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18191851 No.18191851 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this guy and the Cathedral?

>> No.18191865

>rip off marxist and pomo thinkers
>launder it with new language to conservatives in 100,000 word blog posts

>> No.18191881

he should go to an actual cathedral and worship God. retarded atheist faggot.

>> No.18191892

I can see how he rips off Marx, but how does he rip off Pomo thinkers?

>> No.18191958

He's right about the cathedral

>> No.18192001

Narratives being socially engineered into the population by institutions and the importance of power in the allowing the Cathedral to determine truth. It's a crude attempt at postmodernism by the right.

>> No.18192012

god what a depressing thread. it's like eternal 2015 up in this bitch

>> No.18192016

That sound more like Marx and Gramsci

>> No.18192281

I think that a guy who, after all the self-directed posing for pictures he's done, still can't pick a haircut or style of glasses to suit him has zero prescriptions to offer society at large.

>> No.18192290
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Michael Bolton from Office Space irl

>> No.18192300

KYS spammer

>> No.18192363

Who is his vape coach?

>> No.18192395

He should call (((them))) what they are.

>> No.18192417

I can't think of a better modern poet....but unfortunately he wastes most of his time with weird political philosophy.

>> No.18192431

Megan Boyle I think

>> No.18192720

Apparently his wife died last month, real sad.

>> No.18192794

Gonna be raising two kids as a solo father. They're roughly preteen aged too, the kids must be even more devastated than him.

>> No.18193810


>> No.18193813

Is it a fake ploy to get more patreon bucks? I don't trust this guy one bit.

>> No.18193971

He's mentioned there was a high risk individual in his household regarding covid before. Apparently his wife had a genetic heart issue.

>> No.18194004

What are you talking about? He expands on the works of the Italian school of elitism and de Jouvenel among others who pomos and marxists ripped off in the past

>> No.18194006

What makes it "crude" besides the fact that it makes you mad that these ideas that were so deep they couldn't be explained in simple language, can in fact be explained in very simple language

>> No.18194011

He doesn't have patreon, what are you smoking?

>> No.18194038

How much does his substack cost?

>> No.18194138

How many times are you going to post this?

>> No.18194604
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>> No.18194703
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>> No.18194778

This. I appreciate that Curtis is a Jew, but his inability to name the merchants is a little bit off-putting.

>> No.18194870

Neo-Reactionaries are right about everything

>> No.18194887
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He was smart to target software engineers rather than people who read books