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/lit/ - Literature

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18215975 No.18215975 [Reply] [Original]

The coronavirus pandemic is one of the most significant facts that has happened on a global scale in many years.

>1-Do you guys know if any poem of true literary grandeur arose as a result of this catastrophe?

>2-What are the greatest poems of mourning and pain ever composed about large-scale collective catastrophes (genocides, plagues, wars)?

>> No.18215987


>> No.18215998

not a fucking catastrophe
literal nothingburger
I'm more cognizant of needing to take a piss

>> No.18216003

>thinks this is how you greentext
you need to go back

>> No.18216006

Sorry OP but at this point you are either retarded or a complete faggot

>> No.18216020


Where do you live?

>> No.18216039

Death Fugue

Black milk of morning we drink you evenings
we drink you at noon and mornings we drink you at night
we drink and we drink
A man lives in the house he plays with the snakes he writes
he writes when it darkens to Deutschland your golden hair Margarete
he writes and steps in front of his house and the stars glisten and he whistles his dogs to come
he whistles his jews to appear let a grave be dug in the earth
he commands us play up for the dance

Black milk of dawn we drink you at night
we drink you mornings and noontime we drink you evenings
we drink and we drink
A man lives in the house he plays with the snakes he writes
he writes when it turns dark to Deutschland your golden hair Margarete
Your ashen hair Shulamit we dig a grave in the air there one lies at ease

He calls jab deeper into the earth you there and you other men sing and play
he grabs the gun in his belt he draws it his eyes are blue
jab deeper your spades you there and you other men continue to play for the dance

Black milk of dawn we drink you at night
we drink you at noon we drink you evenings
we drink you and drink
a man lives in the house your golden hair Margarete
your ashen hair Shulamit he plays with the snakes

He calls out play death more sweetly death is a master from Deutschland
he calls scrape those fiddles more darkly then as smoke you’ll rise in the air
then you’ll have a grave in the clouds there you’ll lie at ease

Black milk of dawn we drink you at night
we drink you at noon death is a master from Deutschland
we drink you evenings and mornings we drink and drink
death is a master from Deutschland his eye is blue
he strikes you with lead bullets his aim is true
a man lives in the house your golden hair Margarete
he sets his dogs on us he gifts us a grave in the air
he plays with the snakes and dreams death is a master from Deutschland

your golden hair Margarete
your ashen hair Shulamit

>> No.18216043

Hey OP i think you might enjoy teh artist 'Mr Brainwash' kek

>> No.18216049

>'Mr Brainwash'

What's unreal about the virus and it's effects on the world?

>> No.18216059


>> No.18216060

It’s anti-significant. It’s an excuse to stagnate and decay. We literally shut down our society public life. It’s now official. We live in the most inert, static, and mundane time in all of human history. What are your going to write about? Nothing happened. The number went up on the screen. That’s it. I’ve heard people comparing this to like the lost years of authors who went off to world wars as young men and delayed their careers by years and that’s just so absurd. There will be nothing good or great to come out of this.

>> No.18216067

The way governments use it to usher in totalitarianism

>> No.18216069

It is easy for anons living in countries with competent governments to say that the pandemic is "an exaggeration". But for those of us who live in countries where the government is made up of a bunch of retards the nightmare images are all real.

>> No.18216075

outside got circumcised because the television told people they should be afraid of a disease with a 99% survival rate

>> No.18216077

>thinks there is only one way to greentext
welcome newfaggot

>> No.18216085


You're lucky. The ugly things you people saw are nothing compared to those that are taking place in the pigsty where I live.

And in our case, it was not the lack of public money, but the incompetence (low IQ and cariousness) of the government that broke out in a catastrophe.

>> No.18216095


Actually a good post, for once.

>> No.18216097

op didn't greentext correctly tho

>> No.18216104

Nothing. I sugggested him because you have terrible taste

>> No.18216110


>> No.18216111

I thought you guys liked totalitarianism?

>> No.18216113

>of a disease with a 99% survival rate

Take a look at the number of death cases:



"The severity of COVID-19 varies. The disease may take a mild course with few or no symptoms, resembling other common upper respiratory diseases such as the common cold. In 3–4% of cases (7.4% for those over age 65) symptoms are severe enough to cause hospitalization."


>> No.18216117

Which you guys do you think I'm part of?

>> No.18216118
File: 33 KB, 456x529, >her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting those numbers

>> No.18216123

Cannot be trusted
>. In 3–4% of cases (7.4% for those over age 65) symptoms are severe enough to cause hospitalization."
Hospitalization is not death

>> No.18216131

Not to mention that even a 1% death rate means millions of deaths. For Germany, for example, this would be twice their military losses in WW2.

>> No.18216134

There were nothing, or I would have known through the fear propaganda of the (((media))).
I repeat, as unfortunate for you as it may seems, you are plain stupid and are meant to be a follower (as you already are because you listen the media).

>> No.18216135


This for me too, even healthy people in their 30s and 40s.

Almost lost my dad too.

>> No.18216141

Yes, 2 of the ones I knew were in their 40s, others only 50s/60s

>> No.18216145

>Hospitalization is not death

It is death when your country is ruled by corrupt idiots who let the health care system - and a well-equipped and capable health care system - collapse.



>> No.18216161

>People in /lit/ swallowed the far-right propaganda with such fury that they even went so far as to doubt confirmed facts about an issue that has nothing ideological about it (a virus and its effects on the body).

And these are the people with whom I try to discuss literature. What I'm doing with my life?

>> No.18216192

People die, big thing.
They could have had other hillness, being weakened or directly dying from them.
I know a lot of people died of something else and were said (by order of the government) to have died of covid. So you are never sure of the numbers (that are already low in fact, do you know the flu kills people too ?)
>doubt confirmed facts about an issue that has nothing ideological about it (a virus and its effects on the body).
No one said there is no illness.

>> No.18216214

>>2-What are the greatest poems of mourning and pain ever composed about large-scale collective catastrophes (genocides, plagues, wars)?

>> No.18216239

How pussy are you that you think this shit is significant? How are you going to react when the next actual plague happens?

>> No.18216243

>being this low iq

>> No.18216254

read and weep nigger

>> No.18216287
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This guy had to Google his source so he could not even disprove the survival rate, classic misdirection

>> No.18218059

The only people that were affected were the lower classes and they don’t create art.

>> No.18218075

>people die, big thing
>they could have had other illnesses so it's fine
How cold.

>> No.18219630

here, for the archives:

a video of someone involved in geopolitics and intelligence, telling you why coronavirus is far from "a catastrophe"

>> No.18219699
File: 30 KB, 170x197, 1614141426996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest, I kind of didn't mind the initial lockdown because I actually got some really good work done. Being cooped up at home for six weeks caused me to start working seriously on a big project of mine that I'd been meaning to work on for a long time. Fortunately, that motivation has been retained as things have gotten back to normal.

So I'm honestly grateful for the (brief) lockdown I endured. Fortunately I also live in Texas, where we've basically been open uninterrupted since June of last year. So I've had an easier time of it than a lot of people.

>> No.18219715


>> No.18219721

Blacks are responsible for violent crime on only 1% of the white population