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18199538 No.18199538[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll be 19 years old in a month and I already have so much regret over time wasted. When is it too late to start to realise your dreams?

>> No.18199543

lol, try 30

>> No.18199558

just bee ur self

>> No.18199586

depends on what your dream is
19 definitely is not too young to start
the most important thing to remember is to never give up
so many people fail at things they could have achieved because they asked themselves "what's the point"
remember the point, and be like an arrow flying at your goal, a sharp tip will penetrate the target

>> No.18199708

I always used to feel like this when I was 16, but now I am trying to move on. I think you can't have what's not already destined for you, so why have regrets?

>> No.18199929
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read My Diary by Deez

"I turned 20 a couple of months ago, and let me tell you, it is true that certain knowledge comes only with age.

I have spent my entire life reading philosophy. Existentialism, cynicism, absurdism, nihilism, stoicism, and everything else. I have read it all because at a young age, I realized I wanted to not only know more, but to think more as well. Keeping this in mind, I have always thought nothing of death. As to me at the time, life and death were pointless. I thought my heart and mind were hardened to the point where, if met with death, I would gladly give it all up.

Yet a couple months ago I turned 20. It was at that moment when I knew I was no longer a teen. Not just 'not a kid' anymore, but the realization that I have spent the entirety of my life as a teen, and I would no longer in my existence ever live to those days ever again. And even further than that, I could never do anything to return to that time where I was still unaware.

This shock suddenly left me in absolute fear. Fear that I am whithering. My hair will soon fall, my skin will wrinkle, my mind amuck, and my life would be over. All this knowledge and preparation was for nothing as there is some things, some concepts that you cannot grasp. Not because you do not understand them, but because you have not lived them. "

>> No.18199938

Instead of lurking this thread, you could be reading.

>> No.18199942

No longer human

>> No.18200080
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>> No.18200113

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18200188



>> No.18200203

This has to be a joke right? 18-25 should be spent wasting time and experimenting, read a travel guide or something FUCK I AM OLD KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME

>> No.18200209
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I'll be 20 in a few months. I don't get how people can get to their 30s without killing themselves when they haven't achieved greatness. I can't stop thinking about suicide these days.

>> No.18200219

Yeah i agree. I spent 18 to 23 fucking around and I don't regret it at all. Got a lot of things out of the way and it allowed me me explore new ideas without being set. Now I feel confident in my chosen path while I see people who were on the conveyer belt since birth suddenly step off at a later age and are completely lost. I think people should have some time where they have no obligations or responsibilities but also the freedom to do whatever

>> No.18200231

>When is it too late to start to realise your dreams?
Probably in your mid-late thirties

>> No.18200233

Napoleon was a literal who Corsican rebel at age 20. Really, he wasn't shit until his late twenties and then rose super quickly

>> No.18201189

Bump for interest

>> No.18201193

You are one year into adult hood, calm the fuck down.
You can literally change everything in the next two years.

>> No.18201431

>I don't get how people can get to their 30s without killing themselves when they haven't achieved greatness
You don't decide greatness, everyone else does. This mentality is just an extreme need for external validation.

>> No.18201472

You can apply that to all material things. Not saying that that's a bad thing.

>> No.18201480

you get a 5 to 9 job and enter into a routine and just live on autopilot onwards

>> No.18201491

Proust. ISOLT stands for what you want.

>> No.18201492

You'll settle for mediocrity, trust me. Everyone does. Either you'll become a basic wagebot, or you'll check out of society and go NEET.

>> No.18201503
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it's not too late until you're fuckin dead

>> No.18201516

Went straight from high school to university. Got a master's degree, recently got a relevant job, currently working on my career.

Yet I feel like I have wasted so much time. So much time I could have actually done things. I wasted so much time smoking weed and browsing the internet, time I could have spent doing much more productive things.

How do I simply become content? And do I even want to be content? It's Saturday today, and have spent the first half of the day browsing the internet, soon I am going to read a book on my balcony. Is this wasted time?

>> No.18201530

Kek. OP has no clue what it means to suffer existential dread...yet

>> No.18201535

Start building self discipline NOW if you haven’t already. Invest in yourself—and remember that intellectual capital is FREE to attain and when you have enough of it you can literally accomplish almost anything

>> No.18201557
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Lazybones here. Just embrace it, youre probably never gonna make it and thats fine. I think weve all felt the same way, i had high aspirations as well. But you have to work at some point and from then it goes fast. All of a sudden youre 26 and cant find the motivation to do all those things you wanted to do. You can force it and work yourself to th e bone, never relaxing, always minding that pressure of being productive and then still not make it, which will hit you hard. Or let go, do your things when you want to and just enjoy it. Its hard op. Probably not the books youre looking for but theres peace found at enjoying idleness, sages dont do anything.

>> No.18201627


>> No.18201684

Part of the problem is you don’t know what was wasted time until later on. You’ll spend time working on things that beforehand you think weren’t a waste of time, and yet they yield the same results as if you’d just spent that time fucking around playing video games or whatever.

>> No.18203074


Just wait until you get into mid-late 20s and you realize that there's several celebrities younger than you. :)

>> No.18203084

Regret is wasted thinking. What's done is done. You can look back and glean what you might do in similar situations, if they arise again, but that's as much as you should do.

>> No.18203200

No time is wasting
Every moment, is a moment closer to your death
And that is all you will ever achieve
Learn to live instead of worrying

>> No.18203217


>> No.18203222

Ray Kroc didn't open up his restaurant until he was 55.
Just gotta keep pushing forward lad.

>> No.18203235

I agree that one should definitely have fun when they're young but also think they should develop skills/sources of income to support them for when they're 25+. Buy crypto, learn a trade, have sex with ugly wealthy women, etc.

>> No.18203352

Focus on getting rid of whatever made you waste your time. I threw away most of my teenage years playing videogames alone until one day i realized i wasn't having fun with them anymore and could have been doing other stuff. Now i lift, learned to socialize with normalfags and have a wider variety of hobbies.

What is your dream OP?

>> No.18203356

You are still capable of doing anything with your life that you could’ve done with your life until you’re 25. After 25, there are certain things which if you haven’t started you probably won’t take to a certain point. Even then it’s possible but it probably won’t happen. You’re a baby at 19. You’re probably not even a fully formed consciousness which is a boomer thing to say but you’ll realize how true it is when you’re older. I don’t know what you could possibly feel like you’ve already wasted.

>> No.18203364

The only thing you have to do as soon as possible is figure out what you need to do with your life such that your ever having lived a life in the first place will have been worth it and even then, most people will never get to that point where that’s necessary. There is nothing else that you have an imperative to do.

>> No.18203412

Great movie.

>> No.18203576

I hate new fags.

>> No.18203582

Lol try 39

>> No.18203813 [DELETED] 
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i am 16 and feeling the exact same thing.
i am struck with fear when people say that ill learn or figure it out when i get older. i have so little time here. i feel like i waste so much time.
i already feel like the plasticity of my brain is leaving. i dont learn like i used to. i dont have that same spark or curiosity anymore. it will get worse.
i dont want pills, i just want to function normally how everyone else does. i dont want to feel burdened with thoughts and the fact that time marches forwards every day. i want to spend meaningful time here but i feel halted to a stop by meaningless endeavors and instant gratification.
it doesnt matter how aware of it i am. i will never break free from my weak will and short attention span. any attempt to improve feels nil when a slight complication arises.
i am rambling and will be banned for my age.
i dont know anymore, i dont want to be 30 years old like the anons in this thread with the same thought processes. fuck

>> No.18204637

Truly, truly based film. Was just thinking about it today. Might be his best

>> No.18205665

based op b8ing

>> No.18206779

What is the name of this movie? Help an oldfag out.

>> No.18206815

The Straight Story

>> No.18206957


>> No.18207088

ur younger than most people who come to this realization in life.
stop masturbating since that will get you nowhere in life.
do as much as you can before you have to dedicate yourself to study or a 9-5 job. currently I'm only doing 2 units for my diploma and i'm using all the time I can to read and write and learn languages so I don't end up wasting my twenties jerking off and playing video games.