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File: 16 KB, 200x250, Jocko-Willink-SEAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18176651 No.18176651 [Reply] [Original]

JOCKO WILLINK is the literal embodiment of the PHILOSOPHER-KING and the most important intellectual of our generation. Any argument you may have against this statement is fallacious, since you are an inferior man compared to JOCKO, and if you were able to understand and embody a higher moral-behavioral system than him, you would have already done it.
Replace "Start with the Greeks" with "Start with Jocko Willink".

>> No.18176669

>die for bankers

>> No.18176695

>Any argument you may have against this statement is fallacious, since you are an inferior man compared to JOCKO
Textbook ad hominem fallacy.

>> No.18176701

>since you are an inferior man compared to JOCKO
I'm not a pussy who goes to bed at 7pm.

>> No.18176704

>die for israel or an oil company
>intellectual elite

>> No.18176715

Would you say that to his face?

>and if you were able to understand and embody a higher moral-behavioral system than him, you would have already done it.
This part of the argument completely filtered you.

>> No.18176721

You WILL wake up at 3am and you WILL die for the ZOG, chudcels.

>> No.18176724

He would've died to spread freedom and democracy to the middle east.

>> No.18176728

Yes, not only will i say it to his face, i will wake him up at 10:30pm and say it to his sleepy face.

>> No.18176751

It's hard not to respect his level of discipline. However, it really just comes down to how good he was at buying into something and sublimating himself. He probably would have been a Nazi (but a cool interesting one like Otto Skorzeny).

>> No.18176762

It's not ad hominem if it's true.

>> No.18176768

This is the correct opinion. This man risked his life to stop terrorists from committing war crimes, and came back to write the leadership manifesto of the 21st century which has shaped work culture in Silicon Valley.

He would punch you in the face so hard that your brain would soft-reset from all the neurotic trash you've read from pseuds like Kant and Nietzsche.

>> No.18176784

He'd be sleepy and i would be wide awake because im not a toddler who goes to bed at 7pm. His baby punch wouldnt faze me.

>> No.18176845

>This is the correct opinion. This man risked his life to stop terrorists from committing war crimes,
True but sadly zoomers will pretend we're the bad guys because they were shitting in diapers during 9/11. Mark my words, after Biden pulls out, we're going to have a hot bed of terrorism that will do a second 9/11, and suddenly Jocko won't seem so cucked to bankers anymore

>> No.18176867

>This is the correct opinion. This man risked his life to stop terrorists from committing war crimes, and came back to write the leadership manifesto of the 21st century which has shaped work culture in Silicon Valley.
There probably are people stupid enough to believe this.

>> No.18176870

Go back.

>> No.18176873

Jocko went to Iraq you slobbering, bootlicking retard.

>> No.18176883

LOL the thinking depths of Arnold Schwarzenegger

>> No.18176903

You should read an Amnesty International report of what was going on in the region before the "big bad Americans" showed up, and how much better it was by the end of the intervention. Maybe this will keep you from regurgitating correct-sounding but ill-informed opinions.

>> No.18176917

>Jocko went to Iraq

>> No.18176920 [DELETED] 

I trust Americans using the label if "terrorism" to justify shit about as much as I trust the terms "mostly peaceful protest" and "organized insurrection" when used to describe riots.

>> No.18176928

Why do basedboys hate him so much?

>> No.18176929

Low iq troglodytes like you should be banned from posting.

>> No.18176932
File: 299 KB, 598x704, 1619980102650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amnesty International report

>> No.18176940

I trust Americans using the label "terrorism" as justification for shit about as much as I trust the terms "mostly peaceful protest" and "organized insurrection" when used to describe riots.

>> No.18177002

"Co-opting" LOL

>> No.18177017

If you worked in FAANG, you'd understand that Extreme Ownership has had a much larger impact on the world than Thus Spoke Zarathustra ever will. It's played a key role in reshaping corporate culture, especially in results-focused tech conglomerates.
The writings of "great philosophers" (=pseuds) like Kant and Nietzsche occupy space in the minds of neurotic incels, frail unimportant academics and unemployed humanities majors.
As far as the role of the US in the Middle East is concerned, you're just uninformed, plain and simple.

>noo bad t-shirt design
I also form my opinions based on tweets, especially those that are reposted on /pol/, instead of cross-examining carefully written reports by credible sources.

>> No.18177031
File: 60 KB, 1024x544, R02e0b69ac41c95b34f95feee1a893538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18177075

Joko is self-help for midwit bros who want to characterise themselves as alphas. It's like silicon valley buying into stoicism...the only facet of Greek culture they embody is that they situated their industry in a city known for faggotry and vapid intellectualism.

Tell me about how awesome Sparta was over a low-fat latte and quinoa salad prepared by our on site chef (as if cafeterias weren't a thing for like 100 years).

>> No.18177080

Does ANYONE here read or are you all just pretending?

>> No.18177089

Making fun of midwits who worship corpratism and self help books as if they're the dawning of a new golden age; one where we'll all wear Google Glasses and iwatches that monitor how many steps we took while jogging with our Labradoodles.

>> No.18177141

How much does anyone one to bet that if this guy posts a picture of himself, he'll be like 5'5?

>> No.18177420
File: 135 KB, 907x1360, 71OXs0MxycL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18177544

Warfare is based. Killing foreigners is based.

>> No.18177615


>> No.18177619

based yet again.

>> No.18177673
File: 425 KB, 1151x558, 1620177548146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back.

>> No.18177677

cringing is not based

>> No.18177684
File: 3.34 MB, 2048x1560, Untitled(97675436).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a mission one deployment where we were going to clear out a training camp near J-bad close to the border of Pakistan. Before we flew in they were doing a lot of bombing runs to soften up the target. The entire company was in the JOC watching the TV screens that showed live feeds from the aircraft. Every time they killed someone the whole room would cheer like we just saw our team score a touchdown.
There was one group of 4 guys that I remember vividly. They heard the 30mm rounds being fired and started to scatter before they hit the ground. 3 of them were killed instantly, but one of them managed to avoid the first salvo. He started to run towards the peak of the mountain. When he reached the top he fell to his knees and started praying before the next burst of 30mm obliterated him. I didn't cheer when he died.
When we were on the target we had to clear through all the bodies and get their DNA and pictures for the database. I was point man while we were clearing through one of the valleys. By this time the bodies had been in the sun for 2 days and they had begun to bloat and rot. I was able to locate them by smell alone. One guy's organs have burst out of the small of his back and bloated as large as his entire torso. I had to roll one guy over to get a picture of his face, and when I grabbed his arm the skin slipped off like a velvet glove.

>> No.18177692

Fuck this fag.

>> No.18177700

the american military sounds so retarded, imagine shooting guys from space with 300mm cannonballs just to go take pics, cant wait till we get in a serious war

>> No.18177717

The mutt thinks this is war.

>> No.18177871

It's like a hybrid between No True Scotsman, Poisoning the well, Ad hom, and Appeal to authority.

You're a midwit.

>> No.18178004


>> No.18178024

I don't idolize other men. especially guys who are obviously tougher than I am. Slave morality lol.

>> No.18178081

He constantly looks like he's got a turd waiting to drop

>> No.18178655

ok what is it?

>> No.18178769

I fucking hate americans

>> No.18178785

Sure you did SOF fanboy

>> No.18178855

Slave morality is idolizing the weak, not the strong. Retarded slave.

>> No.18178930

That is me in the picture

>> No.18179003

>when I grabbed his arm the skin slipped off like a velvet glove
As referenced in the Masonic ritual...

>> No.18179015
File: 252 KB, 1271x1059, 1620117126935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree we need more smart warriors, you don't know what "king" means

>> No.18179052

CIA glowies invented this shit.

>> No.18180057


When I see a guy that talks about this mentality of waking up at 3 a.m and working 20h a day as hard as you can and just grinding every day without rest... I start to think: when this guy is going to snap? Like I image that most people that would try to do that would just achieve mental breakdown after a few years max

>> No.18180096

>I'm proud latinx
>I'm a proud 1st gen burger
>I'm proud of my parents who are latinx refugees due to how badly the CIA fucked their country
>I'm proud to represent la raza in the CIA

>> No.18180140

>this mentality of waking up at 3 a.m and working 20h a day as hard as you can and just grinding every day without rest
Maybe you should read Willink because you've been filtered. He doesn't advocate for any of that. What he pushes for is something akin to the Roman "virtus", a concept as old as Western civilization itself.

>> No.18180171


Well, maybe I was. That's the impression I've got from a few of his podcasts. Whatever

>> No.18180172

Those people are unsuited to self-control. Why would they want democracy when they want Islam? There is no benefit to then having freedom of choice, no more than we were in the 1400s.

>> No.18181081

I'd imagine one could come to a better understanding of how to live a virtuous life by reading Aristotle, Bonaventure, and Adler. But if Jocko does it for you, alright...

>> No.18181470


>> No.18181479

Jocko willink would be a warrior at best and a retarded looking at that

>> No.18181544

>waking up at 3 a.m and working 20h a day as hard as you can and just grinding every day without rest
Retards like Winston Churchill have the audacity to advocate for a similar lifestyle, when they are deeply depressed.
I dont see why people their advice

>> No.18181753

It is 1815 local time. Jocko would have his PJs on and will be getting ready for bed if he lived here.

>> No.18181797

You don’t understand anon, those type of people snap when they don’t have stuff to do

>> No.18181809

5ft4 and waddles like a midget

>> No.18181882

Jocko is a statist that has no problems with doing to American citizens what he did to Iraqis and he has stated that to make it perfectly clear

So fuck off

>> No.18181894


>spread freedom and democracy to the middle east

anon...what do you think the forever war is actually about...?

>> No.18183507

>forever wars
There's nothing wrong with permanent occupation.

>> No.18183544

I hope Iran sneaks a nuke into washington.

>> No.18184340
File: 1.77 MB, 2400x3000, John_Kelly_official_DHS_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it is pic related.
>While Mattis is one of the most prolific readers to ever hold the Pentagon’s highest office, Ancell says “he does have a competitor.”
>The author said that Mattis has frequently deferred to another decorated Marine Corps general as being even more well-read than he is: John Kelly.
>Kelly, who is Trump’s White House chief of staff, is “the only man I have ever known who reads more than I do,” the Defense secretary has said.
>Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/13/defense-secretary-james-mattis-extraordinary-reading-habits.html
And that's when Gen. Mattis himself used to had a 7,000+ personal library before Trump picked him to work as his Secretary of Defense.

>> No.18184428

>they want Islam
That's cool. If that's the case, then they would overwhelming ask for autocratic Islamic rule if polled periodically. Just to make sure that's what they want, let's have the people who can make the laws Islamic and authoritarian subject to being voted out every few years. Shouldn't be a problem, if that's what's wanted.