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/lit/ - Literature

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18168700 No.18168700 [Reply] [Original]

>he uses goodreads
>a site from Amazon that earns money by farming the data of users
>he even adds Evola on "read" list
People say /fit/ + /lit/ is the best combo, but it seems that /g/ is necessary here too. Stop using Goodreads. Don't buy contreversial books from Amazon. Do not even use Amazon and Amazon services.

>> No.18168721

O yeah, do not buy a Kindle either, retards.

>> No.18168725

>>a site that earns money by farming the data of users
Name one who doesn't

>> No.18168751


I balanced out my kindle purchase by reading stolen ebooks worth several times the kindle's price on it so far.

>> No.18168772

Enjoy your botnet device.

>> No.18168781

>not being openly racist
>not being completely unafraid of ineffectual glowie surveillance
>not trading crypto to be financially secure from cancellation

>> No.18168787


>> No.18168788


Has been in airplane mode since 2017. Never even connected to internet of any kind.

>> No.18168790

That doesn't change the fact that the Kindle is monitoring you retard.

>> No.18168794

This one.

>> No.18168797

>thinks airplane mode will keep him safe

>> No.18168801

>doesnt know about 9/11

>> No.18168807


Keep safe from what? If you have a phone or use a browser you are monitored either way in a million more way. Stop freaking out about amazon tracking what you read you dumb cunts.

>> No.18168808

i read somewhere that amazon and google use something called digital fingerprinting to track everyone online and VPN is useless so at this point idgaf

>> No.18168869

That might have been true when m00t ran this site, but it's absolutely not the case now.

>> No.18168884

While I don't care that much, knowing Amazon owns it is still enough to tip the scales and make me stop using it since I don't have any investment in that place anyways. Thanks, good to know

>> No.18169298

What the fuck do you think will happen? Do you expect the police to come down on you with a battering ram because you pirated “Revolt Against the Modern World” in 2018 and then never read it? These websites harvest your data to make money off of it, not to catch bad goys

>> No.18169415

Isn't this site owned by a chicom tranny now?

>> No.18169434

its owned by the jap who founded 2chan, which Moot copied and made the American version aka 4chan

>> No.18169584
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>> No.18169604
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capitalism has to be destroyed
(fuck communism)

>> No.18169608
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fuck i just bought one, please forgive me anon

>> No.18170865

Not 2021 anon

>> No.18171117

welp, now that I've learnt goodreads is made by Amazon it's time to delete my account i guess..
if any anons use a spreadsheet to track their books would they mind sharing the layout?

>> No.18171131

>Thinking Amazon gives a single fuck about your political beliefs

Hey, retard, Amazon wants to sell products, they pretend to be woke because that sells products. If they let you buy your alt-right manifesto's on their website, guess, what, that sells as well.

>> No.18171172


>> No.18171179

Evola isnt controversial. His non-political books are mainly bought by women.

>> No.18171222

Unless you're using Tor for everything. You're being monitored 24/7 so it's pretty much useless. I've embraced the botnet. I don't give a fuck now.

>> No.18171394

Why do you have to hide what books you like from Amazon? They already know much more humiliating things about us all.

>> No.18171412
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>> No.18171809

The fact that I would knock you the fuck out with one punch refutes all of your arguments

>> No.18172383

LARP. No you wouldn't.

>> No.18172439

so what if Amazon knows what books I like lmao are you scared of big bad soys? are they gonna take your comfy corporate job? are you scared trannies will laugh at you on Twitter? are you scared of the tankies taking over and putting you in gulag cause you bought an evola meme book? what's the problem?