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/lit/ - Literature

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18189224 No.18189224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Be honest. If you have a PhD or are planning to get one, are you going to insist on being called "Doctor"?

>> No.18189232

No, that's fucking stupid.

>> No.18189235

I'm cool, so it is 'doc' 4 me

>> No.18189242

No, titles are gay.
I'm my country we don't use titles except for the king and queen.

>> No.18189250

I think its perfectly fine to ask to be called doctor when introducing yourself, but correcting someone for forgetting looks like you have a complex. Personally I wouldn't bother unless you are intending to look like a academia jackass.

>> No.18189251

Nah, just "Doc"

>> No.18189253

No one does that outside of academic correspondence and shit, you'd come out as a huge asshole

>> No.18189257

Women and minorities do it on social media all the time.

>> No.18189264

Only in America, 7 billion people don't live in America and don't say Mr., Mrs or Dr.

>> No.18189277

>>7 billion people don't live in America
Mostly poors and illiterates.

>> No.18189286

I mean if its on linkedin of course people are going to prune themselves with titles. They are trying to look impressive.

>> No.18189292

>Mostly poors and illiterates
Just like in America

>> No.18189935

I'm planning on moving to Austria where the people like titles, I'm going to pull out the title to get better service if I think it's applicable but most often not.

>> No.18190689

If there's an option on a form where you have to give a title then I'll always put Dr. (I have a PhD btw) but I won't insist on it during conversation

>> No.18190691

Isn't that the point of getting one?

>> No.18190705

Yes and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

>> No.18190714

Fuck no.
I make them call me 'philosophiae doctor'.
Respect the title, niggers.

>> No.18190733

>be in undergrad English class
>professor sits in her backwards chair
>no need to call me doctor
>just call me by my first name
>drop class

>> No.18190738

Dare I say, B-B-B-B-B-B-BASED??

>> No.18190793

I have one in electronic engineering and I've only called anyone "Doctor" on rare ceremonial occasions. Never since leaving academia.

>> No.18190818

Nobody who people actually respect has to ask or demand to be referred to by title

>> No.18190834

If you don't have a PhD, should you even be allowed to post on /lit/?

>> No.18190846
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every student has to say a certain phrase at the end of every class or they fail

>> No.18190848

nigga this is 4channel LMFAO

>> No.18190852

>electronic engineering

>> No.18190862

Thanks doc.

>> No.18190882

I'm always tickled when I work with PhDs who put it in their email signatures. Often these PhDs are working outside of their field to get money because they gave up academia. It's very sad and cringe and pitiable when they try to keep markers of academic status in a completely different context when it's clear they kind of failed and abandoned that path in their life. Fine if their PhD is relevant to their subsequent pursuits - but even then I think you can't demand respect from people if your status isn't abundantly clear from your expertise or level of contribution. And the most respectable academics are generally humble and trying to share their knowledge in ways that are prosocial anyway (whether that is expressed in working for the public good or building a business or making discoveries/inventions/insights or promoting a new kind of discourse or consciousness about a topic... or whatever). Academics who signal that they deserve status are showing you that they are insecure and status-seeking, which tells you that they are competing in a zero sum game to be better than other people.

>> No.18190887

In a /lit/ subject? No I'd feel embarrassed. In STEM, sure as fuck cunt after suffering for 3-4 years.

>> No.18190891
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>> No.18190898

>Seething blog over being styled on by PhDs at your job
Lmaoing at ur life

>> No.18190914

The point for me is to get a /lit/ related job that isn't as terrible as being a high school teacher. I don't really care what they call me.

>> No.18190919

i have never stepped foot in any educational facility in my life, but i sitll insist on being called doctor.

>> No.18190922

No, the only people we call doctors in my country are physicians, even though they're probably the least legit PhD holders in existence. You call people that you don't know and happen to be in a higher position than yourself "Mister".
I'm planning to get a PhD and won't be expecting anyone to call me doctor except in academia-related quotes, fuck titles, why do you expect to be called by your title from people that aren't even in your field? It's retarded.

>> No.18190923

>insist on being called "Doctor"?
nah, I'm totally good with being called "Master"

>> No.18190927

I'll have my phd in history in about a year. I have talked with at least 10 different "doctors" in history none of them asked it.

>> No.18190944

>the only people we call doctors in my country are physicians
irony is that physicians have the equivalent of a Master's degree, as they didn't make an original contribution to their field of study... but many PhD's don't either, while people who take Research Master's do in fact make an original contribution
so I propose we fall back to the original definition and only call Doctor a person who can teach you proper Latin

>> No.18190969

Yeah, I want one just to flex on my family.

>> No.18190991

No, they have to call me by my rank until I retire, and then they can't call me at all