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File: 24 KB, 640x467, apple pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18190707 No.18190707 [Reply] [Original]

I know why philosophers advise against having a gf, recently lost my virginity and I now no longer give a fuck about whether being necsssitates qualian epistemophysics or whatever.

Lmao fucking virgins

>> No.18190713

So this is why the greeks were gay

>> No.18190724

boypussy is for the wise.
Femalepussy is for the faggot.

>> No.18190732
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>> No.18190742

Give it some time, you are either going to eventually learn to hate women, or get sucked into an unhappy life raising a child HER way.

>> No.18190744


>> No.18190754

I already hate women, but that pussy sweet as candy.

>> No.18190823

Men (at least the philosophers anyway) are driven by nature to invent fake and gay metaphysics in order to find meaning in their existence. They have a Will to Truth. Man can quell this drive to some extent by fulfilling his one purpose in life, to get laid and be a father. Woman is different, she always has one particular purpose she can fall back on that defines her entire life and she doesn't have reason to care about the eternal Egyptianist Truth or whatever nonsense, except to the extent that it's a community norm. To Nietzsche, this would be as much a compliment to women as a criticism. They know that truth does not have infinite value over untruth.

>> No.18190841

The apple doesn't help your case

>> No.18190856

Glad for you Anon, incels believe that “have sex” is a meme but without a doubt it’s the rite of passage to manhood. One of the first things I did after getting regular pussy was ditching the cringe cope that is philosophy.

>> No.18190865

stfu dumbass

>> No.18190884

philosophy incel detected

have sex

>> No.18190893

I have gf and like philosophy.

>> No.18190897

'liking' it is healthy, only virgins get angry about disagreement within it, see?

The difference between Montaigne (based shagger) and Nietzsche (cringe virgin)

>> No.18190920

The novelty wears off. Give it time

>> No.18190941

/lit/bros... it's over for us... the chads fucking WON

>> No.18190942

If you are serious and not just shitposting, I'm curious to know how that's possible. Sex is literally just a 5 min chemical rollercoaster in the brain, like when you hear a really good song. You're just the same person afterwards. How would that change brain wiring in anyway?

>> No.18190952

>Sex is literally just a 5 min chemical rollercoaster in the brain
This is where you're wrong, it's one of the most spiritual experiences. Why do you think every religion has dealt with it so carefully?

>> No.18190973

How is the female drive to reproduce any stronger or more significant than the male one? Why does the woman know she can fall back on this purpose but the man does not?

>> No.18190981

>5 minutes
What the fuck are you doing.

>> No.18191001

>5 min
Lol she’ll be cucking you soon

>> No.18191014

>bro I am such a chad bro I last for hours bro trust me bro
why do you feel the need to do this here? you realize no one here knows who you are right? theres no need to put on a facade.

>> No.18191019

The point is making her cum. Time doesn't matter.

>> No.18191041

Mate I've never had sex in my life. If your only intent is to cum or to make her cum as fast as possible, then why are you even having sex? Either of you can do it with their hands.

>> No.18191048

I admit sex is a rite if passage for men, but I felt like a fucking retarded after getting my dick sucked for the first time; that is, to recognize I put so much emphasis on losing my virginity from 15~19 made me feel empty the day after. In truth, having sex made me realize how worthless the whole process is and served to liberate me from the omnipresent desire to have sex

>> No.18191075

Virign here, the one actual biological woman that ever talked to me about sex complained that her ex used to edge in her and drag sex out for ages and she hated that shit because she got sore.

>> No.18191083

>having sex when only one party enjoys it
Communication is a lost art.

>> No.18191093

It is not really the act of sex in itself. Some men change for the worse after finding a mate. The spontaneous, intelligent and exuberant man is replaced by a meek and subservient dullard. I’ve seen it happen.

>> No.18191095

Good, women should suffer, especially sexually

>> No.18191133

You have to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.18191152

This reminds me of when my friend lost his virginity at 23 and acted like he was hot shit for months until he got cucked. Many such cases lmao

>> No.18191170

My pp is too big for her. Sucks man.

>> No.18191179

I hate it when the sixteen year olds post.

>> No.18191198

>sex before marriage

>> No.18191200 [DELETED] 

As a 17 year old, does the appeal for sex wear off when I get older?

>> No.18191210

The appeal of just about everything does

>> No.18191215

I'm 18 actually.

>> No.18191221

1. Enjoy your ban
2. Get the fuck out of 4chan and enjoy prime pussy, don’t get back until you’re 21.

All of the resident incels here are seething because they missed out on teenage fucking - it’s the best time of your life, don’t waste it here.

>> No.18191223

Hope you guys have sensible investment plans for your future adult life. It's best to start immediately.

>> No.18191232

My dad is a millionaire.

>> No.18191245

Depends on you, honestly. I've slept with a decent amount of women, and with some, it's not satisfying at all 'cause they're awful lovers or generally annoying, but with others, it's fantastic. Just stay in good shape and you'll be fine.
What took you so long, then?

>> No.18191264

>What took you so long, then?

dunno lol

>> No.18191269

I can tell you never had teenage sex if you think that lol

>> No.18191299

*worst time of life
You're under massive social pressure to get a gf, and considered a loser if you don't. You will think girls like you because they find excuses to cuddle and pretend to laugh at all your jokes, but it's all just a ruse to get sex. They are all sex maniacs, and some are very pushy. I don't know why so many men say it's the other way round - they must have been fat or ugly or something. Not providing sex will result in an uncerimonious breakup and a new enemy who is out to sabotage your life.

>> No.18191305

You still have to keep up with inflation anon.

>> No.18191314

i lecture my tinder matches about hermeticism
youre just a fag op

>> No.18191325

>they are all sex maniacs, and some are very pushy
IMPORTANT REMINDER: This is only true if you are the kind of person who has no idea what a 4chan even is.

>> No.18191338

He could one day die and your mother could exploit your weakened emotional state to sign over your inheritance to her so she could manage finances easier only for her to sell everything off and give you a tiny portion of your original inheritance that she will slowly suck out of you by demanding payments for various family purchases and you'll end up with practically no money left.

Could happen.

>> No.18191344

"What is toast?"

>> No.18191346

Can I reach gnosis through pussy? Serious question

>> No.18191349

How old are you OP?

>> No.18191391

women are evil obviously

>> No.18191405

Won't happen. Nice cope though, poorfag.

>> No.18191426

Yes. Check out "Magical Operations with Two Vessels- Reduplication" by Abraxas.

>> No.18191438

So this is the power of philosophy

>> No.18191599

I'm here, so no. This is why I don't miss being a teenager. Being a young adult isn't much better desu, but at least there isn't so much pressure to date. I can be single without any social repurcussions.

>> No.18191639

Hm. The chemical drive to reproduce is no stronger in male vs. female. Otherwise, we upright humans would have a rutting season, in order to attract a female. Yes, the chemicals of sex (dopamine, testosterone (both sexes) ....) are addictive as skydiving, opium or breath-play. It is a question on how you handle addiction...do you HAVE that vape pen every half-hour, or are you cool to smoke only every couple of hours?

>> No.18191692
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>Bragging about losing your virginity to strangers on the internet

>> No.18191700

I'm not bragging, try to craft an original response. One that doesn't revealt you as a /v/tard.

>> No.18191710

>chemical drive
Stopped reading there.
/r/atheism is that way https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/

>> No.18191716

>>18191083 hm....i disagree, communicating is still there. The PATIENCE to talk to a person is what is lost. As anyone in north america and europe under 35 grew up with phones that words are shortened to an odd "shorthand" instead of expression and a patience to match. Ask a 20 something why they don't date and most say "it takes too long" and "there is too much to remember about her/him" as in activities, best shows whether they are allergic to black pepper and etcetera..... i admit, i am a bit slow myself to digital date as i am way over 40 and still like go to museums for several hours.

>> No.18191765

Athiesm as in the structure of thinking the religious are misleading themselves? That has Very little to do with the hormones a carbon lifeform makes in it's lifetime. Chemical reactions heal the body, break food down into energy or can cause a cuck to take a swing at a police officer.

>> No.18191773
File: 523 KB, 1696x2048, licensed-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*
*fucks your underage sister*

>> No.18191808

Okay...agree. Most religions are messed up and/or have people that think religion is The Cure for what is wrong.

>> No.18192403

Stop talking like a black person.
I wish there were a way to IP rangeban Americans.

>> No.18192422

I'm a bong, it's amazing how much one can be triggered by simply removing 'is'.

>> No.18192434

Only the most insecure virgins on the planet behave like OP. Literally the cope to end all copes.

>> No.18192440


>> No.18192448

anyone who talks like a nigger is a nigger and should be treated as such

>> No.18192464


Based NPC putting whores on a pedestal.

99% of men make up spooks while they live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior of those women.
Women give meaning to men's lives. men seek to be valued by women at all cost.

All those men are cuckold sooner or later. As soon as a man values a woman, he will be cuckold. SOciety is based on men being disposable and replaceable by women & ruling men. A woman has no problem replacing a lover, a husband or a father, especially when she does it ''for the kids'', as opposed to doing it for ''her'', which would be selfish from their POV.

1% of men try to find something else to value
99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard, making up retarded spooks, being a laughing stock for the men in society.

the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation

99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment

so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

>> No.18192481

Ebin racism my fellow redditor

>> No.18192487

This just seems like NPC text glitch to me, stop playing video games

>> No.18192490

>bongs hurting themselves in retard confusion

>> No.18192502
File: 209 KB, 960x415, virgin nihilist chad hedonist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.18192508
File: 81 KB, 1000x717, hedonism vs stoicism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoicism is for midwits

>> No.18192533
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Neither does one question where one food comes from when well fed.

>> No.18192586

Chad nihilist: I don't care if you renounce your views either.
Virgin Hedonist: No see your not supposed to say that...

>> No.18192587
File: 49 KB, 680x680, 591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you find an asexual wife? I don't like sex, but will do it for reproduction.

>> No.18192589

Not arguing in favor of nihilism because that's just as retarded but hedonists are usually miserable. The desire to self-indulge and pursue pleasure while minimizing pain and discomfort has the reverse effect of making you completely unprepared for the inevitable hardships of life, and thus making you more vulnerable and upset by them. Hedonists are usually pretty happy as long as they have access to drugs, whores, money etc. but as soon as you take away the source of the pleasure that they were indulging in they have a huge dopamine crash and their world view leaves them unequipped to deal with the vacancy of external sources of pleasure. They only know one solution to fixing their misery, and that's indulgence. So, naturally, they'll do everything they can to seek out pleasure again because their whole fabric of meaning is dependent on it and its the only way to feel happy. If they're unable to find it, they'll be miserable. And if they DO find it, it could only be a matter of time before it gets taken away again. The problem with hedonism is that your happiness is dependent on external sources of pleasure, which is not something that you can control. Hedonism is a good philosophy for people who are born into ridiculous amounts of wealth and privilege, but for most people it's a philosophy that will bring them to ruin and leave them unequipped for said ruin once they get there. This isn't to say you shouldn't indulge from time to time, but a healthy amount of moderation when you indulge means that you can still enjoy the good things in life, without being ruled by them. Besides, scientifically speaking, the more and more you indulge in excess the less gratifying your indulgence will be, and eventually you will get to the point where your source of pleasure isn't even a source of pleasure anymore, but rather, just a way to prevent yourself from the total misery of their absence.

>> No.18192612

>Ebin racism my fellow redditor
This doesn't even make any sense, you faggot.
Fuck off back to r*ddit if you can't even use chan language properly.

>> No.18192614

Based. Philosophy is just cope

>> No.18192744

Nah all the philosophy undergraduates in my college have a lot of sex you probably just didn't care about philosophy in the first place or is too infatuated for a while and will come back to it once things get shitty again

>> No.18192754

pick one faggot

>> No.18193146

I had sex once and it was disappointing
Definitely didn't kill my interest in philosophy at all, actually it did the opposite and killed my interest in pursuing women, now I just fuck hookers when I get tired of jacking off and want a bit of novelty

>> No.18193169

Exact same here

>> No.18193200

Fucks a man in the ass.
>Yeah having sex with females is pretty homosexual

>> No.18193207

Don't knock it until you try it

>> No.18193214

Yes, and?

>> No.18193223

The only reason I still do philosophy is because it is the only thing I dont get bored with.

How are you so underaged to not get this applies to wet pussy as well?

>> No.18193224

I had sex for the sake of having sex and it was terrible

>> No.18193235

Philosophy is what dumb autists do to try to understand life.

>> No.18193548

As a hedonist, why do you feel the need to promote your ideology? Is knowledge more valuable than pleasure?

>> No.18193561

It’s because they’re saving themselves for one woman: Sophia.

>> No.18193570


>> No.18193575

Empedocles and Pythagoras didn't like sex either

>> No.18193667

Both are animal behaviours.
How did they do it then? How do you get a wife who isn't a sex fiend?

>> No.18194251

>implying you would be a good or even passable father

Pleasure exists everywhere