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1821796 No.1821796 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ drink?
I like gin and tonics.
I also like to read when I drink.(and post on /lit/)

>> No.1821806


>> No.1821805
File: 24 KB, 155x155, gin_rickey_1899_155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gin Rickey.

>> No.1821811

Screwdrivers, wine and beer mostly.

>> No.1821813

I almost made that tonight without knowing what it's called.
But I got tonic instead.

>> No.1821818

Don Perreir>Tonic pee water

>> No.1821825
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Tom Collinses, Mint Juleps, Long Island Iced Teas (when they make them right)

>> No.1821829

Sweet-Alcohol Beverage *thumbs down*

>> No.1821830

Hmm. I'll have to try it next time.
I forget what it's called but you should try vodka and grapefruit juice. A little more sour than a screwdriver but I think it's better.

>> No.1821831

vodka tonic
gin and orange juice

>> No.1821837

Oh, I don't make mine with any sweeteners. Only freshly squeezed juices, too.

>> No.1821838

I mix together a rye and water and an adderall and I am flying for hours.

>> No.1821840

earthquake high gravity lager

>> No.1821843

I like your style. I only had the stuff once, and I loved it (peed a little blood the next day).

I did not do it again because I would never want to be dependent on it. Caffeine (coffee) is my addiction (I drink around 4-6 strong cups a day).

I wouldn't have been able to graduate community college with honours without coffee.

>> No.1821845


Really, grapefruit juice you say...

I'm heading to the liquor store tomorrow for more vodka, maybe I'll hit the supermarket on the way back. I'm a man who likes his beverages like he likes his women; sour, sleazy and full of spite.

Sounds like my kind of drink.

>> No.1821847


I am not addicted to adderall. I am just addicted to reading. So it is alright.

>> No.1821852

Pic Related

Word to the wise, Adderall and Asperatame have the psychotropic effect of accelerating brain current activity, but the result of such over stimulation results in short circuiting and frying many brain cells.


>> No.1821854
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Forgot pic

>> No.1821855

Good man.
I was dependent on that stuff at one time.
I lost like 40 pounds and got a girlfriend.

>> No.1821859


Well it is a good thing I just forgot what you said. Also I urge any fellow anons to not take adderall. It is a really silly thing to do.

>> No.1821867

OP here.
Does anyone else read when they drink?
As long as the words aren't blurry I keep reading.

>> No.1821871

I'm not into stims anyways. Sleeping pills and benzos for me. Much, much less harmful, and much much more addictive.

>> No.1821873

A single vitamin C tablet neutralizes virtually any neurotoxic effects of amphetamine, as well as E.

>> No.1821880

This from the person who was championing Adderal to the the official drug of /lit/

>> No.1821884


Well I shall renege on that proclamation. It is not gentlemanly of me.

>> No.1821886

I love reading stone cold sober (not even caffeinated). I set my imagination on maximum over drive and make the book come to life in my mind (envisioning every detail possible). It also helps that I have subjected to myself to a gigantic array of varying input so that I can use them to help me envision the story (the video game sanitarium helps me in imagining insane asylums, as well as The one who flew over the Cuckoo Cuckoo's nest).

I mean this sincerely: you are very incorrect.

>> No.1821887

Cider at the pub
Wine when having dinner with others
White rum and ginger or vodka and apple juice when entertaining
Whiskey on the rocks for me time

..I like booze

>> No.1821890
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lol, How old are you? 70?

>> No.1821901

It does in rats!

I may have exaggerated my initial claim, but I'm fairly certain vitamin C protects against the neurotoxicity of those drugs.

>> No.1821906


>> No.1821908

jack and sourpuss

and pabst

>> No.1821912


>> No.1821916

Didn't Pabst rename their company to MegoLax? (A popular alcoholic laxative)

>> No.1821920
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Not much of a drinker but I do like the occasional white russian

>> No.1821925
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>> No.1821926

Spiced rum over ice.

Nothing fancy.

>> No.1821928



>> No.1821933


Where do you live? Cider is very popular with young people in Europe and particularly the UK.

>> No.1821938


ex-ussr has all the best country names

>> No.1821937


>> No.1821940


Well be sure to tell all the 70 year old Uzbekistanis you know that I think they have great taste.

>> No.1821942

Also, popular in what sense? It would rank low on Europe's most drunk alcoholic beverage.

>> No.1821944

I used to live in England.
It was a pretty popular drink.
And usually cheap too. Try it sometime.

>> No.1821946

Say England next time instead of EUROPE, you crud-bucket.

>> No.1821950


The person you're quoting did not make the original comment, I know this because it was myself. In my experiences in (admittedly Western) Europe, it seemed very popular (everywhere I went stocked multiply brands, others were drinking it). From this I assumed that it was fairly popular in Europe.

Regardless, my point still stands with a simple revision.

>> No.1821953

Red wine and whisky.

And beer, obviously.

>> No.1821967

So your criteria of a popular alcoholic beverage is if a bar has it in stock?

U wot m8?

>> No.1821975


He said Europe PARTICULARLY IN THE UK, you arse.

>> No.1821980


>Where do you live? Cider is very popular with young people in Europe and particularly the UK.
>Cider is very popular with young people in Europe
>popular with young people in Europe
>With young people in Europe

No it isn't.

>> No.1821985


UK is part of Europe. If it's popular in the UK, it's popular in part of Europe and putting "particularly in the UK" covers that nicely.

I also know a lot of Scandis and Germans who like it. Basically, you're being a dickhead.

>> No.1821990


>> No.1821995


Multi bars in multi countries. Unless you think it's a viable business model to supply a product for which there is not demand.

As others have pointed out for me, my language conveyed my meaning well enough. If you insist on picking fights on the internet I'm sure there's more interesting topics to goad people over than this one.

>> No.1822009

I drink Tequila straight from the bottle like the true scumbag I am.

>> No.1822012


We should not be fighting on /lit/

Please be civil everyone

>> No.1822017


Since I've explained why I think cider is popular in Europe, may I ask for evidence for why you think it isn't?

>> No.1822020


Should I take your quoting of me to indicate that your comment is directed at me?

>> No.1822023


Oh sorry no. You comment was just lowest on the thread. I did not mean to single out you.

>> No.1822025


I see. No need to apologise, I only asked for clarity.

>> No.1822027
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>> No.1822064

Single-Malt Highland Scotch.

Nothing else accompanies my depression quite as well.

>> No.1822072
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dark wine, cheap whiskey i usually choose r&r, expensive bourbon, stella artois, keystone.

>> No.1822083


Let's talk whisky.

Which distilleries are your favourite?

>> No.1822087

rum. or rum and coke. or tequila with tea. or coke.

>> No.1822174
File: 34 KB, 126x179, sundown_tap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer: pic related
Wine: any cabernet sauvignon or sauvignon blanc will do.
Liquor: most anything with vodka save screwdrivers, which I hate. I also like a jack & coke.

>> No.1822332
File: 76 KB, 512x512, cirnowhiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I'm a weeaboo.
Deal with it.

>> No.1822338


Preferably German weizens or Belgian blond ales.

>> No.1822347

I like German Vixens and Belgian Blondes.

>> No.1822356
File: 39 KB, 453x604, drinking-red-wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine. Red wine.

>> No.1822406
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In terms of ethanol per dollar, you can't do much better than 211

>> No.1822415

I don't drink often, but when I do it's usually just shots of liquor. Doesn't fucking matter to me.

>> No.1822420

campari and coffee w/ cointreau or cherry grand marnier.

>> No.1822469

Not him, but as a Belgian bartender, I've never had anyone ask for a cider, nor did I ever see any cider available in other bars, or even supermarkets.

>Preferably German weizens or Belgian blond ales.
Damn fine choice, sir.

>> No.1822471

>Not him, but as a Belgian bartender, I've never had anyone ask for a cider, nor did I ever see any cider available in other bars
You're either lying or live in a hole.

>> No.1822497

'nuff said

>> No.1822510

Nope, I genuinely haven't noticed it anywhere here. Okay, they may sell it in warehouses, and perhaps some bars, but you really have to look/ask for it. On the other hand, Kidibul, a sub-brand of the 'famous' Belgian Stassen Cider, is widely available here, but it contains no alcohol and is basically the same as Appletiser.

>> No.1822524

Coke with ice.

>> No.1823090

Dirty milk (it's a white russian with instant coffee mixed in. Looks gross, tastes great.)

>> No.1823094

