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18219907 No.18219907 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18219911

I don't study history, that's for cucks
I just like historical trivia

>> No.18219915

i like fairy tales

>> No.18219935

I wanted to know why praxes have failed to instantiate the self-liberating collective interpenetrating subjectivity.

I discovered the impossibility of individual endeavour.

I have around 40 linear metres of primary sources.

>> No.18219963

To answer the question "Who am I?". I don't actually study history.

>> No.18219970
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Reality is the highest form of art.
Also history is just hecking cool and fun.

>> No.18219975

In order to best move forward we must look back.

>> No.18219997

I was terrible at math. Like, really terrible.
In high school I always kept failing math and the other math related subjects (physics, chemistry).
So when it came down the time to choose a degree, I wanted something that had zero math.
I rejected things like psychology, sociology and political science because they had one or two semesters with statistics.
The only degrees that had zero math were Literature, Philosophy and History. I chose the latter because it was the subject that interest me the most out of the three.

>> No.18220007


>> No.18220014

>I chose the latter
>3 options given
what would you say if you indicated you chose the middle of the 3 options? the former is the first and the latter would be the last option, so whats the word for the middle option? whats the grammatical term for this?

>> No.18220018

EP Thompson, Time
Chris Hill, Century
Hammond & Hammond, Labourers, Labourers, Labourers.

>> No.18220049
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>> No.18220064

The opposite of latter is former, not first. Former and latter only apply to binary choices. You have stumbled upon the answer to your question however, with three options you would say first, middle, and last; or first, second, and third. Of these two I think the latter sounds most natural.

>> No.18220067

I have interest in ww1 and ww2 or generally wars and stuff? Give me some books?

>> No.18220071

The median.

>> No.18220090

For WW2 there is a hoard of war memoirs. What sort of historical books about war do you like? Memoirs, biographies, dramatized retellings, dry factual recollections, books on tactics, books which focus on just the war itself and goes into detail on every battle, or broader discussions that forgo the former to focus instead on society and the world at large during the war, etc.? There are a lot of different types of books about war.

>> No.18220375

>I just like historical trivia
triviafags should literally be shot and killed.

>> No.18220399

>Also history is just hecking cool and fun.
Time to go back.

>> No.18220408

Because Jews are smart and they did stuff

>> No.18220429

I couldn't give you a rational answer, it's just a lifelong obsession starting from childhood.

>> No.18220475

Books on the war itself (with the major battles) and how it transformed the society like the emergence East/West Germany, North/South Korea, Austria-Hungary getting separated, France surrendering every time etc.

>> No.18220512

This is why people get interested in history. It's interesting. Never understood the people who think history is boring.

>> No.18220556
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To get in touch with my ancestors

>> No.18220574

your ancestors shagged to produce offspring
you can study all you want but if you wanna get in touch with them you'll have to come out of that basement one day