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18195379 No.18195379 [Reply] [Original]

Catholics-Socialists want to Capitalize the domestic inasmuch as Protestant-Capitalists want to domesticate the Capital, "Protestant work ethic" is only innovative in content: the C-S proudly claims that the P-C is only wrong because he works for himself and the P-C claims that the C-S is only wrong because he works for others. The C-S is as, if not more, morbid than the P-C in worshiping work. Neither inquires about the truth of work and its place in the Phenomenal world. In fact, the C-S is even more choleric than the P-C, his pretension to being a good person revealing itself to be nothing more than bestial obsession with exertion at the slightest critique of work. The C-S implicitly Philosophically conceding to the P-C in claiming the P-C idea fundamentally good, only criticizing it inasmuch as it fails to impose itself onto a minority of people (!): money and material goods toward sensuous pleasures are the highest good, and are only bad inasmuch the people sanctioned by the C-S are not experiencing them. Likewise, the P-C implicitly Philosophically concedes to the C-S in claiming the C-S idea fundamentally good, only criticizing it inasmuch as it fails to embrace a particular kind of servitude: servitude is the highest good, and is only bad inasmuch as it excludes P-C-sanctioned servitude. The reified effects of this convergence are as obvious as they are tragic, people whose whole lives consist of nothing more than work to mitigate the consequences of their lives consisting of nothing more than work and people whose whole lives consist of nothing more than medical treatment to mitigate the consequences of their lives consisting of nothing more than medical treatment; the C-S is, again, at least as, if not more, morbid than the P-C in prescribing people a lifetime of suffering. Per the P-C, you must suffer incidentally, per the C-S, you must suffer. In light of this, the "primitive" or "shallow" Gnostic and Orthodox attitudes toward work are anything but. If you happen to be into Socionics, map the Christian branches onto the quadras for further elaboration: Gnostic-Gamma, Orthodox-Delta, Catholic-Alpha, Protestant-Beta.

>> No.18195547

Interesting stuff. Just as the socialist is productivist (towards the human community), the Catholic is also economic in the sense of good works but also in terms of a divine pastoral economy over the earth. Can Christianity at all be reconciled with worklessness (per Agamben God is workless but sets in motion, through the Trinity, an operative economy) theologically? What are the gnostic and Orthodox attitudes you hint at?

>> No.18196437
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>Can Christianity at all be reconciled with worklessness

Yes, in Occasionalism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occasionalism..

>> No.18196682

Love it, last quality threads on /lit/

Do you have a reading list by chance?

>> No.18196843


Reading list pertaining to what I say? No. Reading list in general? John, Thomas, Plato's Parmenides.

>> No.18196865

Is this a defense of NEETdom?

>> No.18196886

Do you have a site or anything?

>> No.18197020



>> No.18197157

Very based, keep 'em coming you crazy motherfucker