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18165329 No.18165329[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What book cured you of poltardation?

>> No.18165337

Unamuno would be considered a fascist today

>> No.18165349

Well yeah, he didn't get to read the books published after his lifetime. Had he read them, he wouldn't be a fascist.

>> No.18165357

>Well yeah, he didn't get to read the books published after his lifetime
Like which ones? White Fragility?

>> No.18165359

Revolt Against the Modern World

>> No.18165364

Books made me antisemitic. I'm not racist, homophobic, sexist, fascist, etc. I still find /pol/ better than /lit/.

>> No.18165380
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Rent free

>> No.18165382

I visited Istanbul recently, and the dogs outside hagia sophia would only bark at black people

>> No.18165385

The more I read the more I feel like I’ve seen everything play out before, and the less interested in other people I become.

>> No.18165389

Dogs can't read, and they probably haven't set paw outside of Istanbul

>> No.18165402

I’d love to see that retard travel to Baltimore or East St. Louis

>> No.18165403

my friends only became racist after traveling to France and America

>> No.18165415

I used to be a poltard but I don't care much about the decline of the white race anymore. I'm a khhv social outcast anyway and I can't be bothered to harbor strong feelings towards my nation, people or politics.

>> No.18165424

Not a full-scale /poltard anymore but by today's standards I'd still be considered extreme right, so who cares?

>> No.18165429

But if only I had considered that at the time. I would have had stern words for those dogs!

>> No.18165443


>> No.18165445

>Dogs can't read
That sounds racist, anon. Maybe you should visit your nearest doggo country!

>> No.18165464


>> No.18165498
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Same, never really was full poltard t b h, but I just can't be arsed to care about politics anymore.

>> No.18165511


>> No.18165527

Travel implies when you return they won't be there in your street when you return.

>> No.18165541

>yeah bro Hitler was just a super dummy that didn't understand how le epin diverse and equal the world was

>> No.18165544

the smug inferiority complex built into quotes like these is unbecoming. The only thing of value to come from it is a reevaluation of whether or not I have sounded the same to political ideals I dislike.

>> No.18165555

Imagine having no conceivable goal/appreciate in life.

>> No.18165557

Is that quote even accurate? It seems unlikely that someone in his time would have phrased it like that. It sounds extremely simplified.

>> No.18165567

I don't have to imagine because it's my reality

>> No.18165582

They also bark at anything looking like a gypsie. For some reason my White Privileges apply to Istanbul and the dogs ignored me. All cats there are super friendly too.

>> No.18165601

In other words you have been demoralized by the ennemy, good job.

>I'm in the same boat though.

>> No.18165647

Only you can change it, only you can realise the vapidity of your smug youth.

You think your experience is new? Smh stfu.

>> No.18165661


>> No.18165674

In fact he supported the nationalist uprising but with cuckservative smugness, hence the quote.

>> No.18165677

>facism and racism is dumb and stupid

>> No.18165679 [DELETED] 

>racism is cured by traveling

>> No.18165692 [DELETED] 
File: 511 KB, 511x675, four_col_tarrant_pakistan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism is cured by traveling

>> No.18165701
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>racism is cured by traveling

>> No.18165710

lol u got btfo rightoid poltard idiot fag

>> No.18165712

you have kind of proved him right since he liked pakistan

>> No.18165717

Imagine being a christ cuck and having the gall to call others dumb.

>> No.18165719

top kek

>> No.18165720


>> No.18165724

Yeah he loved brown people so much he livestreamed himself visiting a mosque

>> No.18165730

i know i know

>> No.18165748

>lol u got btfo rightoid poltard idiot fag
i concede

>> No.18165752

I remember watching that video in school and my friends and I were laughing our asses off lmao

>> No.18165755

I don't like it when people get in the way of my goals.
Blacks, Jews, and liberals have gotten in the way of my goals numerous times and still do.
Therefore, I am fine with them being massacred by the far-right.
I say this in a monotone voice without a hint of trashy low-IQ irony.

>> No.18165765

Is he a diagnosed sperg? His physiognomy reminds me of my autistic friend

>> No.18165790

it's pretty spergy to carry out lone wolf terrorist attacks