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/lit/ - Literature

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18215555 No.18215555 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys think of calvin and hobbes? Post your favorite strips. My dad got me the complete collection a couple years ago and I'm surprised how regularly I go back to it. It's funny and nostalgic and intelligent without ever feeling even remotely pretentious. It managed to be meaningful in a medium (newspaper comic strip) that is so often shameless

>> No.18215573
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>> No.18215693
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>> No.18215703
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Quads of truth. Calvin and Hobbes is excellent. I've always loved this strip. It somehow packs so much depth in four panels: childhood enjoyment, the unavoidable passage of time, parent-child relationship, nostalgia, regret...

>> No.18215711
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Peanuts is also pretty /lit/. It's the original Calvin and Hobbes.

>> No.18215769
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I am reading it too.
I just finished Weirdos from another planet.
Great stuff.

>> No.18215775
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My dad got me a bunch of the collections when I was a kid. It was great for developing my vocabulary. I plan on giving them to my kids one day. One strip that will always stick with me was pic related where Calvin made a reference to Paul Gauguin. I didn't understand because I was 9, so the name was just etched in my mind forever until I got older and could read about him myself.

>> No.18215882

I remember when I was a little boy, my local library had a bunch of Calvin & Hobbes collections on the top floor. The library was a big classic, colonial style building--windy staircases and all that.
Well, more than a year ago now--last March--we were all shoved out of school, and I was really upset about it because I'd been spending nearly every day in the school library trying to read as much as possible. I'd discovered this site around that time and was trying to work my way through the books which often appeared on the top one hundred lists.
Well since I could no longer go to my school library, I decided I'd go and hang out my local library. I probably hadn't been in there in eight or so years. So I went about looking for books, and I found myself in the room where those old C&H books were held, and there was a great big oak table in the room. So I sat down with a couple of those books and started reading them and started to feel morose at how the time had passed from when I was a little boy reading Calvin & Hobbes and Robinson Crusoe and trying to reinvent and reenact the adventures I read about in my backyard. And I started to cry.

>> No.18215907

I'm old enough that I remember looking forward to Sundays so I could read the color strip in the newspaper.

>> No.18216282

nice anon. I feel a lot of nostalgia coming back to C&H and peanuts too because I grew up with them: my dad is an old school newspaper comic nut. The beauty of them though is how well they hold up. There's a lot of hacky shit in the newspaper but the best comics are written by just average everyday dudes who have down to earth insights of the world. Definitely nice to go to these when you want a lighter read

>> No.18216290

Amazing comic strip but Watterson was right to quit when he did, if you read the last half of the last book of the complete collection, you can really tell it's burning out

>> No.18216299

Linus's trick is unironically what 90% of /lit/ does with every book they read

>> No.18216316

agreed and I respect it a lot. newspaper comics are notorious for never fucking ending and its miserable. Watterson never let his success change him. He completely denied turning the strip into a merch cash cow

>> No.18216320

Peanuts is amazing, and unlike C&H (which fits in about 4 books), Peanuts was running for like half a century. You'd need a whole bookshelf just to hold the whole collection. Slowly going through it with my kid, checking individual volumes out from the library one at a time

>> No.18216324

>that cringe when you remember asking your parents to read "Garfield" to you
Nothing we can do can ever repay them for putting up with us when we were little

>> No.18216334
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>> No.18216431 [DELETED] 

Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes are trash.
They are both disenchanting works. They subvert childhood innocence, inquisitiveness, wonder, and more all for some cheap laughs and endless political crap. Alfred Bestall's Rupert annuals are much better and have an amazing sense of wonder, including a dash of fun racism.
Everyone who likes this bullshit should be incinerated and sent straight to hell.

>> No.18216615

Nice that your library has the complete collection. My library has junk in its comic section.

>> No.18216674

I've only read one tome but I really liked it, it was cute and meaningful !

>> No.18216704

My city's library doesn't have the complete collection, have to do interlibrary requests

>> No.18216780

>thinking children are innocent in the first place
you must've never been a child yourself. go be offended on other peoples' behalf somewhere or something

>> No.18216812 [DELETED] 

Most children should be euthanized. You should have been euthanized as a child, you depraved pos.

>> No.18216822

something very strange must have happened in between your childhood and adulthood

>> No.18216829 [DELETED] 
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Sorry, I can't understand nignogs like you.

>> No.18216922 [DELETED] 

in this days i listen too much about all this "children are not innocent". i think people who say this is people so eroded they dont remember well what innocence really is. its not abut being good and angelical, is another thing that they completely lost.

also, when i was little i assume Peanuts was some kind of adult animation. or what adults like their children to like. or something of this kind, it was more a sensation than an actual thought, obviously. i refer to the tv shows of peanuts anyway. so the other post have something when he talk about peanuts as too disenchanted to kids.

>> No.18216953

>when i was little i assume Peanuts was some kind of adult animation. or what adults like their children to like.
Sounds like you were pretty damn cynical as a kid. Maybe what really destroyed your childhood was your daddy diddling you or something and you're just blaming it on comics for some bizarro reason

>> No.18217000

Outstanding. If civilization still exists 1,000 years from now Calvin & Hobbes will be looked at as one of the great works of the 20th century. Not even meming.

>> No.18217014 [DELETED] 
File: 1.40 MB, 2852x1938, bestall01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alfred Bestall's Rupert annuals are a 100x better than the filth that is Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes.

>> No.18217020 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 1600x1200, alfred-bestall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more.
Kys. Also, mankind wouldn't be able to survive the genetic trash of your descendants

>> No.18217031 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 1958x1358, bestall07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more.

>> No.18217049 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 1600x1504, ba428c63dcfd5801ade82f4f92d7fe7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children's artwork is supposed to be enchanting. It is supposed to pique that spirit of adventure, wonder, and love. People who like Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes will suffer for eternity in hellfire. They are agents of the Jews, destroyers of enchantment and awe, all for cheap laughs and sardonic bullshit. To hell with you defilers and agents of the devil!

>> No.18217050

Settle down.

I like Bestall's style. Was not familiar with him.

>> No.18217061

Good artwork but looks a bit tryhard. Does not look funny at all. Evidently it has not passed the test of time since it's not available online anywhere. And we have one sample of the kind of people it raised, namely yourself: an angry bitter incel edgelord spamming threads that he hates. No thanks, I'll pass

>> No.18217077

Plenty of C&H is enchanting, and not in the tryhard grasping way these images you're posting are.
>muh Jews
>literally posts an image with lowkey Satanic undertones (that goat)
You probably also love Elsagate videos on Youtube I bet

>> No.18217082

i wasnt even close to have a hint to understand what cynical really mean. i was just a child, it was a sensation. i like dragons, adventures, peanuts was something i feel too adult, really, the word is adult, is really accurate. but i dont know exactly why. anyway it was just my experience.

>> No.18217088

i want to MARRY calvins mom

>> No.18217093

I read comics like Calvin for the jokes and minimal animation. Rupurt is Kinkade tier anon.

>> No.18217094 [DELETED] 

Stfu, dumb cunt. Just look up Alfred Bestall online. I don't like Calvin & Hobbes or Peanuts because it is sardonic, cynical, and nihilistic garbage. Go to hell, you disgusting Jew. Children's artwork is meant to invoke enchantment, spirit of adventure, love, and more... not be mindless cynical humor trash.
All you want to do is laugh. You can laugh all the way to hell, Jew.

>> No.18217096

the GOAT

>> No.18217097

i'll bite, how does c&h subvert or damage childhood innocence? is it calvin's cynicism?

>> No.18217108 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 2880x1960, rupert04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is life a big joke to you?
People like you should remain peasants. You can continue to cope with your pitiful life with vulgar, cynical humor while nobles, such as myself, actually appreciate the deeper meaning of life.

>> No.18217111

This isn't settling down. You NEED to settle down.

Look at your own posts here, read how you are speaking to people. Would Rupert Bear approve of that? No, I think not. Very unwholesome, anon.

>> No.18217113

try to see life with the eyes of a 5 years old. calvin and hobbes is too intellectual, despite his honest effort to be charming and wholesome. its more about nostalgia of being a child than to really about being a child.

>> No.18217131

I read a couple of the strips here and elsewhere. It is overly didactic and bogged down in social and political commentary. It may be fine for mindless entertainment, but there is nothing substantive, profound, or enriching in it. It feels like a propagandist's strip rather than actual art. It, and Peanuts, should not be remembered as classics.

>> No.18217174

i can see that, watterson's atheistic tendencies do tend to surface every now and then. but i think you may have a limited view of the strip. hold on, im looking for one of the more wholesome sunday pages to see what you think

>> No.18217177

Once more with actual criticism, please, not your personal feels.
Of course it's didactic. It is intended for children. What children's media is not at least somewhat didactic?

>> No.18217199
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this one always got 13 year old me and doesn't seem too preachy. it got me thinking about the nature of life and death very early on and turned into a tendency to make the most of things later on.

>> No.18217211
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These comic strips feel much like some kind of social engineering project rather than actual art. They directly give political or social commentary in a manner that is not subtle at all. This is not art, just some kind of pitiful joke and endless spiel; is a spiel with minimal context art?
I do not accept these comic strips as art. They are thinly veiled propaganda to convey the author's vapid views. Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes, and Peanuts are all trash from burned-out talentless hacks who feel no sense of greater mystery or enchantment in life.
Even Luke Pearson's Hilda is better than this crap, considering its Moomin influence.

>> No.18217220

>mentioning Garfield

>> No.18217245 [DELETED] 

Ah, you're baiting. I see now. Thanks for tipping your hand by adding Garfield. Have a terrible day, choke and die on your next meal, etc.

>> No.18217257

It is overly didactic trash. I'm not interested in spiels with minimal context. If an author wants to make a point, he can either be subtle about it or write an actual article. Also, it is insulting to the bird to just give a half-assed comic strip like this. I don't consider it art.
For example, in Russia, they create windows with dents or perforations and sometimes UV coated glass so birds don't hit them. We don't see such action in the USA, even as millions hit the tall skyscrapers. Also, if you find birds hitting your own window, try putting some decals on it. Actually accomplish something with your stupid Judaized fatass. An article would have done a better job to convey this. Instead we get a shitty pretentious "art piece".
I place Garfield on the same level of Calvin & Hobbes and Peanuts.

>> No.18217269 [DELETED] 

Faux existential depth doesn't make you rise above the insipid masses.

>> No.18217282

Sesquipidalianism doesn't make up for the lack of the true superiority that you by your nature will never experience.

>> No.18217311 [DELETED] 

Take your fucking meds faggot and then kill yourself.

>> No.18217320 [DELETED] 

silence, nigger.

>> No.18217327

>For example, in Russia

>> No.18217347 [DELETED] 

I won't be silenced. I accomplished my mission of destroying this accursed thread.
All of you kill yourselves and go to hell already.

>> No.18217354


>> No.18217406

Typical of Amerimutts. At least the vaccine kill off most of them.

>> No.18218223

I have small kids of my own, and even as young as 3 they love calvin and hobbes. Even if they don't understand hardly any of it, they love the pictures, which make them laugh uproariously

>> No.18218264

If you just sample based on this thread and other snippets from the internet, of course you're going to select for the ultra-political stuff, because that's the stuff people tend to copy and paste. But the political stuff only represents about 1% of the actual comic

>> No.18218287

>a shity pretentious "art piece"
Which had an actual punchline to it ("Surely it will all make sense when we become adults" "No doubt" LOL)
Your shitty Russian window-tint propaganda has no punchline and is not funny and you can go back to squatting in front of your Vladimir Putin shrine

>> No.18218288 [DELETED] 

Please stay on topic

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>> No.18218299
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Somehow this one always hit hard for me.

>> No.18218347

I still cry when the racoon dies.

>> No.18218366

I love it but I realized that Calvin was lonely

>> No.18218373
File: 316 KB, 1200x837, calvinandhobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm not interested in spiels with minimal context
>Also, it is insulting to the bird to just give a half-assed comic strip like this. I don't consider it art.
Honestly I doubt Watterson thinks very highly of said strip since it's basically just "talking heads", something that he fought against when he was popular enough by making strips with panels that aren't arrangeable, much to the dismay of newspapers who try to crunch everything so they can fit ads.

>> No.18218385

>It is overly didactic trash
You clearly haven't read it and form your opinion on a few well known strips you've come across on the internet.
For example the daydreaming / fantasy role play strips are pure genius

>> No.18218393

"The struggle of maturity is to recover the seriousness of the child at play" -Nietzsche

>> No.18218426

Wow, I love Paul Gauguin's work and Calvin and Hobbes and I've never seen this strip. Crazy. Bill Watterson made some strange ones

>> No.18218434

Unfortunately the weird/political ones tend to be the first ones people post, so idiots think the whole entire strip is nothing but that kind of stuff when this one >>18218373 is way more representative

>> No.18218463

I agree, I just skimmed through the thread after making the Gauguin post... The tirade about didacticism and propaganda seems misguided, when I was a kid (and even as an adult) the strips about Calvinball or Hobbes pouncing on Calvin stuck with me more than the "deep" and "profound" ones.

>> No.18218493

When it comes to philosophy in any medium besides an actual philosophy book, I strongly believe in "Show, don't tell". Watterson was very good at doing that, for example when Calvin creates a perfectly virtuous clone of himself and hijinks ensue. Wish I had that arc in image form on my computer so I could post it here

>> No.18218887

These are better than the overt political commentary, but it's still not my personal preference. It is too suburban and does not invoke the sense of magical wonder within me. I prefer works that are centered more in rural, woody, or fantastical areas. In this sense, I prefer Alfred Bestall's Rupert annual or Luke Pearson's Hilda.
I think there's something fundamentally non-European about Calvin and Hobbes, at least from what I glean, and also Peanuts. I would not consider them as in continuity with the Golden Age of Illustrations. While they may sometimes touch on some form of somewhat effective magical realist theme, they are not effective given their suburban setting. Suburbia cannot be reconciled with childlike wonder or imagination as Johanna Spyri's classic tale Heidi makes clear. I pity the child who is raised in urban or suburban areas.
Alfred Bestall lived most of his life in the village called Beddgelert, which was truly beautiful, and it shows in his artwork.

>> No.18218911
File: 315 KB, 736x700, 32B34B65-75B9-45FA-952F-E6B2E9067082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alone, not lonely.

>> No.18218984

Are you one of the posters constantly whining in suburb threads? Calvin lives next to a giant woods which features in many of the strips. Do not criticize things you have obviously never meaningfully read.

>> No.18218995

Can you recommend a collection with the best strips to buy? I'll look further into it.

>> No.18219007
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do you think Suzie ever got that stick out of her ass? Or do you think she became verified on twitter on posts woke bullshit?

>> No.18219018

You can read the entire thing in a few afternoons. If you're really pressed for time, the tenth anniversary book is a best of and is annotated by the author.

>> No.18219056
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She married some guy named Bill

>> No.18219066

Suzie turned into Yuffie?

>> No.18219085
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>> No.18219119

This thread was moved to >>>/co/122968986