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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 423 KB, 1300x964, poojet_power_levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18195819 No.18195819 [Reply] [Original]

So this is the power of Indian literature...

>> No.18195852

OP confirmed only able to fight 4999 warriors at a time. Just kill yourself

>> No.18195883

Yeah, it's 2,500 year-old capeshit.

>> No.18195892

its just anime

>> No.18196283
File: 2.38 MB, 400x170, 1576243860811.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir we are superpower

>> No.18196394

Mahabharata is based, you massive faggot.

>> No.18196420

Wh*toids couldn't even count beyond 500 until Arabs gave them the superior HINDV NVMERALS

>> No.18196672

None of them would be able to beat Goku.

>> No.18196713

that's a lot of warriors

>> No.18196787


>> No.18197252


>> No.18197270

arnt you guys still shitting in streets after we gave you toilets?

>> No.18197280

This is truly the endgame of power fantasy escapism.

>> No.18197282
File: 142 KB, 602x452, 1243241242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we gave you toilets?

>> No.18197289

>tfw indus valley pajeets were more civilized than modern pajeets

>> No.18197299

And then ooga booga subhuman savages known as Aryanz invaded them and sent their civilization into dark ages.

>> No.18197307

this is based actually

>> No.18197375

Indus Valley civ was already in terminal decline by the time teh Aryanz arrived.

>> No.18197382

The "gods" were just the names of different warships and weapons platforms that were lost after the last cataclysm. The battles described here involved nuclear capabilities. There's archaeological evidence of ancient atomic struggles in India

>> No.18197400

Question: When I look at Indian cinema and other media and all its attendant... idiosyncrasies... is it all just a deliberate meme? How much of it is self-aware?

>> No.18197419

based, i think i'm a maharathi in dynasty warriors, edf, and even GTA

>> No.18197424

Why do Indians keep pretending it’s like 5,000 years old? “iT’s tHe OlDeSt bOoK iN tHe WoRlD”, like no it’s not

>> No.18197427

Forgot your meds anon.

>> No.18197428

the daisy chain logic of the slapstick is kind of funny, as well as the distasteful editing like it was a serious action movie. haters are just mad

>> No.18197438

>tfw indus valley pajeets
they weren't Pajeets

>> No.18197445

>How much of it is self-aware?
Not at all, this is serious shit for them. They want the hero to win and score quality white pussy at all costs.
This is the tragedy of power fantasy escapism. You can imagine how much shite lives the average poo must have been living if he takes refuges in such perverse entertainment.

>> No.18197458

>Why do Indians keep pretending it’s like 5,000 years old? “iT’s tHe OlDeSt bOoK iN tHe WoRlD”, like no it’s not
Pajeets go through life with a chip on their shoulder and an inferiority complex

>> No.18197474
File: 26 KB, 408x286, 830703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So 207,360,001 warriors could kill Shiva, huh..

>> No.18197477

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.18197482

And did those nuclear weapons just happen to have vividly recounted sexcapades with female and/or phallic forms of one another too? Because there's a ton of that besides the animu power levels...

>> No.18197503

>And did those nuclear weapons just happen to have vividly recounted sexcapades with female and/or phallic forms of one another too? Because there's a ton of that besides the animu power levels...
Indians literally worship Shiva's cock

>> No.18197509

>vividly recounted sexcapades with female and/or phallic forms of one another too

>> No.18197547

Please tell me there's a mecha anime about this.

>> No.18197551

Kek. Is it just me or do they also detest the laws of logic?

>> No.18197560

>18. When they said thus, the penis of that Avadhūta, who was Śiva of wonderful form, fell down instantly.
>19. That penis burnt everything in front; wherever it went it began to burn everything there.

nuclear weapons
superpower by 2030

>> No.18197564

Nah other people do what they do too. For example Chinks also claim to be the oldest civilization ever

>> No.18197586

>32. Let the gods propitiate goddess Pārvatī and pray. If she can assume the form of the vaginal passage that penis will become steady.
>37. Pārvatī in the form of the Vaginal passage and an auspicions arrow shall form as the pedestal wherein the phallus shall be installed in accompaniment of the Vedic mantras.[2]
please sirs how to stabilize benis with white gril?

>> No.18197666

>37. Pārvatī in the form of the Vaginal passage and an auspicions arrow shall form as the pedestal wherein the phallus shall be installed in accompaniment of the Vedic mantras.
It really does sound like it's describing the process of reloading some sort of weapon.

>> No.18197695

this kinda stuff was done in European chansons de geste too. Both in La chanson the Rollant and in El cantar del mio Cid it's described how they could kill thousands or armies of Saracens in one blow.

>> No.18197698

War and sex are pretty interchangeable in metaphor, this isn't particularly new. Arrows, spears, javelins, missiles, even bullets, they're all phallic. Usually used to impregnate or stab targets.
A lot of power symbolism revolves around the phallus but it's mostly just coincidence or the mind playing on perverse observations.

>> No.18197708
File: 139 KB, 543x776, An_early_20th_century_Hindu_deity_Rama_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing a story set in the British Raj (with a heavy theological angle), I could use the input of any pajeet or anyone familiar with the period itt, anyone interested?

>> No.18197713

In that season, sure. But now he's a mahamahamaharathi.

>> No.18197726

>War and sex
Violence* rather
all this talk of ancient nuclear penises and vaginal cockpits is making me tired
and hungry

>> No.18197762

What is it about Asia that loves this kind of stuff? Is it just an inferiority complex/compensating for irl?

>> No.18197770

Chadhathustra, quick, summon that weapon given to you by the gods, that weapon which is brighter than the Sun and rejoices all the celestial nymphs and makes the demons seething in the shades, that weapon which surely kills the enemy as would a mighty elephant painted in many colors sitting on a turkey.
Worry not Wojakastra, for I will now invoke mentally this invincible weapon whose sound is so big it would be terribly painful... for you, that weapon I'm now going to hastily throw without delay, my gora friend with a sad face, charged with the knowledge given to me by the Rishi Apu Apustaja, who pleases the gods with his memes, I'm hurling that weapon without delay to the wicked face of the general Spurdasparda.
Fugg :3 dat weapon without equal, he's sending it in my direction like scissors to benis, I'm dying instantly now but as I fall in slowmo let me remind you, Rama and Sita not Rama and Steve, kay, praise Shiva. I'm now dead fugg it's like mother Earth embraces me now, the bearded vultures are looting my organs like shekels, you're gonna carry that weight Chadhathustra, see you Space cowboys by 2020

>> No.18198498

Sounds great.

>> No.18198759

>I like my narrative because it's comfy
you know you we wuz just as much

>> No.18198768

Nah NIGGA we wuz da weapons
These "gods" were next level energy

>> No.18198798

Language unlocks bro
Language is all based on tones, then mantras
The mantras originally didn't have language meaning, they were literal vibration shapes/patterns that would, say, effect another body in a specific way and then transmission was understood

So whatever they're doing they know how to make certain tones and phonetic patterns that had a massive effect on some body/form/mass of energy. Whenever a devi is mentioned it's usually a reference to a body of energy

>> No.18198822

sometimes I think about how the 1000+ years future is gonna look at anime like kill la kill, this utterly nonsensical goofy shit. but I guess it's sort of universal

>> No.18199465

All of it is a meme

>> No.18199551

Can anyone explain why this is a bad thing?

Also why the fuck do these thinly shit posts creep onto /lit/? Jannies do your fucking job.