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/lit/ - Literature

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18208628 No.18208628 [Reply] [Original]

What is the literary equivalent of Killer7?

>> No.18208746

naked lunch is the first thing that comes to mind. maybe the mangas of takashi miike adaptations like fudoh the next generation. maybe /lit/zines like pinecone or &amp

>> No.18208890

Interesting, never read Naked Lunch before but I’ve heard about apparently being one of the earliest postmodern pieces of literature out there, I might give it a look into

>> No.18209408

its waaay beyond its time, not unlike killer 7. and there are other similarities too. the enigmatic characters and their alter egos, the disturbing surreal comedic feel, sexual undertones, oriental caricatures, the impenetrable style, absurdly evil conspiracies... and reading it feels like youre playing a game on ps2 that was very obviously made for the gamecube

>> No.18209512

Well then I’m certainly gonna check this out, because I love reading modernist and post modernist novels, as well as surrealists like Kafka as well as giving myself a challenge, I actually don’t play video games, haven’t done for like 15 years but I read about killer7 recently and it just clicked, so I only recently just finished it and it was probably the only game I genuinely thought about as “more than just a game” and left me confused for about a week afterwards

>> No.18209697
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