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18209537 No.18209537 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more misunderstood philosopher than Nietzsche?

>> No.18209540

It's his own fault for being intentionally contradictory

>> No.18209553

Ted Kaczynski. So many retards think he is an anarcho-primitivist or that he wants some sort of Linkola-tier centralized state to solve all of the problems. Either that, or they only read what he said about leftists and proclaim him “based”

>> No.18209555

Yeah, your mom and her "suck every cock in the room, no matter how fat ugly and old" philosophy. People thought it was a metaphor, but she sincerely met perform oral sex on every male in the room until ejaculation, which is a philosophy she lived her life by.

>> No.18209570

What would Nietzsche say about the 21st century so far.

>> No.18209578

he'd be a Trump supporter
not joking

>> No.18209594

No, he'd probably be a China supporter.

>> No.18209600

He’d be NatSoc

>> No.18209604

We are approaching herd mentality and ressentiment levels that are off the charts

>> No.18209605

He and Spengler

>> No.18209613

Nah, he would have favored Italian Fascism over Hitler's paranoid non-sense.

>> No.18209612

China is too soulless, machine-like and too obsessed with clinging to dead things
He might have some sympathy for them but their anti-semitism would disgust him

>> No.18209619

China is
Pretty everything Nietzsche would have ever wanted

>> No.18209621

Hitler completed Nietzchean philosophy

>> No.18209638

No, Gabriele D'Annunzio did. Hitler was too stupid to be Nietzchean.

>> No.18209642

can an individual resist it?

>> No.18209646

He's not even american bro

>> No.18209654

As social systems become increasingly integrated in modern social networking technologies, it's a dangerous line to straddle between idiocy and self-reliance

>> No.18209656
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>> No.18209658

go back to your containment board, retard

>> No.18209673


>> No.18209682

So you have to be a fucking retarded to waste your time supporting a politician that he's not even from your country, you can't even vote for him in the first place

>> No.18209695

Nietzsche did do that, though. He praised Napoleon, he praised the Russian czars, he praised the Muslims, he praised Spinoza, etc.

>> No.18209708


>> No.18209711
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Perhaps if his works weren't filled with sticky notes to himself and actually flushed out like traditional philosophers, then there would be little ambiguity to what he says. I think he has many strokes of brilliance throughout his books, but that he is so deliberately careful with the words he uses tends to make him a very hard read. There's something to admire in that, but I would prefer he just have the balls to write more to the point instead of being so scared of self contradiction that he chooses to avoid further explanation of anything. Schopenhauer is way more enjoyable to read.

>> No.18209715

Why do you assume people who aren't politicians in your country can not impact you?

>> No.18209721

Did Nietzsche not praise Napoleon?

>> No.18209797

Well what is he then?

>> No.18209809

Napoleon was also fucking dead before he was even born, I'm not saying that you can't praise someone from a different country but to take part in the election of another country seems pretty stupid

>> No.18209815

he looks pretty cool in that hat haha

>> No.18210002
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>intentionally contradictory
Hmmm. Why would he do that?

>> No.18210427

Hegel and Heidegger.

>> No.18210803

He's commonly "misunderstood" because there are a ton of different ways to interpret him and conclusions to be drawn. The fact that leftists, elitists like Spengler, and populist demagogues like Hitler all took influence from him isn't weird, it makes perfect sense. Even people misunderstanding "god is dead" is totally expected, since he was being intentionally edgy for shock value in addition to trying to make a point. His idea of perspectivism shines through in what people take from his works.

>> No.18210966

I don't think either Hegel or Heidegger are "misunderstood", rather "not understood". People explain Nietzsche however it suits them, while largely staying clear of interpreting Hegel and Heidegger.

>> No.18211114

Any of the smart ones.

>> No.18211123


Q is the Ubermensch and Bidenbros are Untermenschenbros.

>> No.18211326
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I don't think anyone's fully understood Hegel

>> No.18211338

Definitely not. He'd be a post leftist.

>> No.18211448

>had no problem with Jews
>abhorred nationalism and notions of German superiority

You're a moron

>> No.18211477

By misunderstood does people mean that their interpretation isn't the same as someone else interpretation of work
I think it is about personal truth and opinions

>> No.18211504

>uh, you can't hate rich people because that's slave morality
>a rich conservative basing his entire life on fearing "the mob" and how the populace needs to be bludgeoned into obedience so people like him can continue wealth extraction? yeah sure that's not a philosophy of resentiment

>> No.18211554

> After Buddha was dead, people
showed his shadow for centuries afterwards in a
cave,—an immense frightful shadow.
is this some sort of Western supremacist attitude??
Buddha is just Plato’s thought experiment?

>> No.18211567

wait...I just like violence...I don’t care if insane hookers are dishing if out or rich johns...just switch to matriarchal telepathic totalitarianism

>> No.18211608

no atheists will misinterpret him til the end of time

>> No.18211640

"Misunderstood"? There are no facts, only interpretations.

>> No.18211888

Interpretations are not equal.