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18166616 No.18166616 [Reply] [Original]

Xenofeminism is not a bid for revolution, but a wager on the long game of history, demanding imagination, dexterity, and persistence.

Xenofeminism seeks to construct a coalitional politics, a politics without the infection of purity.

Is xenofeminism a programme? Not if this means anything so crude as a recipe, or a single-purpose tool by which a determinate problem is solved.

Xenofeminism is a platform, an incipient ambition to construct a new language for sexual politics – a language that seizes its own methods as materials to be reworked, and incrementally bootstraps itself into existence.

Xenofeminism is a politics for alienation.

>> No.18166626

I'm so sick of seeing this sophist brainlet.

>> No.18166635

Anyone reading this? I think it proves the genius of Land's overarching thesis that alienation is an inevitable constraint of neocapital's natural outsideness deterritorialization.

If we can move towards an alienated feminist ontopractice then capital has no choice but to become China.

>> No.18166642

Filtered by an AI from the future.

I get it anon but at least try to be /lit/.

>> No.18166649

I'm hyperinclined to neo-agree.

>> No.18166715

>"Liberate" women from their biological imperative to gestate offspring
Trash philosophy. Biological wombs won't even begin to be possible until we have universal quantum computers that will allow us to run proper molecular dynamic simulations on how the placenta works. And even once we have artificial wombs, amazon women that superovulate and birth litters will still be exponentially more efficient than building factories of artificial wombs.
There is NO form of humanity that can compete against the amazon female small male master race. Having biological sex is efficient and superior over eliminating biological sex. Having dedicated sex classes is a superior function over the "liberation" and "freeing" ourselves from our biological functions.
A nation of a "hundred blooming sexes" is trash and will never be able to compete against a nation of the two optimized biological male and female sexes. It would be destroyed and subjugated by the superior amazon female small male master race.
You guys can cope and call me a deluded fetishist all you want but you can't change reality.

>> No.18166726

*artificial wombs

>> No.18166730
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>> No.18166861

Ours is a world in vertigo. It is a world that swarms with technological mediation, interlacing our daily lives with abstraction, virtuality, and complexity. XF constructs a feminism adapted to these realities: a feminism of unprecedented cunning, scale, and vision; a future in which the realization of gender justice and feminist emancipation contribute to a universalist politics assembled from the needs of every human, cutting across race, ability, economic standing, and geographical position. No more futureless repetition on the treadmill of capital, no more submission to the drudgery of labour, productive and reproductive alike, no more reification of the given masked as critique. Our future requires depetrification. XF is not a bid for revolution, but a wager on the long game of history, demanding imagination, dexterity and persistence.

>> No.18166883


>> No.18166890

Neochud arrives from overbunkered Outerchina.

>> No.18166937

I think you got filtered by the real amazons.

>> No.18167034

I don't get it

>> No.18167427

one of the better Land threads I've seen.
I think his feminism is the most underappreciated aspect of his technotology.

>> No.18167781

What i really love about his feminism is that there are no longer waves. Feminism is a capital (hyperpbuh) neoterritorialititization of timewave machinoplasm. It's subatomic ontovaginal quantopraxis in praxeology.

>> No.18167820

have you read his blackpaper! quantotologival aefeminotransism seems like the futre we can't avoid.

i fear we're heading into a double hauntology vaginovoid.

>> No.18167873


>> No.18168730

mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral interests of the democratic party?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021".

>> No.18168798

Xenofeminism is extraordinarily spooked; the writer talks about information "wanting to be free" -information doesn't have agency-

>> No.18168802

Xenofeminism = extremely cool cover, retarded meme philosophy

>> No.18168829

I view these people as completely desexualized; they dont have sex, they virtue signal and engage in shrill politically correct activities at the behest of george soros, bill nye, the science guy and their marxist proffesors. Whatever it is they do is purely sanctimonious and ideological and devoid of anything resembling eroticism.

>> No.18168911

Seems unlikely since Xenofeminism is the purest Nietzschean philosophy in existence.

>> No.18169045

>still believe in science and rationalism

>> No.18169804

>schizo babbling thread


>> No.18169828

Filtered by based Nicky.

>> No.18169830

>information doesn't have agency
I agree with this. But those people believe information is material in the deleuzian molecular sense, where virtuality is also cuasicausal.

>> No.18170247

One of my favorite books. Who else reading it?

>> No.18170338

>for alienation
shouldn't we be fighting alienation?

>> No.18170414
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Not if you want to accelerate.

>> No.18171616

Where my Nickheads?

>> No.18171636

I just know that I like fat girls a lot.