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/lit/ - Literature

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18171466 No.18171466 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit this book makes me wanna go back to college

>> No.18171571

It makes me frightened at the level of midwit in modern society. The rise of Jordan Peterson’s popularity proves beyond a reasonable doubt that society is getting dangerously retarded

>> No.18171580

>The only people who ever rose to prominence in the past were the truly intelligent and insightful

>> No.18171594

That says more about prominence than about what those people believed

>> No.18171908
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I feel you anon :( a bunch of noobs that need motivation to even fix their fucking beds

>> No.18171913

Why? Isnt Petersons spiel all about how college is infiltrated by postmodern neo-marxists and as such anything you learn will be distorted by their ideology?

>> No.18171917

>first book is some joseph campbell jung shit linking mythologies to some primordial unconscious from which all ideas emerge
>next two books are target book section self help shit
the pills really fucked him up huh

>> No.18171961
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I don't mind his popularity at all since he just helps people.

>> No.18171970

okay, if Peterson is cringe, then who has the best life advices today?

>> No.18171976

Do you think the average guy was studying Plato and Aristotle before Peterson came along?

>> No.18171987

Greek philosophy used to be a common subject in highschool.

>> No.18172005
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>> No.18172054

I think if you read antidote you'll find that he mentions it, but that it isn't what his spiel is all about.

>> No.18172062

Tom Scott's videos are comfy. I'm a proud midwit.

>> No.18172065

but thats why he got famous, so his own opinions do not matter

>> No.18172067

What's so bad about Peterson? I completely miss the boat on him for years now, but from my surface knowledge of him, he seems to have a good message?

>> No.18172070

How so?

>> No.18172130

Imagine getting frustrated over a philosopher who tries to help men to take responsibility for their lives, and make the world a better place through aiming at the highest good.

>> No.18172180
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His existence is a net good for the establishment. Baffled as to why he's demonized so much. He's bland, but that's a good thing, as the alternatives are much more dangerous. Normies and cringe breadtuber leftoids want to deradicalize disillusioned men, and Peterson's doing the job much better than they are. Absolute morons.

>> No.18172219

>well if you like him ur dumb

>> No.18172221
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>> No.18172228

not that different from peterson's arguments though

>> No.18172232

Peterson's pseudobabble debunked by FACTS and LOGIC, just like how you conservacucks claim to like it

>> No.18172329

>y-you CONSERVATIVES, c-could you please watch this video from my favorite youtube eceleb?

Commit rope cunt

>> No.18172515

What do you think philosophy/philosopher means anon?

>> No.18172523

Stop shilling retard

>> No.18172705

You will never feel the touch of a woman and no amount of self help for yoga moms repackaged for virgins, by a charlatan that you project the father you wish you had, will change that. Might as well kill yourselves.

>> No.18172743

Postmodernism has made itself purposefully hard to define to shield itself from criticism.

>> No.18172770
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>> No.18172897

Seems like quibbling over definitions

>> No.18172962

JBP is correct but he doesn't address the main cause for degenercy: Women replaced men in hierarchies and have done a horrific job of it (people work more, universities are shit, and everything feels fucked up). Then, men treat themselves like women via: "It's valuable because I like it." JBP is reminding men that they are men but can't say that because women in the west are drugged up on the myth of equality.

>> No.18172968

>postmodern neo-marxists
It's women. Wake up.

>> No.18173119

This kind of logic is used against Peterson all the time. Like the number one defense people use for his work is along the lines of:

"You didn't watch his 6th lecture on evolutionary psychology in regards to masculinity so of course you don't understand the point he's making when he says 'people with autism actually have bigger dicks than normal people'".

>> No.18173134
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what's the story behind that pic? have a rare Dazai, author of Shin-Hamurretto (New Hamlet).

>> No.18173387

meh ppl will figure it out as we are now socially interacting and fighting a lot more
just need more environments for development
that isn't all some academic rote BS tho
also philosophy is a meme

>> No.18173447

He thinks Peterson isn't a real philosopher for not making good faith criticism of 20th century french philosophy and Marxism

>> No.18173460

When reality hits you that the 5+ years you spent deciphering bullshit academic babble was completely useless and that you essentially got indoctrinated into a mental cult, you'd follow your own advice.

>> No.18173471

Tom Scott is based though. I'm pretty sure most /lit/ posters walks around their area talking to themselves much in the manner he does.

>> No.18173489

everybody needs some force to impel them.

>> No.18173490

This is the only post that matters

>> No.18173508

the only people this assmad abt (admittedly mid-tier) self-help books are people who
1. need the help themselves, but
2. think taking advice from their ideological opponents is admitting defeat
have you ever seen a non-sneed, non-faggot, well put together person seethe over JBP?

>> No.18173545

just don't study a bullshit discipline

>> No.18173548

If this is seriously where you are at kill yourself now. You needed this guy just to get out of Bed i BET. You have miles to go before I even talk with you properly. You talk about going back to college, but I think what you need is a whole new beginning.

>> No.18173560

What are these other 12 new rules anyway?

>> No.18173565

The fact that you listen to him and find him insightful is the issue here.
The problem is that the world is full of retards.

>> No.18173577

a rephrasing of the liberal refrain "the solution to so-and-so is just more education!"
no, you have to feel it in your blood.
if you want to argue JBP appreciators have bronze blood, that's fine (might be true). but he makes them feel the jungle drums. that what it all about anon

>> No.18173582

Exactly. Don't let the retards spewing shit get in the way of real intellectual pursuits.

See modernism has convinced us that people are smarter than what they were like in the history books, but the truth is retards will always outnumber us 9 to 1

>> No.18173588

1. wash your asshole

>> No.18173606

honestly not good advice. i'm a software engineering major, my coworker is a tranny and every single mandatory non-technical class (which are only two, mashallah) has some degree of race propaganda.
our english composition teacher is writing an essay eulogizing Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
anon is right, it's the ENVIRONMENT of college that turns minicringe people into megacringe.

>> No.18173610

Kill yourselves.

>> No.18173624

Explain this. Is philosophy not a good thing to study?
>bullshit discipline

>> No.18174031

If you think for yourself in any way, going to college is the biggest redpill of all. Pure torture. Holy rage will fester in your chest, mornings will be met by violent thoughts slipping and seeping as the semester goes on.

>> No.18174153

>software engineering
he said to avoid bullshit disciplines

>> No.18174226
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These are the people that hate Jordan. Pay no mind to them, they are merely mad that he doesn't meet eye to eye with them on everything. Oddly enough, I've also seen a lot of criticism for using Christianity for a lot of his writings as well. You don't need to look any further than his reviews on his book at Amazon to see people endlessly complain about the fact that he writes on Christianity in a non-critical way.

His critics mostly rely on ad-hominems anyways.

>> No.18174249

Yeah okay go play some video games incel

>> No.18174265

Why? I find there is a lot of stuff I'm reading that I would never if I weren't in college.. and yeah that sucks but the few gems it has shown me are worth it.

>> No.18174295

sounds like you don't read period

>> No.18174310

I don't really read literature if thats what you mean.

>> No.18174620

>200k starting

>> No.18174792
File: 13 KB, 300x100, 1234chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u know u can live without fixing your bed right? just sk8 or die

>> No.18174846

I'm not going to say kys because I'm based now, but u get the clue

>> No.18174908

Do you think they do now?

>> No.18174984

ur right, 200k starting IS bullshit lmao. starting is like $60k in software engineering. better than majoring in psych with a phil minor tho lol

>> No.18175104

>starting is like $60k in software engineering
not in the SF bay area

>> No.18175270

yeah well the place i live is 99% white and doesn't have shit on the streets