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18192713 No.18192713 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good starting point to get into Buddhist mythology? The actual scriptures feel intimidating and overwhelming.

>> No.18192784

Buddhist mythology [like the jatakas] is not buddhism, just like Buddhist philosophy [ie the abidharmaS and their commentaries] is not buddhism either.
If you want buddhism, you have to read the sutras like dhammatalks.net
the pdf are here

for a swift intro you can read bikkhu bodhi's books or watch his videos



>> No.18192848


>> No.18193785


>> No.18193919

How are those not Buddhism? They are part of Buddhism by being Buddhist texts written by Buddhists.

>> No.18194028

Here you go friend.

Also for more detail in doctrine if you want it: http://buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm

>> No.18194527

x is not x is basically the buddhist schtick

>> No.18194552

The Flower Garland Sutra/Avatamsaka Sutra would be your best bet

>> No.18194591


>They are part of Buddhism by being Buddhist texts written by Buddhists.
In buddhists, people who matter are enlightened people, not ex jains and brahmins in monasteries building a career by speculating on the previous commentaries, making up stories about societies and how kings should rule, only to end up creating rituals and shrines, and turning anatta into a nature like the brahmins in mahayana did >>18194552

>> No.18194600
File: 88 KB, 720x822, based buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a good starting point to get into Buddhist mythology?
4chan memes like this pic

>> No.18194612
File: 7 KB, 243x208, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you stare at a wall until you lobotomize yourself

>> No.18194634
File: 28 KB, 739x415, 1747D44C-F0AD-48AA-A31B-E5DC32BD64ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism doesn’t believe in mythology. Buddhism is scientific.

>> No.18194662
File: 41 KB, 593x443, 502A52C7-7A67-4BA4-B98D-3A64DF1E2094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that talk about devas and nagas is only symbolic. The truth is that all is void and you don’t have a self or soul. Turn off your inner voice and join our community.

>> No.18194688

So a typical No True Scotsman viewpoint.

>> No.18194704

Being hateful of Buddhism so openly says more than any angry criticism of it

>> No.18194712

*hits u on the head with a stick*

>> No.18194986

dont hate my nihilistic death cult! buddhism is scientific!!!

>> No.18195010
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>But one might go further and ask the Nihilist why he does not feel thoroughly ashamed to go on recognizing himself as the agent in every successive cognition right up to his dying breath, and to remember all his past cognitions from birth on as having had himself as agent, while continuing to adhere to his doctrine that everything goes to destruction the moment it arises? He might perhaps rejoin that all this comes about through similarity. One might then reply to him that the notion ‘this is like that’ shows that similarity involves two entities. But as the Nihilist cannot admit that there is a single perceiver who could perceive the two similar things, his claim that recognition is based on similarity is just babble. If, on the other hand, there were really a single perceiver able to perceive the similarity of two moments, then there would be one person persisting during two moments, which would contradict the principle of universal momentariness.


>> No.18195018

shankara was a crypto buddhist anyway

>> No.18195277
File: 50 KB, 500x500, sri-dharma-pravartaka-acharya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related: you

>> No.18195280
File: 27 KB, 739x415, 08EC2A8D-C6E4-4115-A680-987BDF513FD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s right goy, strive to become a malnourished, vegetarian non-person while the elites retain their individuality and personhood and enjoy eating beef! I mean, we can’t save the Environment ™ if everyone is eating beef right? Buddhism is the perfect global religion. Second only to based Advaita Vedanta!

>> No.18195291

>caring about the environment
>caring about politics and society like a cuck
>caring about wageslaving for a slut and her kids
>caring about the sensual realm

enjoy hell, bugman

>> No.18195296

Stop talking to the mirror.

>> No.18195300

this guy awakens

>> No.18195323
File: 33 KB, 680x763, d0zq95s67do61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern philosophical schools of Buddhism are all more or less influenced by a spirit of sophistic nihilism. They deal with Nirvāṇa as they deal with every other dogma, with heaven and hell: they deny its objective reality, placing it altogether in the abstract. They dissolve every proposition into a thesis and its anti-thesis and deny both. Thus they say Nirvāṇa is no annihilation, but they also deny its positive objective reality.

>According to them the soul enjoys in Nirvāṇa neither existence nor non-existence, it is neither eternal nor non-eternal, neither annihilated nor non-annihilated. Nirvāṇa is to them a state of which nothing can be said, to which no attributes can be given; it is altogether an abstract, devoid alike of all positive and negative qualities.

>What shall we say of such empty useless speculations, such sickly, dead words, whose fruitless sophistry offers to that natural yearning of the human heart after an eternal rest nothing better than a philosophical myth? It is but natural that a religion which started with moral and intellectual bankruptcy should end in moral and intellectual suicide.

>> No.18195365

hinduism = brahman is everything, but you were born out of brahman without the knowledge of brahman so you suffer

mahayana = buddha is everything, but you were born out of buddha without the knowledge of buddha so you suffer

low IQ really believe this btw. Odd that they can't say why buddha let people suffer in the first place by not letting them know about buddha as soon as they are born.

>> No.18195373

>philosophical myth?
Not even that. Nirvana is not philosophical in the slightest, because it leads to absurdities and self-contradictions. Knowing this they opt out of talking about it and make up linguistic tricks (it neither exists, nor is doesn’t exist, nor neither, nor both). It’s a linguistic myth. Mere babble.

>> No.18195570

>low IQ really believe this btw.
It's even more stupid to believe: Theravada = you were born out of random particles that just exist for no reason whatsoever except that they are dependent on other things in a cycle, but there is nothing permitting this cycle to exist to begin with. There are just a mass of unintelligent particles which exist purely by chance which somehow for some crazy reason arrange themselves to produce intelligent life *FOR NO REASON AT ALL* and that we are like a meaningless byproduct or software flaw of this obscure system and we are supposed to just end our flawed existence and obliterate ourselves into the eternal void of nothingness.