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18169772 No.18169772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are some blacklisted writers?

>> No.18169791

It's the great tragedy of our time that there are none

>> No.18169851

People are only blacklisted if they spread disprovable misinformation in order to fuel some ideology. /pol/ can seethe

>> No.18169936

Anyone read his new Himmler?

>> No.18169943

No, but I intend to order it. I wonder whether it's shipping yet.

>> No.18169946

andrew anglin
known pedos and pedarasts who advocate for man-boy-love (but they are gonna be unblacklisted soon given how our regime is going)

>> No.18169953

This reads like misinformation to fuel an ideology

>> No.18169963

weakest bait ever. first day here?
in the case you are saying this unironically, sucks to be retardd, doesn't it?

>> No.18169975
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anybody that isn't a leftist

>> No.18170089

try saying something of value, otherwise stop projecting your own retardation.

>> No.18170117

Jordan Peterson
Ben Shapiro
Thomas Sowell
Douglas Murray
Dave Rubin

>> No.18170118

why does /pol/ come here when it's blatantly obvious that they don't read

>> No.18170131

Nick Land
Mencius Moldbug

>> No.18170147

I can't lip read. What is he saying?

>> No.18170167

lol what? all these people have millions of followers

>> No.18170170

Those are all published, and in some cases very well funded in advertisements.
Debunked isn’t the same as blacklisted.

Yes, woke capitalism is “cancelling” Trump supporters, (and leftists) but that’s still not blacklisted. Fascism isn’t here yet, kids.

>> No.18170177

oh the irony... the worst thing about you redditors is you shitpost every single time and then you pretend to be in a moral position to ask for well elaborated posts.

>> No.18170184

David Irving
Ernst Zündel
Fred. A. Leuchter

>> No.18170203

Andrew Anglin

>> No.18170212
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>> No.18170219

It’s mostly because people find him odious. When they hear of him at all that is.

>> No.18170284

literally all /pol/ does is come on /lit/ to shitpost. As for David Irving, the reason he is not taken seriously is because he is dishonest. There are many examples of him fabricating truths

>> No.18170343

Who cares about /pol/ or David Irving?
>People are only blacklisted if they spread disprovable misinformation in order to fuel some ideology. /pol/ can seethe
This is what you said and stupid to an extreme. you are basically saying anything the state decides to censor is BAD and need to be censored. You are really retarded if you think this way. The state owners only work for their own kind and will ban whatever goes agaisnt them, they dont give two fucks what /pol/ is.
In other words, you will find a lot more people like you (low iq, fanatics of tranny globalist authoritarism) on reddit. Feel free to leave.

>> No.18170345

salmon rushdie

>> No.18170358

nothing he said is wrong. keep crying Irving shill

>> No.18170362

Jonathan Anus

>> No.18170408

please point me to where irving was censored by the "state". Please go back to your containment board.

>> No.18170474

What state? global jewish puppet masters? Can you give me an example of someone who was banned unjustifiably? Your worldview is driven by fear. How do you know what you think you know?

>> No.18170474,1 [INTERNAL] 

that's subjective an you will say it's ok to censor anything that goes against them or you claim is pollitally incorect terefor "pseudoscience" so why bother listing?
never said this, in fact said "who cares about irving or pol" seems liek you need an npc update there