something that provided you with meaningful insights and appreciation for life.

>> No.18222752

Who could have guessed that normies manage to make an even worse version of reddit/tumbler.

>> No.18222761

>ban Anyone without the correct opinion

Look everyone agrees that ‘x’ position is wrong!! Everyone!

>news agencies actually write about these positions as if it’s interesting news

Just kys op

>> No.18222770

It's like trying to talk about the news from CNN. Twitter is an awful medium and a detriment to mankind. I do not want to see it and I do not care about opinions of the people using it. Seeing anything from Twitter just makes me depressed.

>> No.18222774


>> No.18222775

Giving me PTSD looking at twitter again. Terrible website for the most over-socialized people in all of human history. Reddit is actually a better website

>> No.18222793

Leftists and other mentally deranged cretin talk shit about books they never have and never will read.

>> No.18222807

>hating on YAAAAS QUEEN Rand, renowned womyn writer
is twitter filled with incels now?

>> No.18222812

4chan. I don't know what happened to this fucking site over last 2-3 years but every other post is a Twitter screencap. It's time to leave...

>> No.18222814
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>> No.18222825


>Flannery O'Connor

>“The fiction of Ayn Rand is as low as you can get re fiction. I hope you picked it up off the floor of the subway and threw it in the nearest garbage pail. She makes Mickey Spillane look like Dostoevsky.”

>> No.18222860
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ummm sweetie, it looks like you don't know much about the topic? the kid's table is over there btw...

>> No.18222891


>> No.18222912

The only reason to go on Twitter is to make fun of the feebleminded.

>> No.18222942

I doubt most twitter users have the ability to read a WHOLE book, let alone one with over 1000 pages. Once again people on twitter are just saying something is bad because other people have said the same thing. Many such cases.

>> No.18222943

rand deserves to get shit on even by morons. sick of contrarians like you op fuck off

>> No.18222955

This, but the correct answer is "anything other than the Holy Bible".

>> No.18222970

1.Who cares about twitter?
2.What's the issue with shitting on Rand?

>> No.18222975

Holy shit bros @TrannyCumShinji just clapped back at Origen! It's over for him...

>> No.18223010

The whole twitter thread is fucking awful


somebody who posted the same questyion got angry with her so the OP eventually had to credit them

>> No.18223054

Twitter hating on a strong independent womyn. Why am I not surprised?

>> No.18223089

He was almost 100% right about this

>> No.18223108

Ayn Rand was an hypocritical leech who subsided on welfare while calling for brutal market rule. She should have put her money where her mouth was and get a job like a decent citizen.
Her audience mainly consist of American state-subsided bureaucrats like Murray Rothbard and Alan Greenspan as well as pathetic white trash thinking of themselves as temporary embarrassed millionaires.
Truly the pinnacle of Anglo delusion.

>> No.18223111

He was right about a lot of things. Shame he sperged out and resorted to bombings.

>> No.18223124

>Ayn Rand was a welfare leech
Pretty based desu.

>> No.18223130


>> No.18223149


>> No.18223159

American, whatever, it's the British who sowed the seeds of the current retarded clown world we live in anyway.
Can't wait to be fluent in Chinese so I can stop interacting with you faggots.

>> No.18223265

I noticed a few brainlet-tier writing errors in your post and this response of yours confirms it fully

>> No.18223272

Rand was a russian jew, anon

>> No.18223274

Je t'emmerde fils de pute. Est-ce que tu sais parler français correctement ? Non ? Alors ferme ta grande gueule de tafiole atlantiste.

>> No.18223286

We're not polite and don't care about shitter.

>> No.18223402

This post is extremely low quality.

>> No.18223760

There is no good argument against libertarianism

>> No.18223847

So if I saw an objectivist bleeding to death on the sidewalk, is it completely alright by them if I do not call an ambulance? Is it also alright if I refuse to sell them life saving medicine for no real reason? And how does this work in parenting? Do children and parents also owe nothing to each other?

>> No.18223850


>> No.18223857

Ayn Rand is refreshing in 2021 in an age of (nominal) hyper-concern for victims and egalitarianism.

>> No.18223864

that's just a wall of text version of "they called me racist so I had no choice but to be a nazi," which is the weakest cope I continue to see

>> No.18223877

You didn't read it.


>> No.18223882

Not a refutation

>> No.18223915

Last (and only) time I went on twitter I stalked two women and called them retarded whenever I had the chance.

>> No.18223918

what part was he wrong

>> No.18223950
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I can't wait for their cowritten work on the ecological disaster.

>> No.18223957
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/lit/ obviously

>> No.18223965

It's just a wellspring of provocative statements, like tumblr used to be.

>> No.18223978

Linkola also passed his torch to her.