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File: 47 KB, 700x438, word-on-fire-bible2-700x438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18219791 No.18219791 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't have the Word on Fire Bible by Bishop Barron, you might be an NPC.

>> No.18219797

Lols Christianity is hemorrhaging believers so badly it has to make the Bible look like Lord of the Rings to hang on to millennials.

>> No.18219800
File: 1.77 MB, 997x1250, Christs Passion625341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a protestant would think a basic commitment to classical aesthetics is some last gasp attempt at evangelizing.

>> No.18219804

And I thought all those who read Bible are NPCs.

>> No.18219807

>not npcs

The only reason they send you to church once a week is to save time on writing dialogue.

>> No.18219850

If you're wowed by pretty pictures and glossy pages, sure. It's entry-level apologetics, nobody is reading it in seminary or theology courses.

>> No.18219872

It's not an apologetics bible. You can't cram an apologetics book into a Bible. it's a study bible, with exegesis from Church fathers and other commentators. It also happens to be absolutely beautifully crafted.

>> No.18219877

Looks beautiful, but it's expensive. 6 volumes at $60/volume. And while the commentary looks interesting, I'm not particularly fond of the NRSV-CE. Gotta say, while I wouldn't mind owning a set, I'm not going to go out of my way to get it.

>> No.18219890

You can get it in paperback or hardcover for half that.

>> No.18219946
File: 275 KB, 882x1342, Holy Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got picrel as well as the NIV Student Bible, which I find to be a quite a satisfying combination even if incongruous.

>> No.18220023

It literally is, it's meant to introduce Catholic interpretations of the Bible to the layman. Explaining your religion is the definition of apologetics.

>> No.18220052

>explaining = defending

>> No.18220057

Stop selling your mate's content.

>> No.18220121

>Explaining your religion is the definition of apologetics.
Technically, it's catechesis, but there's a lot of overlap.

>> No.18220124

I mean, assuming you're speaking to believers.

>> No.18220139

>a Catholic shilling a product exclusively available from and produced by his megacorporation "church"

lmao. Catholics. sell me some indulgences too while you're at it so I can fuck your mother

>> No.18220153

Christianity is hemorrhaging so bad it's on a steady rise
>Muh no religion statistics from western yuro countries
Half the people who answered that believe in angels

>> No.18220239

No, it literally isn't. To apologize is to defend.