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/lit/ - Literature

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18183553 No.18183553 [Reply] [Original]

How many hours a day do you read?

>> No.18183564


>> No.18183591

Aiming for two, usually end up reading slightly less.

>> No.18183592


>> No.18183613

One hour and a half for philosophy. One hour for a novel in French (which I learn atm). Half an hour for poetry (about five poems). You do the math.

>> No.18183625


>> No.18183652
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I try to read 100 pages a day minimum, which usually comes out to somewhere between an hour and a half and two hours depending on the density of the text - Oftentimes I'll go over though, so my daily average is probably around 2.5-3 hours.

>> No.18183665


>> No.18183733
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>I try to read 100 pages a day minimum, which usually comes out to somewhere between an hour and a half and two hours
How do you read so fast? It took me 3 hours to get 50 pages in The Stranger, which isn't even dense in words to page ratio.

>> No.18183747

>It took me 3 hours to get 50 pages in The Stranger,
jesus christ dude, how? That’s real bad, and I don’t even read fast at all. The only advice I can give you is to do a social media/internet fast and read all the time during it. You will likely see an increase in reading speed.

>> No.18183749

Usually about 7 or 8, but I'm about to get a job so I've been reading as much as I can while I still have the time.

>> No.18183755


>> No.18183816
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Yeah, I thought so. I'm following this /lit/ chart as I'm pretty new to reading. I'll just stick to it and hope I get better over time

>> No.18183834

Usually around 8-10

>> No.18183835

1 hr gets me about 20-35 pgs of a philosophy book.

>> No.18183887

If you are new to reading that makes more sense. If you are absolutely new to reading and have trouble with these, maybe start with some even easier ones, these are a bit steep for starting from 0. Something like Flowers for Algernon is a good entry, easy to read after the first bit and prepares you for taking meaning out of literary works and unusual writing styles.

>> No.18183913

Of mice and men is another quick and easy read. Once you are more comfortable with literature, the 9 books in the chart is the best way to continue. By the time you are finished with those you'll be leagues beyond the average person in terms of the ability to read and understand books.

>> No.18183994

what a shit chart

>> No.18184154

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll read them after I finish The Stranger

>> No.18184715

the guy is baiting you. some people just read slower like me. ive been reading for years and reading strong material, it doesnt r eally get better. dont fall for the bugman "i need to read FAST" consoomer mindset. enjoy what you read, take it in, understand it

>> No.18184818

those are all great books. screw off.

>> No.18184975

An hour a day, which is about 5 pages for me.

>> No.18184980


>> No.18185299

I don't read

>> No.18185301

I'm currently a NEET without much to do so it's usually 3 or 4 hours a day

>> No.18185304
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>> No.18185324

1-4 depending on how much time I have. I wish I could read more, but life always gets in the way. Thinking of taking a month or two off to just become a literary hermit

>> No.18185328

That depends. I read the internet at least 10 hours a day.

>> No.18186803

Does reading threads on 4chan count?

>> No.18186806

I cant do the math, I read literature as a hobby

>> No.18186855

i read literally 30 mins a day and only to fall asleep.

>> No.18186914

I don't know how to read.

: (

>> No.18186923

whens time for sex

>> No.18186925

I have fuckton of free time but can't read for more than 10 pages and I just get bored. Help

>> No.18186930

~1, if you only count books.

>> No.18187008

However many I want, quit hassling me, dad!

>> No.18187024


>> No.18187036

about half an hour before bed

>> No.18187084

1 hour after having sex

>> No.18187130

1 or so

>> No.18187153

3 hours is my minumum and I rarely fail to meet it, I try for 5 on the weekends. It's midday in bongland and I've done 2 hours so far.

>> No.18187305

Don't worry about how fast you read, just spend good time with your book. I find when I read slower I look forward to reading again a lot more, which is always a feeling that makes me feel happy.

>> No.18187440

about 1, sometimes more, sometimes less.

>> No.18187582

Lately got back into 4chan and haven't read a lick :(
Now I will have to wait for another existential snap in about 2 weeks.

>> No.18187742

the books you're reading aren't interesting you.

>> No.18187747

around 5 on a non-work day, probably 1-2 on a work day

>> No.18187772

45 mitutes or less

>> No.18187802

books? around 0.
reading? around 10

>> No.18187844

Well, shit, me too! I really hoped somebody would do the math for me.
5 minutes before bedtime if I'm not feeling horny. If I do feel horny then it's 5 minutes whenever I'm struck with this deplorable desire.

>> No.18189016

1-2 and sometimes longer if i'm really in to it

>> No.18189685

Same as this anon, I'll usually shoot for 100 words before bed.
I naturally read fast. I don't know why. I used to say it was because I didn't use my finger to read along when I was learning to read as a child, but that surely couldn't be the reason.

>> No.18190534

Average around 10-12hrs maybe half is in books.

>> No.18190540

0 or from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep
no inbetween

>> No.18190544

2-3h a day pure reading.

>> No.18190557

i dont read i only have SEX

and play yugioh but that's besides the point

>> No.18190655

Usually half an hour. Then I make some post about what I read and spend the next theee hours shitposting

>> No.18190694

30 minutes to an hour everyday. But I'm consistent with it and read everyday. Slow and steady wins the race (and keeps me from feeling burnt out on reading personally, but I could see how doing it daily would be more taxing on somebody than reading for a few hours two times a week)

>> No.18190729


>> No.18190736

an 1h more than you and everyone on this thread

>> No.18190869

Idk man. There’s avoiding the consoomer mindset and then there’s reading 50 pages of the Stranger in 3 hours. I consider myself a dreadfully slow reader and even I don’t read that slow.

That’s not me knocking the guy but I think we should avoid the “slow = good” mindset.