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18181865 No.18181865 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good contemporary novels satirizing "wokeness" or is it only portrayed with a straight face?

>> No.18181874

zero lovecraft guy posted some decent stories over the years

>> No.18181902

we won't see any good ones until after our generation is dead and our great-grandchildren realize how retarded an ideology it truly is

>> No.18181908

Hes right though.
bin Laden and what the did against am*rica was 100% based. Is this not obvious to everyone with today's hindsight?

>> No.18181943

sometimes i see some of the "woke" things like a simpsons or south park episode. i mean, the sarcasm and hipocrisy is at clear view. you literally cannot aggrandize it. all the celebrities as policical bastions and making gucci commercials, things like that. you dont need to exaggerate one bit to satirize it so anybody does.

>> No.18182044

Wokeness is a joke amound black people that weird american's started thinking was real so no.

>> No.18182465
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This was pretty funny. "Tatiana McGrath" is a fake name, it's written by a British comedian called Andrew Doyle.

>> No.18182685

>Believing Bin Laden did 9/11

>> No.18182702

Antkind did it

>> No.18182735

I doubt it. You’d probably have to be American and you’d absolutely just get cancelled and no one would publish your book. Houllebecq is kind of close and I’ve always wonder how the French never shut him down.

>> No.18182741

Just print Twitter pages they write themselves

>> No.18182769

>bin Laden
Strange way to spell Mossad and Bush family.

>> No.18182838

Osama Based Laden was a hero and did nothing wrong.

There was never actually any proof of this.
Let me repeat that again.
Afghanistan offered to turn him over if America provided evidence of their assertions. This never happened, instead American troops invaded for zero good reason at all. The entire war could have been invaded if the US government had been able to provide a scrap of evidence linking Bin Laden to the 9/11attacks.
>but they took credit for the attack
No, they didn't. Al-Qaeda has repeatedly and consistently denied any involvement in the 9-11 attacks. The only exceptions to this are:
I. one low ranking al-qaeda operative who claimed responsibility long after the fact (as those groups often do for literally every act of terrorism) then quickly retracted his comments.
II. Several confessions obtained under torture by people who may not have had any relationship to al-qaeda at all but were detained in guantanamo bay for years without trial or evidence presented against them.
III. An anonymous letter that was written in English and circulated in Germany, which was quickly attributed to Bin Laden by western media. At no point has Bin Laden taken responsibility for this letter, and there is no real evidence that he was the one who wrote it.
IV. A video tape in which Bin Laden talks about planning the whole plane attack... found miraculously intact inside a bombed out building somewhere in Afghanistan. It has since been released from the CIA without any audio, however they provided an english transcript of the conversation.
Despite this apparent total lack of physical evidence, from when the initial attack happened at 8:40 it only took until 9:30 pm that same day, under 13 hours, to assign responsibility for the attacks. How did Bush possess such incredible clairvoyance to know who committed the attacks before there had even been time to carry out an investigation?

>> No.18182846

>but there was a court case
To date there have been two individuals persecuted for involvement. Zacarias Moussaoui and Mounir El Motassadeq. Neither of them were charged with involvement in 9/11 per se, but merely with acts of terrorism and involvement with the terrorist group al-qaeda.

Of Moussaoui, he claimed to have no knowledge of 9/11, but did admit that he was a part of al-qaeda and had been actively planning A DIFFERENT TERRORIST ATTACK that had been planned to take place after 9/11. There was also overwhelming evidence presented at the trail that the US government was aware of his activities and keeping a close watch on him prior to 9/11. Formally Moussaoui was charged with conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries, conspiracy to commit aircraft piracy, conspiracy to destroy aircraft, conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, conspiracy to murder United States employees, and conspiracy to destroy property, and he admitted guilty to all charges on April 22, 2005 claiming that he intended to free Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. According to Moussaoui, his master plan was to hijack a Boeing 747-400, since the plane is one of a few that could reach Afghanistan from the US without any intermediate stops. Three jurors decided Moussaoui had only limited knowledge of the September 11 plot, and three described his role in the attacks as minor, if he had any role at all.

Mounir El Motassadeq was initially charged in Germany with accessory to 3,000 counts of murder. This was overturned in a court of law for insufficient evidence. He was then charged with "membership in a "terrorist organization". That charge was also overturned after an appeal. On February 7, 2006, Germany's Federal Constitutional Court ordered an early release of Motassadeq. The highest court of Germany ruled there was an absence of proof that Motassadeq was informed about the September 11 terrorist plot. Finally the German Federal supreme court ruled that there was enough evidence to prove that Motassadeq knew of a plan to hijack a plane, and he was therefore charged with 246 counts of murder. Subsequent appeals have all been rejected.

Both trials were rife with accusations from lawyers present that the CIA and US government had coached witnesses and knowingly withheld evidence. Nobody has formally been charged with knowing involvement in 9/11. No proof has been presented demonstrating that anybody know that 9/11 was to take place.

So far the only hard evidence I have been able to find is a series of wire transfers between Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and Mohamed Atta providing funds for the attacks. If anybody was aware of the attacks, it would be Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh. He was never charged in relation to the attacks, but was later arrested in Pakistan concerning the murder of an American journalist. America has never requested extradition.

>> No.18182854

Concerning Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh:
>Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, in his book In the Line of Fire, stated that Saeed was originally recruited by British intelligence agency MI6 while studying at the London School of Economics. He alleges Saeed was sent to the Balkans by MI6 to engage in operations.

Again, there is very little proof that Bin Laden was involved at any stage in the 9/11 attacks. There is a lot of proof that the US government actively acted in obscuring evidence and blocking investigations while trying very hard to manufacture a narrative assigning blame. No court of law has ever assigned blame for the 9/11 attacks. There was a trail set for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, described as the chief architect behind the 9/11 attacks, which was supposed to begin at the start of this year (nearly 20 years after the fact), however that has since been postponed because of COVID. No new trail date has been set, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed continues to be held in Guantanamo

>> No.18182877
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>> No.18182944

Very interesting.
Not to be a "source? source?" guy, but where did you gather most of this information?

>> No.18183067

Wikipedia, specifically
You need to be careful and know how to read between the lines, and also actually follow the sources. The main page on 9/11 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks)) is completely compromised, and I'll give you an example
> Although bin Laden initially denied any involvement, in 2004 he claimed responsibility for the attacks.[2] Al-Qaeda and bin Laden cited U.S. support of Israel, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, and sanctions against Iraq as motives.
If you follow this citation you'll get a CBC news article (https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/bin-laden-claims-responsibility-for-9-11-1.513654)) which cites, but does not link to, an al Jazeera broadcast
>Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden appeared in a new message aired on an Arabic TV station Friday night, for the first time claiming direct responsibility for the 2001 attacks against the United States.
Now I searched for this broadcast on youtube, and found the clip in question here:
A broadcast about a series of tapes released by the pentagon, without sound, showing an emaciated looking arab man that barely resembles bin Laden, and a transcript in English provided by the US government.
So if you only go off wikipedia or CBC it seems like Osama went on TV and broadcasted his motivations for the attack. In fact, his 'claiming responsibility' comes third degree from the source tapes, which are dubious at best and have never been seen without heavy censorship from the US state. The tapes themselves, if you dig into how the pentagon obtained them, were apparently discovered in a bombed out house somewhere in Afghanistan. They must have been incredibly lucky that not only did al qaeda leave such incriminating tapes lying around (despite clearly demonstrating a lack of interest in broadcasting them), but that those tapes also survived a bombing that destroyed the rest of the house around them.
The declarations of motives, "Al-Qaeda and bin Laden cited U.S. support of Israel, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, and sanctions against Iraq as motives." is probably a reference to this document:
which has been attributed to Bin Laden by every western news source and is usually referred to as "Bin Laden's Message to America". HOWEVER, this letter was written in English, with an English speaking audience in mind, and first circulated among German Islamist cells... a far distance away from Pakistan and Afghanistan where the Taliban are actually located. While Bin Laden apparently claimed credit in the English speaking world, its interesting to note that he never bothered to do so in the country he was living in, few people in Pakistan and Afghanistan believe that Bin Laden was responsible.

>> No.18183068

bin laden is extremely based and he did absolutely nothing wrong besides not bombing bohemian grove

>> No.18183124

Becky Cambers's "The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet" almost reads like a satire because it is such an over the top hyperwoke SJW bullshit ideology pamphlet. Almost. And that UTTER SHIT BOOK won a fucking HUGO.

>> No.18183136

A bit more on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
> In March 2007, after significant interrogations, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder of Daniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes.
Not only was he behind 9/11, he was behind every major act of terrorism in the last half century. All it took was 'significant interrogations' to get him to admit to it.
So far the trail has seen two judges withdraw and resign from the case, but maybe the third time will be a charm. If it actually ever takes place, a date still hasn't been set.

>> No.18183157
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[The media's] belief that nobody will investigate into these things is astounding. And it works; I had never heard of this. Mostly due to the fact that I'm not american, and because of that, I don't care much for 9/11. Thank you for the insight anon, I've already screenshoted it.

>> No.18183239

Yeah, its incredible. All thats needed is a lie to be repeated over and over again.
The only thing that got me researching this was this documentary:
Specifically around 9 minutes in when the 9/11 attacks are discussed.
If students at Darul Uloom Haqqania, one of the schools most closely tied to the Taliban, Bin Laden, and the Islamist movements in Afghanistan and Pakistan don't believe that Osama did the attacks, then it seems dubious to assume that he would take credit in the English world while lying to his own close friends and allies. Somehow most people in Pakistan, where Osama was living for decades, don't think he did it... but the Bush administration was able to determine that he did from the other side of the world in half a day? Something's odd there.

Probably the only person who knows for sure what happened was Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh (since there is actual evidence connecting him to 9/11), but he's not speaking and the US has made no efforts to extradite him. All this despite the fact that he's been under arrest in Pakistan (for the murder of an American journalist which he admitted to) since 2002. Then his M16 connections... its all very fishy.

>> No.18183877


>> No.18183954

that guy is obviously OBL

>> No.18184144

>and I’ve always wonder how the French never shut him down.
cause they aren't faggots

>> No.18184176

It only feels obvious because that's what everyone around you has been telling you.

>> No.18184179

Generally no because people who criticize 'wokeness' are, and I am absolutely not saying this to be shitty, generally pretty uneducated

>> No.18184180


>> No.18184278

>you can't criticize the system unless you occupy a place of relative status within the system
Fascinating logic

>> No.18184309

because i have seen hundreds of pictures of him and could pick him out of a crowd gathered at the kaaba on a busy day

>> No.18184330

The way you put it sounds fishy but that guy does look like bin Laden to me

>> No.18184332

>An anonymous letter that was written in English
why did you leave out the part where it was literally titled "letter to america", is addressed to americans, and explains his motives as being motivated in large part by the actions of americans?

>> No.18184390

Mentioned here: >>18183067. How does that change anything though?

>> No.18184398

Most retarded post on this board in a while

>> No.18184403

I doubt they will desu, more likely is that they'll larp as a member of our modern struggle against racism

>> No.18184521

>needing all of these various sources to realise that 9/11 was a sham
>not realizing it immediately when no photos were released of bin Laden's corpse
that alone is a major red flag that it was an inside job

>> No.18184591
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The way things are going they'll be taught to report their parents for wrongthink and being oppressive bigots. If they even allow you to raise them at all. America is a couple of decrepit boomers away from turning into Zimbabwe and if you're white you should stop burying your head in the stand and get out while you till can.

>> No.18184639

>. All it took was 'significant interrogations' to get him to admit to it.
Lol do you know what significant interrogation is? It's torture

>> No.18184791

Do you even realize what kind of stuff Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was behind? He admitted to:
The February 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City
The September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the United States Capitol using four hijacked commercial airliners.
A failed "shoe bomber" operation
The October 2002 attack in Kuwait
The 2002 Bali bombings, Pady's and Sari's club bombings in Bali, Indonesia
A plan for a "second wave" of attacks on major U.S. landmarks after the 9/11 attacks, including the Library Tower in Los Angeles, the Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower) in Chicago, the Empire State Building in New York City, and what has been reported as the Plaza Bank Building in Seattle, although there is no Plaza Bank Building; there is a Safeco Plaza and Columbia Center, the city's tallest skyscraper
Plots to attack oil tankers and U.S. naval ships in the Straits of Hormuz, the Straits of Gibraltar and in Singapore
A plan to blow up the Panama Canal
Plans to assassinate Jimmy Carter
A plot to blow up suspension bridges in New York City
A plan to destroy the Sears Tower in Chicago with burning fuel trucks
Plans to destroy London Heathrow Airport, Canary Wharf and Big Ben in London
A planned attack on many nightclubs in Thailand
A plot targeting the New York Stock Exchange and other U.S. financial targets
A plan to destroy buildings in Eilat, Israel
Plans to destroy U.S. embassies in Indonesia, Australia and Japan in 2002.
Plots to destroy Israeli embassies in India, Azerbaijan, the Philippines and Australia
Surveying and financing an attack on an Israeli El-Al flight from Bangkok
Sending several "mujahideen" into Israel to survey "strategic targets" with the intention of attacking them
The November 2002 suicide bombing of a hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, and failed attempt to shoot down an Israeli passenger jet leaving Mombasa Airport
Plans to attack U.S. targets in South Korea
Providing financial support for a plan to attack U.S., British and Jewish targets in Turkey
Surveillance of U.S. nuclear power plants in order to attack them
A plot to attack NATO's headquarters in Europe
Planning and surveillance in a 1995 plan (the "Bojinka plot") to bomb 12 American passenger jets
The planned assassination attempt against then-U.S. President Bill Clinton during a mid-1990s trip to the Philippines
"Shared responsibility" for a plot to kill Pope John Paul II
Plans to assassinate Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf
An attempt to attack a U.S. oil company in Sumatra, Indonesia, "owned by the Jewish former [U.S.] Secretary of State Henry Kissinger"
The beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl
And who knows what kinds of stuff he didn't tell the authorities about. Personally I have no sympathy for anybody so cartoonishly evil as he was, torture or not. The man must have been working around the clock 18 hours a day towards terrorism, and the whole world is safer with him locked up.

>> No.18184919
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>so cartoonishly evil as he was, torture or not
Torture got him to confess to all this doesn't mean he did it. WMD's were "confessed" to be in Iraq under torture but as in turned out the subject was just admitting to everything that was brought up in order to get the torture to stop

>> No.18184921

What a credulous burger moron you are

>> No.18184931

Yeah I occasionally try to go as over the top as possible versions of SJW shit on reddit and people rarely realize it's satire

>> No.18184940

onion clown world

>> No.18186142

His twitter is hilarious but his podcast sucks.

>> No.18186153


>> No.18186175
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Titania fucking sucks and is cringe. Joe Keskold was much funnier.

>> No.18186247

stfu you puritanical nigger

>> No.18186261

That photo can’t be real

>> No.18186284

They beat these confessions out of him. He didn't do it.

>> No.18186290

it's impossible to parody

>> No.18187346

This is that special brand of virtuous creepiness that sends shivers down your spine. It's a form of autism I believe, a facade. Trying their hardest in fighting their innermost dejected perception of people that they truthfully know nothing about, manifesting in satirical, disgustingly uncanny synthetic empathy.

Spiderverse was pretty kino tho desu

>> No.18187364

Differently Morphous by Croshaw. It's about a Laundry/Delta Green like group that gets exposed to the public and has to become inclusive and woke.

>> No.18187373

You only get published based on your twitter following, satirizing it is tantamount to social suicide

>> No.18187377
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Antkind, Charlie Kaufman.

>> No.18187382

Give me 4 hours with you alone in in a soundproof room and you did all those

>> No.18187385

They're all copying that Godfrey whathisname who was big in 2014 or so

>> No.18187387


>> No.18187390

Society is already so fucking retarded it's pretty hard to satirize. The most ridiculous shit you can think of you can find a sizeable group of people who believes it.

>> No.18187393

There were also the mall survivors in Jam who sacrificed people ironically.

>> No.18187429

Charlie Kaufman using the term 'waifu' lol. Did he think it was related to Waif, or is he actually this advanced?

>> No.18187540

>Last name is Kekhold
Surely this is a character?

>> No.18187760

Hey its me Charlie here. I lurk 4chan on my free time.

>> No.18187821

Love your work man, keep it up.

>> No.18187836

Synecdoche New York was shit, fuck you.

>> No.18187869

That person is a prime consumerist. He's even proud of sublimating race into a product.

>> No.18187909

paki zoomers seething

>> No.18187932

He didn't do it.

>> No.18187937

It's a satirical account.

>> No.18188813

No I didn't.
You think someone would just admit to something they didn't do?
Yikes. Stop being such a weird conspiracy theorist.

>> No.18188851

bin laden was fucking based desu famsquad

>> No.18189987
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Yes. Check out pic related.

>> No.18190019

Literally wrong

>> No.18190042

Get out and go where? There is no non-woke white country left in the world

>> No.18190106
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Wokeness is a satire of itself.
How could you properly satirize something that is itself a totally unserious worldview?
You’d just be plagiarizing them

>> No.18190144

Kek, read his Fish People one as a sample and was entertained:

Any specific ones you'd recommend?

>> No.18190186

Eastern Europe disagrees

>> No.18190223

Radical Chic and Mau Mau by Wolfe

>> No.18190268

Do I need to say it?