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/lit/ - Literature

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18198639 No.18198639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it.

>> No.18198657

stop it, delete this fucking thread

>> No.18198722

Reality is either Jesus or Structure and stuff or Process and change.

>> No.18198730

You need to synthesize with someone who gets it.

>> No.18198740

Start with the pre-Kantians

>> No.18198810

That's because you need read Hegel after you get a girlfriend.

>> No.18198898
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No one answered my question in the previous Hegel threads. I hope this one is different.

If Hegel was so cool how come my text of 'The Phenomenology of Spirit' smell like pee???

>> No.18198956

fuck you 18198898

>> No.18198969

A thread died for this