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File: 1.53 MB, 3482x2160, 3482px-Cole_Thomas_The_Course_of_Empire_Destruction_1836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18168505 No.18168505 [Reply] [Original]

"Scipio Africanus looked upon the flaming city of Carthage and he wept, for he knew one day it would be Rome". All things end, all things die, all things have their time. Even us.

What're your thoughts about this? Last march I went deep dive into this topic. It feels like we are at no point of return at this point.

>> No.18168600

can't say I care whether or not it does, civilizations come and go but humanity endures
in the end it's either a stronger clan conquering another, which means the strong of body prevailed, or the strong of mind prevailed through cunning

>> No.18168605

humans will be eternal

>> No.18168646

rome still stands

>> No.18168653


>> No.18168686


>> No.18168708


No man ever steps into the same river twice
the name of the city is the same but it's completely different thing of it's own.

>> No.18168723


>> No.18168768

You'd have to be a turbo NPC not to see that civilization is unraveling.
Things that should take 5 minutes take about 4 hours because the overall bureaucracy holding everything together is collapsing worldwide.
The only problem is that people are naively trying to prop it up. That is where all of our problems are coming from. They are trying to put band aids on gunshot wounds. Just let the system fail and we can rebuild. The longer we put it off, the worse the dark ages will be.

>> No.18168839

I mean, civilization has already collapsed. Globalization means there's a single international community mediated into the same consumer market of mass media and communication. Society hardly exists anymore wherever there is wealth and development, particularly in the West.

As for whether or not we'll implode in a state of violence and disturbance, I don't think so, we're too decadent and placated by Liberalism to take action against every culture, society, religion, race etc being liquidized.

>> No.18168908

No one thinks of the upcoming violence in terms of rebellion. They are worried about when the EBT runs out.

>> No.18169061
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There is a pervasive feeling of foreboding and anxiety that one never experienced in the 90s, or even early 2000s. It's not helped by seeing a senile gerontocracy at the helm, a literal and figurative symbol of American decline.

>> No.18169108
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>> No.18170063

What can a droplet do in face of the ocean's fate?
and how or why should it care?

>> No.18170083

You wish. Spengler said winter can last indefinitely.

>> No.18170101

no wonder Greece has been a shithole for the past 2000 years

>> No.18170121

It's not a bad place to live in, but their cultural output is kind of sad. This will change soon though. There is some fire left in them, I feel it.

>> No.18170178

With global warming I don't think so pal.

>> No.18171212

This passage could apply equally to Rome

>> No.18171227 [DELETED] 

This isn’t a civil society. We are in for a societal change. The dollar is going to bust and we won’t be able to support this muscle bound military. Shits gonna hit the fan, yo
But therein lies a bolden opportunity. Do not do the edgy teenager thing and support the spymasters and the generals bids for ever more centralized power. Fight for the new world, mostly because the old world cannot be resuscitated. Warlordism leads to extinction

>> No.18171238

This isn’t a civil society. We are in for a societal change. The dollar is going to bust and we won’t be able to support this muscle bound military. Shits gonna hit the fan, yo

But therein lies a golden opportunity. Do not do the edgy teenager thing and support the spymasters and the generals bids for ever more centralized power. Fight for the new world, mostly because the old world cannot be resuscitated. Warlordism leads to extinction

>> No.18171305

Heads will roll, and as always the Frogs will show us how its done

Its a ridiculous statement that there will be no violence, any pissed of group of people have it in them to start the bloodshed

>> No.18171338

This is a fucking pseud thread if I've ever seen one Jesus

>> No.18171475

Enlighten us then

>> No.18172756

What book is that from?

>> No.18172789

There is no point in despair after knowing this truth.

>> No.18172798

No. Civilization is doing fine. If you believe otherwise you have been cursed by Ahriman.

>> No.18172982

If we don't figure out how to remove women from public policy, we're doomed. They can work as much as they want, but voting and public polocy needs to be returned to men.

>> No.18173013

Think of it this way: What did the women's march accomplish? Nothing. Who are the most insane reps in congreas? MGT and AOC. What's a female equivalent of the NFL? There is nor will ever be a women organization that isn't a cookie cutter aping of a men's one. Women can work in the private sector, but we need to reclaim the public square.

You can see this clearly, the men with insane libtards all have one belief in common: They think women are equally rational.

Think and get ready boys.

>> No.18173132

This is only sort of related, but can someone tell me how “Scipio” is pronounced? Because it’s Latin I assume it has the hard C (Skip-ie-oh), but people also pronounce Cicero with the soft C, so I wonder whether it’s pronounced that way (Sip-ie-oh).

>> No.18173153

I work in public policy and can tell you all kinds of stories of women fucking things up. They don’t really seem capable of cause-and-effect reasoning.

>> No.18173165

Once you see it you can't unsee it. I seriously think it's the only way forward.

>> No.18173169

Also, any stories you'd be willing to anonymize and change details of so we can enjoy some kino?

>> No.18173194

I used to browse doomer circles and in retrospect it was filled with outcasts predisposed to a negative outlook using highly selective interpretations of cherry-picked data to fit their conclusions. My current perspective is that things will be tough but people will adapt and some places might even thrive.

>> No.18173206

No shit sherlock, we are in Kali Yuga waiting for what Hesiode, Evola and many others called the golden age again

>> No.18173262

None that are particularly entertaining; bureaucratic work is often boring. The one that’s sort of bothered me recently is we had this annoying woman tasked with our region’s traffic safety program. She was involved in implementing all these dubious feel-good projects (and there was a lot of hand wringing over dumb things such as referring to pedestrians as “people walking” instead because calling them pedestrians dehumanizes them, she claimed. Same deal with bicyclists). Despite all this, traffic deaths went up consistently during her time in her role, then she bailed to take a more prestigious job with an important politician, where I assume she’s now causing more widespread harm. (I could go into lengthier details are to why the accident abatement measures were wrongheaded, but that’s besides the point here.)

Part of the problem with implementing good policy is sometimes, from an emotional perspective, successful policy seems counterintuitive. For instance, solving the homeless problem by giving everyone a free house seems like the nice thing to do, but then you just incentivize more homeless people to come to your city. Sometimes to uphold good living standards, you need to do things that seem mean, which women are less willing to do. Also they have no grasp of history, and so have nothing to draw on when appraising civil problems.

>> No.18173273

>people walking

>> No.18173298

It's "Skip" due to having the S before the C

>> No.18173336

Not collapse, but decline and decadence

>> No.18173422

>implying they don't cause a mess at the workplace as well
Forcibly retire all women. Many of them have fake jobs working for the government where they find ways to cause harm like how >>18173262 described. The number of man-hours needed to sustain industrial production is steadily declining anyway.

>> No.18173464

Yeah the climate collapse is gonna fuck us good

>> No.18173549

I’d rather have climate collapse than demographic collapse.

>> No.18173607

If there's climate collapse, there'll be demographic collapse (especially in Africa and India; not that I care much for either)

>> No.18173987

Rising sea level will just become the new normal

>> No.18174091

It's from "A Model Married Man," a diary entry from the American diplomat George Kennan.

>> No.18174102

If you like that, you’re gonna love “people experiencing homelessness” instead of “homeless people” or (god forbid) “the homeless.”

>> No.18174513

I disagree. Get rid of discrimination protection protection on provate sector and ban public policy work

>> No.18174527

>but humanity endures
People who take solace in this are retarded trash peasants.
I am better than the vast majority of humanity. I have transcended humanity long ago as an awakened Buddha and prophet.

>> No.18174531

The way I see it, climate change is the big one. It, and the refugee movements it will generate, mean that you can write off Europe, Africa, MENA, and India as lost causes. America might survive, but sea level rise will mess it up pretty good. Same for China. Russia might be the only country left standing when all is said and done.

>> No.18174578
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I'm ok with that

>> No.18174592

They are still going to get wrecked anon, it just won't be as bad as the other places. It makes me so mad, I don't get why the governments of the world aren't doing stuff like dimming the sun with satellites or geoengineering to slow it down.

>> No.18174598
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The 90's called, they want their apocalypse back.

>> No.18174616

Dude, the 1990s were by all accounts an optimistic time. We had this argument in /vst/, where someone said that the optimisticish setting of the Civilization games, where people move smoothly from the stone age to the modern times to settling on Alpha Centauri, just wouldn't be made today, because the zeitgeist is so much more negative.

>> No.18174623

Apocalypticism and pessimism is such a safe refuge.

Why do anything since its going to collapse anyway. Meanwhile those in powers will continue to rape you, your children and the environment and make the whole world into a prison camp. The one thing is those with guts to change the world through FORCE.

>> No.18174641

You can do all of that and still be a pessimist.

>> No.18174669

What do we replace this system with? To let opportunists take over and run stuff like before?
Man is beast and it will follow Nature laws or pay for his disobedience with mass starving, resource wars and the works. Just like any animal population out of control.

>> No.18174672

Civ VI exists. But yes you have a point. Western entertainment relies almost exclusively on deconstruction of classical themes now than anything else. I think most are aware that we are living through a cultural decay, they are simply either unable to accept it or unable to express it.

>> No.18174707

I dunno how to snap out culture out of the deconstruction phase. Maybe the solution is to inject a classical tradition like the Persian Shahnameh or Indian Mahabharata is what we need. Just add some fresh blood into the cultural discourse, which can't be attacked on grounds of "being racist" or whatnot.

>> No.18174713


National Bolshevism

Anything other than Capitalism.

>> No.18174726

In the 90s our apocalypse narratives were recovering from the trauma of impending thermonuclear war.
There was some vague notion of the population bomb being a problem.

>> No.18174753

I don't think that would work. Critical Race Theory is so ingrained into our society even if not directly acknowledged that I don't think anything will change for generations. From all I have seen it appears any civilization in decay never really recovers. I'm on /lit/ and not /his/ but maybe someone here is aware of an example. As far as I have seen, while there may be many dips and valleys, the overall life of an empire seems to be one large bell curve. Unfortunately, western society in general seems to have passed its zenith and is now just spiraling downwards.

I recall that very clearly, the Malthusian dilemma being revived, along with the rainforest. It was that kind of unbridled naivete and need to save the world NOW that, in some ways, was the progenitor of what we face today: Millions upon millions of people that mean well, but haven't the slightest clue of how to fix it other than to be indignant and demand change.

>> No.18174813


what do you mean "on the road to"

>> No.18174874
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all these threads about the end of america and the western powers just leave with the sense that the poster have never actually experience a dire situation.
usa will loose some power, the economy will weaken, things will be tough for people, but the world will carry on, culture will carry on, technology will carry on and people will carry on.
I highly doubt the world will step into chaos and bloodshed in the near future, if you do know, please tell me, cause i dont see how

>> No.18174892

>I highly doubt the world will step into chaos and bloodshed in the near future, if you do know, please tell me, cause i dont see how
See >>18174531

>> No.18175087

No one said that the world and culture will not carry on. But the collapse of the world's strongest economy and military from a civilizational perspective is a huge issue, it hasn't happened to a developed nation in modern society so the consequences of it could be catastrophic. I'm sure the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina never though that the siege of Sarajevo could happen, and yet it still did. It really doesn't take a lot, Critical Race Theory has rendered the American populace into a paranoid wreck hellbent on stamping out racism wherever it rears its ugly head. I don't see how balkanization of the United States is itself not inevitable at this point. Culturally, economically, demographically, America is changing radically and has done so in a very short time.

>> No.18175123

Yes. Exponential growth cannot be sustained.

>> No.18175154

>dude trust me we’re in the bad cycle of eternity and we’ll totally keep being reincarnated, just like my heckin indianerinos said!!!
Take your meds

>> No.18175180

>I don't see how balkanization of the United States is itself not inevitable at this point.
I just don't see strong enough separatist movements for that to happen. But, that's because we see things as ethnically motivated when it's more of cultural one. If you ask me if the mexicans will separate de SouthWest and blacks Louisiana I will tell you no. But it is true that right now it exist 2 different kind of people with 2 different world views of what the US should be and are at odds with eachother. Instead of Balkans, it would be more of a North-South Korea thing.

>> No.18175183

Culturally America still runs the world. I don’t know how so many people miss this. Liberalism is certainly decaying into an unrecognizable corpse of itself but the majority of the world is still liberalizing. Social justice and identity politics for example are permanent main-stays because they were amplified by social media worldwide. There’s no stopping it. Most young people are embracing this culture. It’s not unlike a new faith becoming the official system of the Roman Empire even as it was crumbling. We live in a sad and contradictory era

>> No.18175206

For what it's worth, I like your writing style.

>> No.18175405
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Civilization has never collapsed, only changed.

>> No.18175412
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>just like my heckin indianerinos said

>> No.18175773

Things like what, exactly?

>> No.18175831

yes read pitirim sorokin

>> No.18176790

What does the Roman have in common with the Greek? The Phonecian? The Jew? The Gaul? The overflow of Europe has seeped into the Empire and has drowned out the heritage of it.

>> No.18177044

>vsevolod ivanov
Extremely comfy.

>> No.18177121
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the barbarians are conquering the degenerates as always

>> No.18178425

no, but I think in burgerland specifically there will be some disruption when the state of housing and pricing in/near cities (where a lot of the jobs are) along with basic cost of living becomes intolerable and there's forcibly something done to address the problem. and that the big cities are donezo in being desirable places to live, at all. people will only live there because they have some reason they can't flee

>> No.18178493
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>> No.18178505
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>> No.18178511
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>> No.18178539
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>> No.18178543
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>> No.18178547
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>> No.18178555

You white fucks are really fucking cringe man
Either its white guilt, shoe kissing a nigger or it's fear like this.
Laughable people really

>> No.18178559

>for the past 2000 years
you mean 500?

>> No.18178577

RT announcing the impeding collapse of America is about as reputable as CNN announcing the impending collapse of China

>> No.18178580
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>> No.18178690

No, civilizational & societal collapse is not something we should concern ourselves with, won't happen in our lifetime.

>> No.18178708

This. Watch for cultural and social decline, not collapse.

>> No.18179368

>Murdering people on a daily basis

>> No.18179413

I guess we will just have too start removing your kind from society.

>> No.18179420


>> No.18179443

Collapse is just a perspective bro. It can't collapse if you make it work

>> No.18179474

Grand Solar Minimum.

>> No.18179534
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No one has mentioned oil. I've posted this before, but here it is again.

We have about 1.4 trillion barrels left in discovered reserves, and an estimated 90 billion barrels in un-discovered reserves. At current extraction rates, we have roughly 55 years worth of oil.

The whole world relies on oil for almost everything. Your car uses gasoline (oil), it's partially made of plastic (oil), and the tires are rubber (oil).

Everything in the grocery store uses oil for its packaging. Even glass jars have petrol rubber seals. Most electricity plants use petrol. The agricultural industry uses petrol based fertilizer. When the oil runs out, everything is going to stop. The results will be catastrophic.

There is no backup plan. There is no alternative. We are ultimately fucked. And somehow, no one seems to care or notice. It's bizarre. I guess pandering to niggers and trannies is more important than the fucking end of the world.

>> No.18179592
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>I guess pandering to niggers and trannies is more important than the fucking end of the world.
Or yelling about them. I feel the right wing in America is just the other same of the same coin. I'd study feedback loops. I think of this like a positive feedback loop (although I don't mean "positive" as in "good"), like holding up a microphone to the speakers which picks up its own amplified sound, which has a runaway screeching effect that will blow the speakers if you don't move the mic away.


There's no backup plan either because the system as it's designed is fundamentally incapable of long-term planning. What it did benefit from was steady resource injection allowed for a healthy "negative" feedback loop that in turn stabilized the system, and that worked as long as it could continue to inject resources into itself. The U.S. expanded all over the globe but the moment it stopped being able to expand the system turns around and the whole thing falls apart. It becomes trapped within its own logic.


>> No.18179593

>shill trannies and niggers on media
>all the degenerates turn into trannies and kill themselves
>niggers take over and screw everything up and starve
>birth rates plummets because of feminism
>leftism brought about a drastic population drop, maybe covid variants may help here and there to calm down population growth in third world shitholes
>with population drops, goods and energy demand drop worldwide
>the few who were not memed into self destruction can restart and have the time to make cars with metal, paper, glass and metal packaging like they have been doing for ages before boomer liberals ruined that in the 70s
(((they))) were the good guys all along. It's all about the long game.

>> No.18179616


>> No.18179618

I'm hoping this is a resolution of modernity's contradictions rather than a collapse. (that means the USA is gonna have to go.)

>> No.18179620


I know what feeback loops are. You're right, the right wing is just as bad. Imagine conserving a system that's going to self-destruct.
What was the second video you posted?

>> No.18179728

I haven't looked into the EROI requirements of industry, but if it's what your graph indicates then most of the MEDCs are bound to switch to nuclear power as the price of oil increases. They might survive for a while, but this makes the decline of civilization a lot more dangerous as all those fission reactions have to be constantly maintained to prevent meltdown. Imagine if they get neglected and left to crumble like the Colloseum; hundreds of Chernobyls all around the world.

>> No.18179746

>The whole world relies on oil for almost everything.
Electric cars will be everywhere before 55 years
>Everything in the grocery store uses oil for its packaging.
Last century everything in the grocery store was packaged in paper and tin. This century plastic. Next century something else. Maybe paper again? Doesn't matter, easily solvable
>petrol based fertilizer
They can just use organic fertilizer. More expensive but so what? And, populations will be declining soon (except Africa). We don't need that much food.

>> No.18179803
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We are definitely going to live though tough times

>> No.18179832

>They can just use organic fertilizer. More expensive but so what?
The world population is a lot larger now than it was before we started replacing organic fertilizer with ammonia in the early 20th century. We have artificially increased the carrying capacity of our environment to support more people. You can't just go back to the old way without going back to the old carrying capacity, which means a lot of people starve to death.

>> No.18179855

what about Australia?

>> No.18179867

The simpson will be hospitable, lol.

>> No.18179868

Found this threads' clueless poor devil.

>> No.18179875

The dinosaurs thought the same thing about themselves

>> No.18179880

>the tires are rubber (oil).
No one tell him about Rubber Trees and the wars we've fought for them

>> No.18179899

no, I mean the past 2000
Byzantium was a shithole resting on its laurels

>> No.18179900

>People who take solace in this are retarded trash peasants.
I am better than the vast majority of humanity. I have transcended humanity long ago as an awakened Faggot and nigger.

>> No.18179915

its was the richest and most powerful medieval kingdom for hundreds of years

>> No.18179943


>> No.18179962

You mean the rubber trees that can't handle global tire demand, let alone all the other things they'd be used for? Huh, it's almost as if that's anon's point, you obese retard.

>> No.18179984

with poorly managed and poor energy return Uranium? yes
with thorium which doesn't want to actively kill itself and can be cheaply and 100% efficiently neutralised temporarily in the case of an emergency? stop spouting oil company propaganda retard

>> No.18179991

>over 1 hour long
yeah fuck that noise

>> No.18181064
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pic rel is the begininng of the end of western culture

>> No.18181473

What are the chances everyone will make the switch in time?

>> No.18181591

>but humanity endures
This is the most reddit cope ever

>> No.18181608

We endured the ice age living in caves with fireplaces and stones, don't you think there are going to be at least some wealthy faggots in a high-tech bunker?

>> No.18182033
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The jew is moving his wealth from america to china. The states will be broken up into 2-3 countries. China will replace the USA as the worlds #1 superpower.

>> No.18182066

>The states will be broken up into 2-3 countries
Sounds dope desu, wish it was more

>> No.18182077

none of them will be for whites except north east and some midwest states, you will be killed

>> No.18182171
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The ice age is nothing compared to a mass extinction and a whole host of other issues we would have to face even if climate change was somehow miraculously halted. We didn’t survive the ice agey living in caves and using rocks. What makes you think rich people in bunkers would survive? If they do end up surviving, which I highly doubt (I’m prepared to change my mind), they wont make it very far. Also, the concept of surviving in a bunker kind of relies on the apocalypse being one, major, relatively predictable event. Not likely.

>> No.18182188

>tfw when I'm in the northeast

>> No.18182341
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One of them will totally be for whites and whites only. They will prosper and may suffer the same fate as hitlers germany.

>> No.18182398

No, whites have had their collective racial consciousness destroyed, the white states will take up the mantle of the last legitimate successor to the former governance. It will be less multicultural though, as the elites will realize the necessity of asians/whites and move there

>> No.18182400

You guys are retarded and delusional

>> No.18182409

What makes you say that?

>> No.18182412

C.G Jung's observations concerning America:
>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.

Most Americans, especially the WASPs, seem to think of themselves as some sort of representatives of their European forefathers on the new continent. This is prevalent mostly among the types we cannot classify as the so-called fifty-sixters or 'mutts' in general, but who by their physical charasteristics closely resemble traditional caucasoids. But further observation and examination of this so-called "white bastion" proves quite otherwise.

We could take Donald Trump as an example. Werner Sombart, one of the greatest sociologists of all time, noted about Americans once: "they mistake bigness for greatness". Now, this trait is not found in all non-European peoples or peoples of color, especially those who have retained their Tradition. For example, an authentic Arab of the old race, a redskin Indian, an East Asian are not overly impressed by merely material, quantitative, ostentatious size, including that related to machinery, technology and the economy, or the size of the Trump Tower (apart, of course, from already Americanized individuals). It is a trait found only in truly primitive and childish races like the Negro. It is no exaggeration to assert that the foolish pride of Americans in spectacular “bigness,” in the “achievements” of their civilization, reek of the Negro psyche. Donald Trump, is essentially a white negroid. His whole stature, mindset and even the way he speaks reeks of the Negro mindset; "Big is good. Go big or go home. Big is great." and this also shows the absurdity of how most WASPs in America think of their identity as "white", even though sociological, psychoanalytical and even traditional observers all disagree.

>> No.18182825
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thank you, I've had this on my mind for a bit, thank you for putting it more eloquently than I could

>> No.18182863

>Americans laugh loudly and have a relaxed gait
>this is somehow a bad thing
Europeans are such cucks

>> No.18183216


>> No.18183521

climate change is a meme to distract people from peak oil

>> No.18183523

Nothing lasts forever.

>> No.18183700

It will atavistically rise again.

>> No.18183712
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>> No.18183741

to summarize: we are on the road to civilizational collapse

>> No.18183771

Would be interesting to work out the requirements to survive indefinitely though. I'm thinking maybe a closed loop aquaponics system powered by a nuclear reactor. All waste products carefully conserved and composted to prevent soil depletion.

>> No.18183793

Evil must come, but woe to them through whom it comes.

>> No.18183804

White identity is stronger than ever. There wasn't some glorious past where white people were proud of being white. The white identity formed out of the destruction of their previous identities. This is completely consistent with the historic trend of ingroups coallescing to form larger metagroups.

>> No.18183820

>Electric cars
brainlet they require lithium for batteries they are no more sustainable than current cars the true renewable would be switching to wood gas cars

>> No.18183822

Nice way to cope with the fact that you've been brainwashed into being a discount nigger, you mutt.

>> No.18183831

Will it be the AI Antichrist or the Tedpilled Sea Peoples that get us first?

>> No.18183844
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>2000 years
>what is the Byzantine Empire

>> No.18183865

>The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking

>> No.18183878

It was shit anon.

>> No.18183947

I'm thinking you're a delusional retard.

>> No.18184191
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During the Bronze Age collapse, Eshuwara, the senior governor of Cyprus, wrote:
>As for the matter concerning those enemies: (it was) the people from your country (and) your own ships (who) did this! And (it was) the people from your country (who) committed these transgression(s)...I am writing to inform you and protect you. Be aware!

>> No.18184298

nature always wins

>> No.18184545

That’s just one dude talking about the dollar going bust. But you go right ahead and believe the chairman of the Fed and treasury secretary and all the other central bankers. Don’t search for the term “inflation” in the latest news reports. Subscribe to the Washington Post while you’re at it.

>> No.18185045

Relax, it's just a thought experiment.

>> No.18185068

I could definitely see something like this happening. There were Romans who joined German bandits to raid towns in Roman territory. We have already seen people leave the civilized world to fight for a new caliphate in Syria.

>> No.18185077

wow he actually moves like an ape and everything

>> No.18185096

>We have already seen people leave the civilized world to fight for a new caliphate in Syria.
those are all muslim converts, however

>> No.18185097

It will be a long drawn out whimper but it wont be a collapse

>> No.18185106

At most it stands in the same way that Theseus' ship still exists. But while its structures may still exist (albeit in largely as ruins), the essence of what made Rome Rome is long since dead.

>> No.18185136

If we're going with the Spenglerian model, Greece hasn't been in winter for 2,000 years. It was part of the same Great Civilization as Rome, which died off (no infinite winter) by around the 300's AD, being replaced by the Magian civilization. Magian civ never properly took hold in Italy (partial exception being Sicily and the far south), but completely overwrote the Apollonian civilization in the Greek world. However, Greece/Byzantium was never able to properly manifest the full Magian spirit, this was the doing of the Muslims. So Greece has either been in winter for about 1,000 years, or Winter ended sometime in the last thousand years.

I'd argue the Magian winter still exists within Islam. Other civs still in their petrified winter: Indic, Sinic.

>> No.18185194

>From all I have seen it appears any civilization in decay never really recovers.

This is... generally true, but the civilization/society in decay is in decay due to some internal failing (typically a loss of the foundational mythologies), BUT if there is some external threat, this can potentially galvanize a society and permit a renewal.

An exception I can think of off the top of my head is perhaps revivals in Babylonian and Assyrian society.

>> No.18185202

The Bronze-Age collapse wasn't due to social failure, though.

>> No.18185207

>but humanity endures
you know that the lifespan of humanity is finite, right? It's restricted by thermodynamics.

>> No.18185209

It's not women, it's representative government. We need to stop the ability for lobbies to influence policy or remove lobbying, representatives and democracy altogether.

>> No.18185236

Unlikely, due to Aboriginals burning down the vast rainforests that once grew in Australia, reducing Australian ecology to monocultures and the amount of erosion and soil nutrient loss, salinity crisis from no water, etc. Australia will never be habitable without a significant focus on recreating a sustainable ecology. And I'm not talking about making rivers or canals, that shit won't work because Australian ecology doesn't transport the majority of its water through rivers, canals, etc like Europe. Also don't get me started on the hard footed animals and soil compaction. Suffice to say, go to Europe because Australian farmers are totally fucking what's left of Australia - with the help of the government of course.

>> No.18185250

Rubber comes from plants you dumb nigger

>> No.18185259

This is so wrong, I can tell you've never worked a fucking farm in your life.

>> No.18185272

It's not possible, aquaponics and hydroponics rely on mineral input

>> No.18185325

and china is one of the two richest and most powerful nations on earth

still a shithole

>> No.18185359
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Whenever people discuss this subject, I notice how hard it actually is to define. What exactly even is "Western civilization" considering how long and diverse the history of Eurasia is? How do we even predict when a collapse will happen when by all accounts we're in the most globalized and peaceful era in hundreds of years? And how do we even define "civilization" when globalism has turned us all into slaves of a global marketplace?

At the very least you can say that the Enlightenment Project will fail, because it already did fail with two world wars. We live in the consolidation of the liberal-technocratic singularity that began with the Enlightenment, and if it made the modern world already perpetually unstable, then I have no doubt it will happen again. We're already seeing people become schizophrenic, irrational, anxious and resentful about everything, especially leftists.

>> No.18185504

They have ways around all the rules though. They didn't go there to practice the religion, they went there to engage in barbarian behaviour.

>> No.18185514

Then explain how you nitrogenate the soil without using any fossil fuels.
>inb4 crop rotation
That reduces yields.

>> No.18185527

>most globalized and peaceful era
Alright. I was going to answer in kind, but this liberal-ist idea is really quite rancid and you need to grow up.

>> No.18185544

>What exactly even is "Western civilization"
Protestant and Catholic Europe and their colonial nations (Latin America mostly excluded).

>> No.18185549

Which minerals are you refering to? If you mean just regular soil nutrients, that's why I suggested recycling all outputs to minimize the input required.

>> No.18185553

>MGT and AOC
Ah yes, the only two members of congress redpilled about the JQ. Can't let that happen.

>> No.18185646

It objectively is though, not that I think globalization or decadence is a good thing anyway

>> No.18185678

>Just let the system fail and we can rebuild.
this may or may not be true in some sense but i have to wonder, do you really know what it means for the system to fail?

>> No.18185682

>I highly doubt the world will step into chaos and bloodshed in the near future, if you do know, please tell me, cause i dont see how
Critical race theory advocates take every immigrant coming into the country through higher education (a little over a million a year), and spends four years radicalizing them while teaching them to distrust and despise the local population. That's not counting the many home grown radicals.

Tens of millions of dollars are being poured into an ideology of radicalizing people along ethnic lines against whites by multiple western governments. There's no way this will end well. Laws being created explicitly excluding people based on racial grounds. Frankly the total lack of criticism towards CRT is nothing but the arrogance of a generation of white boomers who think somehow brown people lack agency or capacity as historical actors.

Maybe the globe will continue as normal, but I fully expect racial pogroms in the next twenty years. Theres a sick and fundamentally fascistic ideology being promoted by our own rulers against ethnic whites and its not just going to go away.

>> No.18185694

Top tier bants right there. Blacks are hilarious when you dont have to live around them.

>> No.18185703

It's not that simple.

>> No.18185721

Not saying that COVID vax are a plot to sterilize everybody... but it would make a lot of sense from the point of view of the top 0.01%

I mean, what would you prefer? An entire population of dependents rendered superflous from automation fighting over the scraps of unexploited resources left, or 90% of the population not being able to have kids while the rest are regulated into tightly controlled smart cities where they have to rent everything and are constantly monitored by biometric technology.

>> No.18185725

Natural farming, fertility farming -> permaculture
>muh yields

>> No.18185769

Don't get me wrong I agree that we're entering hyper inflation. Just bought a pack of undies from wallmart and noticed that they've swapped the nice cotton ones with poorly made third world synthetic versions... I just don't trust RT any more than I trust Yankee media.

>> No.18185788

>We have already seen people leave the civilized world to fight for a new caliphate in Syria.
Those people are honestly your only chance at keeping a civilization.
Do you really think the brave new world BLM trannyscape our elites are so enthusiastically marching us towards is better than a caliphate? The west has failed, its time to chose the best alternative and fight for it.

>> No.18185819
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>> No.18185877

>Also they have no grasp of history, and so have nothing to draw on when appraising civil problems.
The thing about the modern world, that's partly the responsibility of television and social media, is that people live in a tiny time slice of the present moment which they can carry with them, but nothing remains.

Theres nothing in their experience which reverberates down the centuries because the centuries to them are completely dark. Just unillumined corridors from which they stagger into the single little sliver of light.

>> No.18185888

>The end of history will be a very sad time. The struggle for recognition, the willingness to risk one’s life for a purely abstract goal, the worldwide ideological struggle that called forth daring, courage, imagination, and idealism, will be replaced by economic calculation, the endless solving of technical problems, environmental concerns, and the satisfaction of sophisticated consumer demands. In the post-historical period there will be neither art nor philosophy, just the perpetual caretaking of the museum of human history. I can feel in myself, and see in others around me, a powerful nostalgia for the time when history existed.

Francis Fukuyama

>> No.18186080

I dont think dinos had that complexity of thought anon...

>> No.18186086

No because the newest Jordan Peterson Podcast said it isn't so.

>> No.18186753
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>How do we even predict when a collapse will happen when by all accounts we're in the most globalized and peaceful era in hundreds of years?
Globalism is gradually destroying cultures, it is already happening. Leftists faggots may say it's not a bad thing because you could form a global government, but it's replacing everything with nihilism, materialism and consumerism. But Marxists will never understand how bad this is even if they are formally against it, they don't get how bounded materialism is to consumerism and thus late-stage capitalism.
>And how do we even define "civilization" when globalism has turned us all into slaves of a global marketplace?
Have you ever been in a Western art museum? Do you know what is a Constitution? Hobbes? Dante? That's Western culture, it's a multitude of nations and it was beautiful. Diversity doesn't mean lack of distinction.
>What exactly even is "Western civilization" considering how long and diverse the history of Eurasia is?
Diversity of views doesn't mean that the views cease to exist, they just shape each other and something new replaces them, which is good and it happened for thousands of years. But what is happening today is unprecedented, all cultures are being destroyed at once and forcibly replaced with McDonald's, Netflix, Marvel and the works.
The rest of your post makes sense.

>> No.18186768

the thing is that there are no truly good political solutions. there are always trends toward doom and destruction, but the thing usually keeps floating on. It is true that if you look for markers of an end you can find them, you always can, but that is only because this is the imperfect nature of politics that solutions are never perfect.

>> No.18186791
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>civilizational collapse?
we've been in an identity collapse for awhile
im assuming we'll spend time in sense pleasure, and maybe some renaissance
and from there, perhaps new imposition

but im thinking america is destined to become and eternal flux renaissance, and that "spires" will be more like cultural hubs that are generative and stimulating

the more we have to work mundane jobs, the less stimulating cultural environments have to be because its the distance between the mundane and the stimulative that create the satisfaction

a ton of jobs could be eliminated with more self sufficiency and knowledge, which we get from the internet along with infrastructure established
and thats my point, the infrastructure will mostly remain. the identity will overhaul
but i dont see a sort of "empire" style identity arising for humanity at this point.
tech will eliminate the need for such structure.
environments will become more about the ways we want to grow.

and from there we can continually evolve and develop, which we haven't been doing on a personal level.

the processes will change. how the infrastructure lays out will change. the identity/values/perception will change
mobility will increase
we will have cultural hubs and many "main" identities that are probably way less materials driven and way more "feeling" and character driven
obv tech environments will still exist. but a lot of us really dont need to go down this path.
the whole stem field itself will eventually be able to manage itself.
and quite frankly i think humanity has just "hit a stride" with our material advancements to the point where u see huge creative energy on the rise

historically this has always led to "downfall" when femininity and decadence take over.
i think the latter will dissolve in favor of scarcity for developmental and creative purposes
but the former is different now, because our infrastructure and our technology will remain
it will mostly outsource a lot of the traditionally masculine pursuits to the point where we can engage more in the creative, personally developmental, connective (nature, social), playful, energetic

ya a "collapse" is happening but it's not going to be a sort of traditionally material collapse
and that should tell u something about where humanities evolution is headed

>> No.18186824

also stop looking at the past
both the immediate and historical
nowhere in history is there technology we have today
it completely changes the context of everything
if u introduce this sort of variable, despite the rest of the stage for "collapse" remaining the same, it can radically change the outcome.

history doesn't repeat itself, contrary to popular belief
human behavior will never be eliminated, just in different levels comin from different people with different skills and different tools. that's all that really remains "the same"
everything else changes
the more you internalize history the more you walk around thinking about this stuff empirically and it becomes part of some manifestation process

"blah blah doomed to repeat it", you're doomed to repeat it just by reading it.
people put borders on themselves with these outdated narratives. the times are completely different.
go act and interact with the environment. the rules are obviously up in the air right now so just play around and see what works.
the future is not written, and we are making this shit up.

if ur looking for comfort
people in the west are too comfy for any massive collapse, and we have way too much of a means to defend ourselves for any real threat

>> No.18186865

Bowden poster?

>> No.18186881

Doesn't bronze age mindset cover this? Never read it but I've read the summary

>> No.18186908

>Leftists faggots may say it's not a bad thing because you could form a global government
most of them are absent identity and are downstream from media conditioning
most of them are reactionary to power structures and imo have projected inferiority complex on structures that have agency over them, and romanticize being in a position of the higher power

cant say i blame them. these things feel overbearing and thats the reaction they have.
but to create an even more overbearing system...lol
they just want to be the guy at the wheel but they act in virtuous fashion
tho i see virtue as more of by virtue of will and selfs ability to impose

but yeah they will continually erode identity if they dont respect sincere diversity, which they clearly dont
its hubris too because its anti nature

i think people need to communicate the idea of segregation through different language
groups need their own spaces, and ideally there is social bonds between them
diversity in the world means there will always be -periods- of battle, but this is baked into how things work
they fool themselves into thinking they can just mix everyone into one race. this would have serious ramifications, as something like one virus could come along and wipe us all out
any utopian or totalitarian is doomed to fail from the getgo

you can also see their projection when they attack space flight. we will always expand and spread the mothers seed among the cosmos.
its like the ultimate expression of "colonization" and manhood. of which they haven't developed themselves and just get mad at dad.

>> No.18187093

>Frankly the total lack of criticism towards CRT is nothing but the arrogance of a generation of white boomers who think somehow brown people lack agency or capacity as historical actors.
It's also economic in that they are either at the tail end of their career or are already out.

>> No.18187212

>Laws being created explicitly excluding people based on racial grounds
Its bc we are coming off a system that heavily favored a certain identity.
The more people cling to an idea of race the more they are bound to that identity.
And that identity has grown static.
Because we have come off this system based largely around a perceived racial identity, and that identity being more exclusive to the background of a certain culture, other groups were more neglected in their development by having less representation.
So they're lunging for their time in the sunshine

People can spout meritocracy all day but imagine a merit based system where some advanced being is your competitor and the environment is stacked in favor of the values and skillsets they've conditioned within.

Lefties are already turning to "whitness" which is just a middleground between addressing character, identity, and values.
You can never completely eliminate behavior, just reduce it to make way for other behavioral traits.

Either way the more people look at race based systems the more they will continually constrict themselves to the past instead of creating in the present.
There is no fixed racial identity. It's just biological residue leftovers that our animal selves were used to utilizing for tribal security.
We have not shed this perception yet to make way for character and identity.

So now you have a bunch of people that have not developed as much, and it just so happens to be a race or races of people, as well as classes of people, because they had less access or means to develop.
So they unify under those shared experiences.
They get their time in the sun so they are able to grow as well.

All we are doing in this world is developing. No one wants to let go of their time on the stage but rotation is inevitable

>> No.18187265

>There is no fixed racial identity. It's just biological residue leftovers that our animal selves were used to utilizing for tribal security.
>So now you have a bunch of people that have not developed as much, and it just so happens to be a race or races of people, as well as classes of people, because they had less access or means to develop.
So they unify under those shared experiences.
They get their time in the sun so they are able to grow as well.

The word fits perfectly, cope. Specifically yank cope

>> No.18187293

>civilizational collapse
We are at a stage of such rampant overpopulation and devastation of our habitat that complete collapse is now unavoidable
Stick your romantic age of decadence LARP up your ass we are headed for the Age of Migrations and Mad Max reboots

>> No.18187299

I know this is a literature board, but the band Kero Kero Bonito has spent the last year or two focusing on just this in their music, and I think you might find their lyrics interesting

>> No.18187300

Intelligence and development becomes an exponential thing
Once a group start a getting to far ahead it's exponentially easier for them to get even farther ahead.

What's happening right now Is, imo, a synthetic way to assist these other groups to prevent a sincere calamity/collapse

Yes it means we will do "battle"
This is inevitable to our existence
The diversity of the world means this will always happen
"White" people don't have the full expression of humans in them. Hence why we group other aspects of the body at different times

If there is no shift like this then other groups/identities/values/social formalities are under boot of another and are never able to meaningfully produce their own fruit without it being down the pipeline from the current established process.

>> No.18187304

>I know this is a literature board
Nobody else noticed, it's just pol lite these days

>> No.18187490

the SPQR literally still exists, but you're right, rome died with Constantinople

>> No.18187829
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>> No.18188007

At least Germaniggers picked up the baton and created the Faustian Civilisation. Nothing will come after this ones dead
GaykikeniggerMuttocracy is the only thing that will reign

>> No.18188308
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Humanity's only purpose on this planet was to briefly rekindle within it's imagination the memory of the greatness of the dinosaur epoch which lasted for 180 million years.

>> No.18188336

Bowden will never die.
Even greco-roman Spencer would shut up and listen in his presence.

>> No.18188421

My fucking drivers license getting reissued the lazy fucks

>> No.18188649

People have been crying about Peak Oil for decades. The Shale Oil boom has rendered the USA effectively energy independent. We will never run out of oil, it will simply get too expensive to serve as a primary source of energy. Fuels and oil derivatives can be synthesized out of air and water given enough energy. Nuclear has the highest EROI of any technology, and will be deployed if we're really in a bind. Advances in deep drilling technology will also enable geothermal anywhere by tapping into the heat of the Earth.

Genetic engineering and synthetic biology will also develop new strains of rhizomatic nitrogen fixing bacteria to symbiotically fertilize higher yields cultivars of crops.

>> No.18189068

>which means the strong of body prevailed, or the strong of mind prevailed through cunning
this is such a massive cope, only the modern progressive mind thinks that human civilization is some linear trajectory toward strength or advancement.

>> No.18189530

>usa will loose some power, the economy will weaken, things will be tough for people, but the world will carry on, culture will carry on, technology will carry on and people will carry on.
that's literally what happened to Rome. Things just slowly started unraveling and getting worse for people until they no longer considered the empire a thing anymore. Then you had only 50k people living in the rotting carcass of Rome wandering around wondering who built these wonders

>> No.18189839
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Give me your toughts on "THE FATE OF EMPIRES and SEARCH FOR SURVIVAL" by Sir John Glubb; http://people.uncw.edu/kozloffm/glubb.pdf

As numerous points of interest have arisen
in the course of this essay, I close with a brief
summary, to refresh the reader’s mind.
(a) We do not learn from history because
our studies are brief and prejudiced.
(b) In a surprising manner, 250 years
emerges as the average length of national
(c) This average has not varied for 3,000
years. Does it represent ten generations?
(d) The stages of the rise and fall of great
nations seem to be:
The Age of Pioneers (outburst)
The Age of Conquests
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellect
The Age of Decadence.
(e) Decadence is marked by:
An influx of foreigners
The Welfare State
A weakening of religion.
(f) Decadence is due to:
Too long a period of wealth and power
Love of money
The loss of a sense of duty.
(g) The life histories of great states are
amazingly similar, and are due to internal
(h) Their falls are diverse, because they are
largely the result of external causes.
(i) History should be taught as the history
of the human race, though of course with
emphasis on the history of the student’s own country

>> No.18189903

Civilizational collapse is generally linked to a large-scale loss of faith in logocentrism, evidenced by mass panic and evacuation and burning of the cities in all previous cycles.

>> No.18189926
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>> No.18189927

Shit's fucked, but outside of LARPing, there's nothing that can be done about it. So don't worry be happy while you still can.

>> No.18190000

Didn't Rome not fall for another 500 years after Scipio burnt Carthage? The Eastern Empire went on for another 500 after that as well. Stories about degeneration and inevitable collapse are just resentful people who aren't in charge hoping things go wrong so they can all say, "I told you so!" Things could very well be on a decline, but yeah it could be declining for quite awhile. In the meantime get a life

>> No.18190008
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>> No.18190013

Based and check them quads.

>> No.18190800
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>> No.18190966

please be bait

>> No.18191008


>> No.18191073

Why would it be bait? Global warming is the only thing which poses a risk to all of humanity. We would go all out if a Martian invasion or something like that happened, or if an asteroid was going to hit Earth. We should treat this danger with the same level of urgency.

>> No.18191409

>please be bait
>Global warming is the only thing which poses a risk to all of humanity.
I can think of a few others. Nuclear war, Yellowstone eruption, collision with a large comet, etc.
Global warming itself could also release a clathrate, so rather than gradual change we get a sudden runaway greenhouse effect.
These are only the extinction level threats of course. There are many other things that could destroy all civilization and bring a global dark age. A particularly large solar flare could destroy communications satellites. A sudden collapse of the dollar could cause a chain reaction and bring worldwide depression. Peak oil could arrive sooner than we have prepared for, causing a sudden loss of industrial capacity.

>> No.18192879

>wandering around wondering who built these wonders.

Hmmmmm I wonder...

>> No.18192998

>Nuclear has the highest EROI of any technology, and will be deployed if we're really in a bind.

Nah, people will avoid nuclear like the plague even if it's our only viable option, and it's becoming increasingly clear it will be. Except even leftists hate nuclear energy and France/Germany are already closing their plants. I still don't get why educated people write off and even actively oppose nuclear power. "Muh Chernobyl/Fukushima" are midwit arguments. I doubt it's a conspiracy, just doesn't make sense. Maybe I'm missing something, idk.

>> No.18193312

>I still don't get why educated people write off and even actively oppose nuclear
waste problem
i actively avoid deuterium as much as possible

>> No.18194792

Social change will be realized by way of rational social institutions

>> No.18194929

Classical Civilization died some time before Constantinople fell. But the Roman State died with Constantinople.

>> No.18194957
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Thank you for the PDF, I'll read it. He wrote about states/empires rather then civilizations right?

>> No.18195055

The biggest counterexample to the thesis about the age of empires is Egypt. Even broken down into periods of stability, the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom lasted ~500 years each. Even more shocking is how much of the iconography and political structure from the Old Kingdom persisted through the New Kingdom. There's even political iconography from 3000 BC in continued use at the end of the New Kingdom.

>> No.18196150

If US power started about in 1917, we have about 150 years left of it. That's sick

>> No.18196221

stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus ...

>> No.18196252
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mismanagement of financial systems will lead the world into another war

>> No.18197665


>> No.18198553


>> No.18199394

Shale is a meme look into catabolic collapse it will become to expensive to get oil before we ever run out of the stuff.

>> No.18199411

global warming alarmism started in the 1990s after the collapse of the soviet union. the united states had a ton of surveillance satellites that were now useless, so they started using them to put out propaganda about the ice caps melting etc.


>> No.18199582

I've been on a geostrategy deep dive these past few months

>male bias sex ratio, ~51.3%

>used to be mitigated by higher rates of miscarriage, infant mortality, and fatalities in tribal warfare
>no longer the case due to medical advances, resulting in persistent male surplus
>coupled with inverted population pyramid in developed world
Darrell Bricker
Empty Planet: Preparing for the Global Population Decline

>developing world has male child preference and achieved through sex selective abortion
>india with 35 million surplus males
Valerie Hudson
The First Political Order

>resultant demographic imbalance, male/female and old/young have massive geopolitical repercussions
Peter Zeihan
Disunited Nations

George Friedman
The Storm Before the Calm

>men are checking out of society, nothing to live for
Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt
Men Without Work

>this is a precursor to chaos
Peter Turchin
Historical Dynamics: Why States Rise and Fall