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18170298 No.18170298 [Reply] [Original]

>won't get to read war and peace for the first time again

>> No.18170301

>not Maude sisters

>> No.18170425

I haven't read it yet, so I still can.

>> No.18170432

I still haven't read it. I heard Tolstoy is better when older. Time makes you bolder, even children get older, and I'm geting older too.

>> No.18170617


>> No.18170622


>> No.18170643

I’d agree with this. I started it at 24 and I feel like it would lend itself better to an older man. Maybe I’ll re read it when I’m 70

>> No.18170660

you can read Anna Karenina for the first time tho anon :)

>> No.18170684

I will never be exposed to hamlet for the first time again. Though to be honest on the first read I didn't understand why he was so pissy about the wassail and how important that was to his character

>> No.18170691

I read that already. It wasn't as comfy as war and peace.

>> No.18170701

Then try his short stories and novellas

>> No.18170708

I didn't read any of them so perhaps I should.

>> No.18170710

Better second time anyway
No loss

>> No.18170982

reading through Anna karenina rn, at the part where Anna reunites with her son. how does war and peace compare?

>> No.18171090

It’s better
This the Maude translation mogs

>> No.18171819

How much of his Christian anarcho-pacifism does it contain in comparison to Anna Karenina?

>> No.18172496

It's the P&V translation

>> No.18172624

I just watched the 2016 series.

>> No.18172648

thank god. what an inefficiently written snorefest it was! completely pointless book. sure, realistic, as life is. but life is pointless. the book is as pointless as life.

>> No.18172665

Wow real cool man

>> No.18172721

War and Peace was a 9.7/10 for me but Anna Karenina was a 10/10

>> No.18173037

War and Peace is more sprawling, concerns far more characters, is less structured and therefore not as ultimately 'resolved'. In Anna you have two major theme lines that draw closer and closer together and that provides a kind of (pleasant) tension which is resolved when the two lines finally cross; in War and Peace tension is provided by the fact that like a tidal wave 'the French are coming', they come, and when they withdraw one observes how an entire society has been changed forever. Anna's a novel about a few families, W&P about an entire country -- and though they're both great I guess I enjoyed reading W&P slightly more but it's hard to choose between them.

>> No.18174349


>> No.18174406

Just finished it. Loved it, even when Tolstoy went on his little rambles about bee hives and free will

>> No.18174495
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I started when I was 24 as well. I'm 32 now and I still haven't finished it.