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/lit/ - Literature

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18183330 No.18183330 [Reply] [Original]

Recommended books for a 25 yr old khv autist?

>> No.18183345

The Holy Bible.

>> No.18183351

Any Dostoevsky

>> No.18183373

sounds like another book is the last thing you need

>> No.18183378

My diary.

>> No.18183414

Any book. You'll probably be miserable reading anything.

>> No.18183464

Do you already read a lot? If so, stop. If not, start. Work on becoming a complete person and you’ll find love eventually

>> No.18183472

You're not missing out on much senpai.

>> No.18183495

I can't stop.... I have a list of 10000 books (mostly philosophy, theology, mathematics etc...) and I feel I have a duty to God to read them. Its sucking all my free time away, but every one I read grants me a new insight, a new perspective on things. I literally cannot even make small talk anymore, everything is so painfully boring amongst normal people. Aside from that, reading 20th century philosophy, sociology, theory has made me aware of the material conditions that cause most of the menial everyday operations around me. Tbh I might have to become a hermit, living in a mid sized city with no literary scene is killing my spirit.

>> No.18183508
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Love never leaves an unpaid debt,
He will not pardon nor forget.

>> No.18183610

First of all, what do you want? Do you want to be a literary hermit or do you want to be a normal man with a gf and eventually a family?

>> No.18183653

Not OP. I don't want to be a hermit, I want to have a fulfilling balanced life but at the same time I feel like I'm being inauthentic and false if I continue to pretend amongst my peers that I enjoy retarded shit like cars, sports, movies etc... Honestly I really just want to find some people with a similar passion for speculative thought but I cannot, and with rona there is an even bigger limit to my travel options. Fuck it I'm venting rn, I guess my point is that reading is an integral part to my personality and idk how to properly fit it into a healthy social life since nobody gives a fuck about this stuff irl.

>> No.18183692

Honestly I would consider myself relatively balanced, but I can also say I have essentially no friends. I have coworkers who I’m friendly with and a gf who lives with me. If you don’t like your friends, don’t hang out with them. If you want friends with the same interests your best bet would be a school, probably upper level English classes or clubs. Idk if you have a degree, but going to community college is cheap and easy and although people there are often stupid some have a genuine passion for the same things you do and may even gather to discuss it. I find that life as a young adult is perfectly gratifying with no friends as long as you have a woman/women in your life occasionally and are working/going to school full time

>> No.18183699

I know how you feel. I didn't go out much as a kid and instead spent most of my time reading. I have no trouble making friends since I'm generally fun to be around, but as soon as it comes to actually getting to know the people I hang around I realise I have nothing in common with them. I don't care about the latest marvel movie or listen to the music they like or even read anythinh they might have.

>> No.18184193

Based af

>> No.18184470


Is there a /lit/ reading group? If not it would be useful to make one somewhere. I've noticed there are quite a few people on here with these or similar feelings and with at least the claims - though relative and systematic - of potential to actually think about and make philosophy. That's the only reason I come here anymore.

The issue is that what we want to achieve with our posting cannot be achieved here through this medium. I'd guess connecting would create ground for the possibility to ability for solving any of these issues, apparently - by appearance. Which is enough anyhow, I think.

>> No.18184491


>> No.18185605

Listen man, the amount you are reading is harmful to your personal growth. Read less, and dedicate more type to actually socializing.

>> No.18185653

What station is that one out of?

>> No.18186555
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Can I have that list of yours? I'm also a chronic hoarder of books.