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/lit/ - Literature

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18209559 No.18209559 [Reply] [Original]

Books about the psychology of environments?

>> No.18209601

Just read the great /out/ writers who naturally railed against urbanisation and industrial society. I would recommend
Knut Hamsun - Growth of the Soil
Edward Abbey - Desert Solitaire and also The Monkey Wrench Gang
Henry Thoreau - Walden
Aldo Leopold - A Sand County Almanac
Ted K - Industrial Society and its Future
John Zerzan - Against Civilisation
I hope you find something worth reading here.

>> No.18209620

Not necessarily anti-anything. Just curious about the underpinnings of environment and its ability to alter our psychological processes.

>> No.18209660

best radish varietal for yield, preserves, nutrition, and flavor?

>> No.18209676

Why are radishes so spicy? Can't stand them

>> No.18209683

First of all, they're not that spicy.
but if they're too spicy for you, try pickling them.

>> No.18209698

Discipline & Punish

>> No.18209751

By definition it is not "spicy," but the reason they taste that way is the same reason as plants like mustard or horseradish, it's because of your saliva reacting with the acids in the food. This isn't actually just limited to radishes, some people have more sensitivity to acids than others which can lead to such fruits and veggies as tomatoes or even carrots having similarly "spicy" sensations.

>> No.18209851
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Jewy Scheinhardt and Wei Zee Wang PhD ME PpS "Some Gay Study We Did of Nine People Who Took a Walk in the Park and Said They Felt Better Afterwards." in The Not Really THAT Reviewed Corporate Medical Journal.

That the kind of SAUCE you looking for your Redditor faggot?

>> No.18209890


>> No.18209910

Basically marxist materialism

>> No.18209911

Meds, now

>> No.18209931
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>> No.18210107
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>> No.18210216

>city passes state wide ordinance laws preventing collecting rain water, farm gates sales. Homestead fags get land taken away by bank

There's no where you can run. Take responsibility.

>> No.18210796

Interesting... I have experienced that with carrots on occasion

>> No.18211877

I feel a certain tingling sensations in my mouth when I eat tomatoes

>> No.18211944

Will you fags stop thinking you are safe outside the city? The Feds have an easier time taking you out there. You Blumpf fags will get Waco'd. Take back your country you fucking cucks.

>> No.18211965

this post glows

>> No.18211970

We literally don’t have to do anything but wait. They can’t keep this ship afloat and contain all their pets much longer

>> No.18212030

>just do nothing bro

>> No.18212036

You're talking about a pretty limitless topic my guy

>> No.18212069

nice contribution retard

>> No.18212345

I've actually read this, surprised to see it on lit now. What did you think of it? Felt like I was reading encyclopedia entries half the time. Granted I'm a bit of a smoothbrain (not a media scholar).

Places of the Heart: the Psychogeography of Everyday life is what you're looking for. Its mediocre pop-sci that veers off topic a bit but its very interesting

>> No.18212605


>> No.18212676

I heard Murray Bookchin had some good ideas.

>> No.18213525

city meme

>> No.18213732

Like, what you want post-humanist theory that considers the important agency of the environment as an actor in and of itself?

>> No.18213739

Jung, Pavlov

>> No.18213747

okay i kekd

>> No.18213752
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My plan? Do absolutely nothing.

>> No.18213755

Radishes is the worst vegetable. What the heck is that sweetness?

>> No.18213756

what do i do with my rainwater tank then

>> No.18213764

Stop shilling this stupid meme, this is literally not what Evola did or proposed.

>> No.18213806

This and one of Freud's are the only books I've made people read.

>> No.18213825

Bro just chill out go ride the tiger or something

>> No.18213831

Maybe later, too busy riding your mom atm.

>> No.18213842
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forgot pic

>> No.18213858

my mom is sitting with me right now and she says your a faggot

>> No.18213880
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Bookchin is very good

>> No.18213892

She says a lot of things, anon.

>> No.18213900

Tell your mom I said hi

>> No.18214547


>> No.18214554

Try reading The Spell of the Sensuous

>> No.18214566

Lol so true. Reddit fags always ask for sources (and never read them just try to say they don’t count)

>> No.18214752

arne naess invented the notion of self-realization as realizing one's role in the ecosystem
his general idea is that our quality of life9 qand health are directly related to how we understand our relationship to the broader ecosystem
foundational stuff, not the best writer, but foundational to the school of thought
for general gentleman farmer literature wendell berry and gene logsdon are essential /out/-core
bookchin is a fat cunt who politicized ecophilosophy and then condemned everyone else when they didn't
very based, a river runs through it is also good

>> No.18214769

City is more chill than you guys think honestly

>> No.18214781
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>> No.18214788
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>> No.18216229

For yield its daikon, like the one in ops pic.
For flavour, basically any weird little strain you've never heard of.

Most ones you see in the shops are grown purely for ease and yield.

>> No.18216367
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read the southern agrarians

>> No.18216866

Yeah I like living in the city, and I hate consoomer bullshit. It isn't either or.

Plenty of country bumpkins spend their entire paycheck in outlet shopping malls.

>> No.18216879

depends on the city

>> No.18216911

just read the Universe 25 Wikipedia page

>> No.18217012

not in my experience. austin and la were both nightmares. which city do you suggest?

>> No.18217072

>t. Spoiled gated-community suburbanite who Uber’s into the hip parts of the city

>> No.18218072
