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/lit/ - Literature

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18176251 No.18176251 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: best author from your country

>> No.18176263
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>> No.18176270
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We have none.

>> No.18176275


>> No.18176284


>> No.18176367


>> No.18176391

What about Justin Bieber?

>> No.18176412

Steven Erikson

>> No.18176435

Hamsun desu

>> No.18176447


>> No.18176451

Herman Melville

>> No.18176469
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>> No.18176473

Ann Carson

>> No.18176480

Dan simmons

>> No.18176481

Roberto Bolano the best writer from Chile?

>> No.18176482

Henrik Pontoppidan

>> No.18176505

Lucy Maud Montgomery, she wrote Anne of Green Gables.

>> No.18176588
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Not saying the best, just most well known

>> No.18176961
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this beautiful son of a bitch

>> No.18176969
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>> No.18177547
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ignore his face, his books are great

>> No.18177580

>his books are great
if you're a teenage girl

>> No.18177597
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Pic rel, Teillier and Parra for poetry.
The best Cortazar is a bad Borges

>> No.18177600


don't be so hard on yourself Ameribro, your country is bad but not that bad.

>> No.18177609

There are too many to choose just one, but more people should read Pascal (and his contemporaries).

>> No.18177720
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>> No.18177726
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>> No.18177758

uh no

>> No.18178113

>Las razas fuertes exterminan a las débiles, los pueblos civilizados suplantan en la posesión de la tierra a los salvajes. No debieran nuestros escritores insistir sobre la crueldad de los españoles para con los salvajes de América, ahora como entonces, nuestros enemigos de raza, de color, de tendencias, de civilización. Quisiéramos apartar de toda cuestión social americana a los salvajes, por quienes sentimos, sin poderlo remediar, una invencible repugnancia…


>> No.18178144
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>> No.18178341
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>blocks your path

>> No.18178382

Can we get a henry lawson or banjo patterson ausjack?

>> No.18178416

us kiwis know that pain all too well

>> No.18178610


>> No.18179057
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>> No.18179067

based Greekbro

>> No.18179078

Kako to da si na /lit/u?
U Hrvatskoj se samo post-Zidne žene zanimaju za književnost

>> No.18179150
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him and orzeszkowa

>> No.18179195

>our greatest authors are a Jew and a woman
The absolute state of Poland

>> No.18179220

nothing wrong with jews and females

>> No.18179228

nisam on, ima nas dosta na /lit/-u, izmigoljimo točno pri ovakvim postovima + koliko sam shvatio svi volimo Mariju Jurić Zagorku.

Btw ako napišem nešto zbilja zbilja egdy i nisam žena, hoće li mi netko u RH to htjeti izdati? ty

>> No.18179447
File: 144 KB, 1024x1001, gombrowicz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this guy again
the single best polish author is obviously pic related and it's not even close. Also one of the most criminally overlooked novelists ever.

>> No.18179539

Love Gombrowicz. He's an honorary member of the Latin American/Argentinian canon too.

>> No.18179562

ferydurke, even in a secondary translation, is one of my favorite books ever

>> No.18179709

do you even understand his books? thats gibberish even for poles

>> No.18179720
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Probably him

>> No.18179730
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While he is not the most well known or most influental author, id still believe its this lad.

>> No.18179739

Wrong, Sienkiewicz

>> No.18179805

you have no more than 3 functioning neurons

>> No.18179842


>> No.18179883
File: 476 KB, 850x812, adam_mickiewicz_fXZikM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sienkiewicz for his prose and Mickiewicz for his poetry.

>> No.18179896

>mestizo mutt talking about the savages of the americas

Do sudacas really?

>> No.18179910

Melville and Nabokov.
Yes, I am claiming Nabokov as an American

>> No.18179936

What the fuck was this guy's problem?

>> No.18179969

This is unironically right.

>> No.18179982

>Yes, I am claiming Nabokov as an American
Well, then I can safely say that Henryk Sienkvich is a Russian writer because Poland was part of the Russian Empire.

>> No.18180034
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Best known contemporary author and probably best known in general. Also the best we ever had I think.

>> No.18180043

Nabokov wrote his best work in english while living in america

>> No.18180059

fair play

>> No.18180092

So? Does Britain have claim over Eliot and Henry James or Italy to Pound now as well?

>> No.18180104

well britain obviously has claim over eliot

>> No.18180141


>> No.18180147
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>> No.18180148


>> No.18180153


>> No.18180208

Insofar I could agree with Mickiewicz, today Sienkiewicz's writing has absolutely no value whatsoever. His stories are shallow, prots are dull (le ebin good guy with all the good characteristics one can possibly have) and his prose is mediocre at best, nothing outstanding to it. Quo Vadis is his opus magnum and at incomparably higher level than his so-called "to refresh the hearts" stories, although I don't deny their historical significance.
>thats gibberish even for poles
It's very much not gibberish, but my guess is that the last time you read it was when they forced it upon you in high school. Give it another shot or stay filtered.

>> No.18180239

Machado de Assis

>> No.18180275
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Norwid in poetry.

>> No.18180821

Meg a lónak a faszát.

>> No.18180835

>no baudelaire

>> No.18180853

>best known
Nadas' toenails are more internationally popular.

>> No.18180858


>> No.18180860

You can claim him as Mexican and still he won't be the best from there.

>> No.18180870

Horacio Quiroga was argentinian and William Beckford french.

>> No.18180884

Is this photo real ?

>> No.18180900

This is reviewbrah

>> No.18180940

Quo Vadis isn't that great. I mean, the prose, the knowledge of Ancient Rome Sienkiewicz has is great, and he's great at building that feel of it but it's bogged down by repetitive, oversentimental romance story. It also spreads the myth that it was Nero himself who ordered to burn down Rome, when it was most likely an accident that both of the sides (Christians and ruling Romans) used to their advantage. In Desert and Wilderness is unironically better.

>> No.18180978
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Probably. Certainly a good writer.

>> No.18180997

Come on my son

>> No.18181017

I'll say Mika Waltari, but he's the babby's first Finnish writer. Everybody has read the Egyptian here, but have to say, it's very comfy read.

>> No.18181031
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America has enough authors, we don't need Nabokov, he is not ours

>> No.18181042

absolutely based, nabokov fags seethin

>> No.18181049

Two words. John. Steinbeck.

>> No.18181076
File: 300 KB, 750x420, 6a999ff0554f9a6b465c8ef562d2ee0c919b4587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machadão fortemente relatado.

>> No.18181760

Tu sam već oko 8 godina.
>U Hrvatskoj se samo post-Zidne žene zanimaju za književnost

>koliko sam shvatio svi volimo Mariju Jurić Zagorku
lolne, post-zidna žena detektirana
>izmigoljimo točno pri ovakvim postovima
Bilo je zbilja opsežnih threadova u kojima bi se skupljali Hrvati i ljudi iz regijona.
Pokušao sam od toga organizirati meetup na Interliberu pred par godina, no izjalovilo se.
>Btw ako napišem nešto zbilja zbilja egdy i nisam žena, hoće li mi netko u RH to htjeti izdati? ty
Ako si prepoznati pisac, izdat će. Makar ovisi kakav tip edgy stvari, ako je npr. o pedofiliji, nasilju, itd. moglo bi, tako je Zoran Ferić pisao teške morbidarije na početku karijere. Ali ako je na stvari npr. negiranje Jasenovca, onda bu znatno teže.

I loved Waltari when I was a teen, read 5 or 6 of his historical novels. The Secret of His Kingdom made me understand Christianity much better than I did before. (I was atheist and obviously had pretty surface-level thinking regarding the whole matter.)

>> No.18182072

no me

>> No.18182087
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It's either him or Joyce

>> No.18182145
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>Pokušao sam od toga organizirati meetup na Interliberu pred par godina, no izjalovilo se.
Kek, ne mogu ni zamisliti kakav je to osjećaj razglabat s nekime o Guénonu na hrvatskom jeziku

>> No.18182313
File: 88 KB, 436x581, Robert Louis Stevenson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18182683
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>> No.18182717

Stephen Leacock

>> No.18182829

Guenon je krindž, dbi

>> No.18182833

Što si čitao od njega?

>> No.18182849

Samo postove na /lit/-u o njemu :^)

>> No.18182903

Yeah but he sucks.

>> No.18182924

I've heard Munro is good

>> No.18183514
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Willem Frederik Hermans I guess. I'm not very into Dutch literature

>> No.18183603

>calls somebody mestizo mutt
>says sucaca
mexxiniggers shoudl stop proyecting this bad

>> No.18183778

>best anything

>> No.18183883

>Short tale and essays






>> No.18183902
File: 1.66 MB, 1646x2031, Machado_de_Assis_1904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably him.

>> No.18183921

>Yes, I am claiming Nabokov as an American


>> No.18183993

Lem or Dukaj

>> No.18184231

Sudaca is a Spanish insult, not mexican. I've heard Mexicans are called sucadas in Spain too.

>> No.18185141

Robert Musil or Hermann Broch

>> No.18185158

I don't think there's much room for debate there. Who even comes close to him?

>> No.18185949

It's Waltari or Kilpi for me desu

>> No.18185965

Katherine Mansfield is superb though

>> No.18186049

>não sendo Guimarães Rosa


>> No.18186454
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this lil guy

>> No.18186460

it's quite an obvious shop

>> No.18186482

The only answer.

>> No.18187013

Where do you live anon?

>> No.18187360

If you’re a nafri then why choose a christian

>> No.18187412


>> No.18187576

reminder that the best Scottish writer, Boswell, wrote the biography of one of the best English writers

>> No.18187578

He also wrote about being depressed and fucking prostitutes, he was clearly a national legend

>> No.18187594

his quotes are some of the best ever made my guy,
>"As soon as I am awake, I remember my duty, and like a brisk mariner I give lash to indolence and bounce up with as much vivacity as if a pretty girl, amorous and willing, were waiting for me."
And then he does the opposite. Makes you almost like Scots for a moment. Still funny that the best scottish work takes place in England.

>> No.18187704

We have Margaret Atwood, Lucy Maud Montgomery, and Marshall McLuhan.

For a country 1/10 the size of the US, and only existing for 150 years, we've done pretty well.

>> No.18187711

Honestly his diaries are some of the most relatable literature out there for 4chan autists. It also helps that they are exceptionally well written.

>> No.18187734

acho que isso é praticamente uma unanimidade que Machado é o melhor. quem discorda claramente sofre de algum tipo de retardo

>> No.18187765


>> No.18188440
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Bolaño is garbage

>> No.18188499

Mavis Gallant

>> No.18188907

being a faggot
you wish Enrique

>> No.18189140

literally all C grade,
the least you could do is try to steal Malcolm Lowry (and fail)

>> No.18189158
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>> No.18189179
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Either Twain or Emerson. It’s hard to decide.

>> No.18189196
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Best author from the region as well

>> No.18189494

soulful eyes soulful guy

>> No.18189595
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>> No.18189614

Двaчyю нeиcтoвo.

>> No.18190263


>> No.18190315


>> No.18190317
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>> No.18190318


>> No.18190320

Ja merr nkthese Petro Marko

>> No.18190329
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>> No.18190347

José Donoso

>> No.18190395
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Franko, I guess
pretty weak field to choose from overall

>> No.18190428

>entro no fio
>control F
Não me decepcionaram.
Respondendo o questionamento do cidadão ali: acho que Guimarães Rosa está num segundo lugar muito próximo.
Leiam Sagarana e Grande Sertão Veredas.

>> No.18190506

I read a bit of Shevchenko in Russian translation and it was excellent.
But the real deal in Ukraine is the cinema. Dovzhenko, Ilyenko, Paradzhanov's "Forgotten Ancestors", Mykolaichuk, Ivchenko, I was blown away by their work!

>> No.18190669
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Graciliano Ramos, Brazil.Some will argue that Machado was better, while i can agree that some of his romances were great, Graciliano was way more consistent with his quality than Machado ever was

>> No.18190822
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Mordecai Richler