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/lit/ - Literature

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18213316 No.18213316 [Reply] [Original]

ITT share a favorite book you've never/rarely heard anyone discuss on /lit/
For me it's pic related. I'm not well-versed enough in the period's history to verify that his thesis is correct, but it contains the most lifelike depictions of the Middle Ages I've ever read

>> No.18213327
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I love A Tale of Two Cities. The author, Charles Dickens, is pretty obscure, so /lit/ never discusses him.

>> No.18213328

Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.18213348
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Mantak Chia will change your life

>> No.18213357

I’d rather talk about Call of the Kappa for once. Why is Crocodile the only one of those books /lit ever talks about?

>> No.18213358

>inb4 The Bible
>inb4 Call of the Crocodile
>inb4 Mein Kampf
>inb4 Marx
>inb4 Ted K
>inb4 Infinite Jest
>inb4 Gravity's Rainbow
>inb4 Joyce
>inb4 Harassment Architecture
>inb4 Bronze Age Mindset
>inb4 The Greeks
>inb4 Junger

>> No.18213375
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>> No.18213376

my diary, desu.

>> No.18213441
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And whenever it is talked about, most anons who know it seethe like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.18213468

Don't know what that is but I like the snail.

>> No.18213476

What's the appeal of this if you're not hispanic?

>> No.18213481

It's not that good

>> No.18213518

It's about the creation of a future race through mestization.

If you've read it, you'd know.
It talks about the four main races of the world: caucasian, amerindian, black and mongoloid.
Now, that's millions of people around the globe.

>> No.18213522

Quick run down? Is this like the Spanish Call of the Crocodile?

>> No.18213523
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>> No.18213526

The creation and continuation*

>> No.18213546
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I actually wrote a very short summary of it; here it is:

The 5th and last race will constitute universality, in which the four main races of the world — the white man, the red man, the black man, and the yellow man — will go through a mestization process in Iberoamerica.

This process had already started, but due to the Napoleonic stupidity, hispanoamerica became independent.
Thusly, this operation came to an end, which is to be continued in the future.

Their more beautiful features, aspects, intelligence: their eugenics will create the final, and true human, cosmic race.

>> No.18213575

Latin America is a dysgenic shithole though

>> No.18213767

Based and submissionpilled

>> No.18215265

Mestizo cope lmao

>> No.18215361

I find Huizinga's arguments convincing, to the extent that he's talking about French and Flemish court culture.
He barely discusses Italy and the Holy Roman Empire, where the situation was quite different.
Interesting book though, it's hard to imagine the paradoxal mindset of the aristocracy back then.

>> No.18215374


>> No.18215893

Mexico is not a country, it’s a collection of independent states. Fuck your rewrite of the Revolution propaganda. Ulises criollo was pretty good, though.

>> No.18215934

But even mestizos are implicit white supremacists.

>> No.18216184

literally "we wuz corn n sheit". Ulises Criollo is a much better work than that. But of course it would be shilled here, it checks all the boxes.

>> No.18216234
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This book is amazing for any one who is competent in Latin. Although most English scholars call the 11th ce to the 14th ce a dark age in English literature, this book argues that this time period was actually flourishing in belles lettres. The only problem is that the literature was written in Latin, not in English. As a consequence, most English scholars, who do lack Latin, since they focus on Old English, and try to displace the importance of the Anglo-Latin tradition for a purely English cannon, skip over this and concentrate on either Old English or Chaucer, Langland, the poet of Sir Gawain, i.e. middle English writers.

>> No.18216406

>race mixing
burn it

>> No.18216638

To be fair I never see Dickens brought up on /lit/ either.

>> No.18218405
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Really liked this one

>> No.18218412

Is this shit for real?

>> No.18218441

Yeah but it involves sticking things up your butt.

>> No.18219885

>J. Bazinga