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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 93 KB, 786x488, banned for a bullshit reason because mods are fucking idiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1816501 No.1816501 [Reply] [Original]

Now you can think what you want about me.
But i'm sure we're all in agreement that this ban i received was just silly.

also, i am not even mad

>> No.1816533 [DELETED] 


>> No.1816540
File: 74 KB, 720x576, cheshire cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1816541


>> No.1816543


>> No.1816546


>> No.1816547


>> No.1816587

grow up

>> No.1816591

it's hard to judge the wisdom of a ban without knowing what post garnered said ban

>> No.1816598

what do you care?

you said you hate /lit/ and you're better off without us.

>> No.1816599

reported for ban evasion.

sorry, bro, nothing personal, but you gotta follow da rules lol

>> No.1816604

Post doesn't matter if it is a tripfag. Self-centered assholes are always banworthy. If you can't post without knowing that someone goes "hey, it's that guy" then you have lost your basic Anonymous rights and can be terminated for any reason. Nice to see admins are supporting even /lit/

>> No.1816605
File: 95 KB, 1053x593, 7a0a189cf9a3d8ee95d74442a6ccc41c[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the posts of mine which were deleted

bottom one says
>i don't see what your issue is but you're welcome to change the guide and submit it

when did i say that

>> No.1816608

I wish some mod would ban you from life with a shotgun.

I'm not mad either.

>> No.1816611

i hope you know that 4chan as a site isn't against the use of tripcodes, hence the reason they're an option you silly goose.

also i'm just as Anonymous as you are!

learn to judge posts by their content, not the name in the name field, kinda like judging a book by its cover, but i bet you do that too.

>> No.1816616

that's not very nice, is it?

>> No.1816618


none of these look especially banworthy to me but personally i would've banned you for bumping quentin's sorry excuse for a thread tonight so end result would be the same :\

>> No.1816619

there's nothing wrong with tripcodes. I think what the mods have a problem with is that you're an egotistical homo who makes shit threads like this one. Maybe if you contributed once and a while, something other than trolling.

>> No.1816621
File: 349 KB, 1026x3896, brownie lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when did i say that

what's the point of being a tripfag if you don't remember all the stupid shit you say?

>> No.1816626
File: 21 KB, 578x584, the extent of this anons posting ability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the point of being Anonymous if you post the same thing every day?

>> No.1816630

would you have also banned the people who replied with a sage, instead of just ignoring it, not actually doing anything but adding fuel to the fire and giving people something to reply to?

i've contributed more to this board than you ever will sugartits, the stick is just one example.

>> No.1816632

I've never seen you make a decent thread that wasn't somehow either about you, or later turned into a thread about you.

>> No.1816633
File: 29 KB, 169x236, baaaaaaaaaaaaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baaaaaaawwwwww! Stop posting things that make me look stoopid!

>> No.1816637


see i would say "yes" but a couple of those sages were my sages so it's hard to say

no one man should have all that power, i guess

>> No.1816638

you just got told kiddo, don't act like it was anything else

not my fault if idiots turn it into a thread about the poster
perfect example is this one:

>> No.1816641

No, you're right, it's not. But I've never seen you discuss literature here before. And I've been here quite a while.

>> No.1816644

sorry bro, that image is going to haunt you for the rest of your trolling career.

I'm fighting your shitty copy/pasta with my own copy/pasta and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.1816655
File: 262 KB, 500x478, tao's waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's the odds and ends of it i guess, you don;'t have to feel responsible for adding fuel to the fire in that thread either because you are Anonymous.

but i guess that's just the way it is.

well i posted those critical theory essays a bunch of times, tried to go through like each one separately, discussed evelyn waugh to a great extent, always talk in any Frankenstein threads (love that book) talk and help in any threads about plays (study drama) whilst doing so with a throw away attitude.

but i guess i need to find a book i like a lot and read it to talk about it, the books im reading atm are for a bookclub and not my cup of tea.

and what copy pasta of mine are you fighting?
and there's a lot i could do about it including, but not limited to, blocking images and posts with images of that specific size.

>> No.1816657

Everyone knows sage-counting doesn't count

>> No.1816659

So you know I too have saved that image and will post it in any thread I see you in.

You are not a man of your word and are therefore an ultimate faggot.

>> No.1816660
File: 74 KB, 250x250, Ferris jizzed in his pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.1816661

>implying everyone else won't see it and know what a faggot you are
>implying that's not the point to begin with

>> No.1816663

that's pretty cool, enjoy it kiddo

that doesn't really make sense, are you sure you're attributing that image and statement to the correct post?

>> No.1816667

Brownbear makes lots of neat posts about Frankenstein (he studied it for 2 whole years) and literary theory (you could call him Deep&Edgy's protege :-) ). He also wrote up the sticky. HIs presence here is quote valuable.

>> No.1816668
File: 105 KB, 388x275, jack daniels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, u SO mad

>> No.1816671
File: 568 KB, 200x136, deepandedgy at the movies GIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did i imply that?

you said here:
> that image is going to haunt you for the rest of your trolling career.
and then
>I'm fighting your

now you claim that the point of it is to let other people see it?
please make up your mind Anonymous!

inb4 you pretend to be 2 different people

>> No.1816673

another 5 star post by anonymous

the things you just said are kinda not 100% true

>> No.1816677

I have a faulty memory (as we all) but I'll bet I was close to the mark!

>> No.1816678

>implying I'm the guy who's been posting the picture

Also, you said you could block that picture by its dimensions, but that would not stop anyone else from viewing it, and the dissemination of that picture to the uninformed masses was the point to begin with. Whether or not you continue to see it is a moot point.

But I'll bet it still bothers the hell out of you

>> No.1816680
File: 59 KB, 512x366, Gwyneth Paltro laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit gettin' so mad.

Try talking about literature and maybe you wont get banned.

>> No.1816684

Brownbear how do you feel about Charles Bukowski?

>> No.1816686

Only one person dislikes Brownbear (the mod that bans you) and that guy just keeps posting and posting and posting.

>> No.1816689


Seriously, if you even read one book, just one, and discuss that, people won't hate you, and you won't get banned.

>> No.1816692
File: 54 KB, 600x497, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1816693
File: 86 KB, 356x376, snake OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

er kinda close yeah i'll give you that!

it doesn't bother me at all really but i'm sure you'll still think it does!

im not bothered about anyone viewing that image at all really, i could re-make that thread every day and never leave if i wanted too, do you really think it'd change anything that some Anon spent a good portion of his time counting to 40 with sages when i was asleep?
it doesn't
but i guess my explaining that to you makes me mad or something huh?

i haven't read any charles bukowski, but the impression i get from him as an author is that his books are very American and probably cater more to that culture rather than my own English one. I don't think i'll be able to relate very well to his books, and i'm not very big on poetry, but i haven't read anything so i can't really judge.

why are you calling yourself V Dubby 2?

>> No.1816695

to be fair, Brownbear did discuss literature once.

But it later turned out to be an elaborate rouse to troll /lit/, like always. So now he always has a screencap of the one time he did discuss literature.

It's pretty sad.

>> No.1816699
File: 11 KB, 360x360, shut_up_brownbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1816701

i always post about literature but my posts usually descend into people hating on me because of my name.

such as the anon who is samefagging the 'u mad' pics

>> No.1816702

i actually do try and discuss literature, but whenever i do people just shit up the thread (and the board) because i posted it under a name.

what books do you want to discuss we can discuss one now if you like

>> No.1816704

well yr impression is in my opinion a little off, but w/e. Your writing style reminds me of his is all.

>> No.1816706

well idk as i said i haven't read anything of his so i guess i should take what you said as a recommendation and pick something up, thanks!

>> No.1816709
File: 17 KB, 360x360, we_hate_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1816710

how am i pretentious in any way?

>> No.1816711

>because i posted it under a name.

It's not your name that bothers Anon.

It's because everyone is familiar of your posting history. They know that you troll and shitpost every chance you get.

But you probably already know this.

>> No.1816713

i don't troll and shit-post though, and even if you think i did, why wouldn't you then just discuss the thread at hand instead of posting about my name? that's what i don't understand

>> No.1816716


I recall a few threads a ways back where you would describe how you were reading something, a girl would come up and mention that she likes reading too, you would ask her what she reads, she would respond, you would claim that said book/author are for retarded children, basically implying that you were superior.

The whole thread(s) was(were) essentially a way for you to attempt to boost your ego through made up stories.

>> No.1816719

You find yourself important enough that you made a whole non-literature related thread all about yourself.

>> No.1816724

And then the girls always begs for his number even after he insults her, and tries to walk away. lol. sometimes they cry pathetically, and he walks away disgusted, and pukes somewhere.

I like those threads, I think they're just jokes, but I find them funny.

>> No.1816731
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you find me important enough to have to reply to it

wow it really looks like you don't understand the point of those threads

i think this guy does though

also, handy pic

>> No.1816735


No, the point of those threads are to boost your ego - you're not intentionally funny. You're funny because of how pathetic you are. Incidentally, that's also why I don't block you.

>> No.1816736

Adjective: Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

You're posting on an anonymous literature board, currying attention by being a loud douche and NOT DISCUSSING LITERATURE.

The fact that you think you need a name to shitpost and talk about books speaks volumes about you. You might think that you're being clever, you might think that 'the joke's on them' or whatever, but you're not fooling a damn soul.

Sage for not /lit/ related.

>> No.1816744
File: 32 KB, 700x576, D&E Quote of the Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm not pretending to dismiss an attractive girl's taste in literature whilst deliberately presenting a caricature of the pretentious /lit/ poster many people view regular /lit/ posters as in order to draw attention to the silliness of the importance certain people place on a person's taste in literature.

not me sir, not at all, i'm being 100% serious in those threads, no jokes to be found whatsoever.

this board has Anonymity as an option, it's just an image board.
i also don't need a name just like you don't need to pay any attention to it.

pic related, i know you'll definitely relate.

and look what your sage did...just gave me something to reply too.

>> No.1816750

So your rationale was that it's okay because you were just being ironic when you did it, yeah?

Fuck off hipster.

>> No.1816757
File: 22 KB, 349x348, there's that word again i don't think you know what it means.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just being ironic...Fuck off hipster!

i don't think you know what either of those words mean

>> No.1816758

We all know those threads were poor attempts at satire. You're not impressing anyone

>> No.1816761

obviously some people don't and obviously i am

>> No.1816764

Why don't you find another board to be a tripfag on?

One where you don't have to stay on any specific topic. Might I suggest /b/ random?

That way you don't have to pretend to like reading to make friends. :)

>> No.1816767

I'm kind of new here but do tripfags really get this thrashed on a regualr basis? wasn't it just yesterday that Virginia W00F fell apart?

>> No.1816769

i trip on a lot of different boards, i usually have a board specific trip but sometimes i get lazy and keepy Brownbear !Wfn4kkpLag!!fEGZw8wphGR

but i'm a trip on boards like /mu/ /sci/ /fa/ /sp/ /fit/ /v/ /tv/

and others.

>> No.1816773

Tripfags get back what they put in. In Brownbear's case, he hasn't contributed shit to this board. Vdubby, on the other hand, actually knows a thing or two about literature, and is an all around pretty cool guy. He still gets picked on by the occasional anon newfriend stumbling into /lit/ for the first time. But he's fairly well respected, even to the hateful anons.

Brownbear however, shitposts. None of his posts are about literature.

>> No.1816774

yeah the anons seem to care a lot about us tripfriends, not realising that the people who complain about us are worse than any tripfriend could ever be

>> No.1816779


What's your /mu/ trip?

>> No.1816780

Great job.

>> No.1816784

10 bucks on I, The Witchfinder

Cuz bears.

>> No.1816787
File: 56 KB, 188x229, babny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i post more about literature than V Dubby does, the reason V Dubby is so well liked is because he posts so infrequently

>Brownbear hasn't contributed shit to this board
yeah it's not like i made the sticky which stopped the 50 e-reader threads we had a day, or were you not here for that new kid?

>> No.1816788

I just want to point out one thing.

You're knowingly provoking people by posting with a name.

Then, you try to bitch them out with the excuse that they can ignore your name just as easily as you can not post with one.

Then, the only reason you can give for wanting to use one is so that you can be a tripfag, and because you like being an attention whore. I don't respect your opinion, frankly, so it's really not helping when it comes to literature discussion.

And as for the ironic hipster bullshit, it's most because you try and pass yourself off as some sort of pseudo troll, when in reality people are responding because of the fact that you are practically calling them out by posting your non-/lit/ related bullshit. You're not talking about literature, all you're doing is cockslapping people who actually care about this board by being a massive douche and attention whore.

The only reason I've bothered to write this much is because suddenly every thread I'm monitoring seems to have gone cold, and I'm waiting for another post.

Enjoy the rest of your night, and I'll leave with one last sentiment. I honestly feel a little sad that you post with a name and trip. Not angry, just sad that you blatantly express the fact that you don't give a shit about literature, you simply want to feed your ego.

>> No.1816792

Yeah I don't like many of them they don't contribute in share threads very much from what I've seen except Bohemoth and they spend more time talking about tripfagging than anything else which is in way interesting but gets stale fast. Too much mental masturbation, it's unsightly.

>> No.1816793


>V Dubby
>well liked

>> No.1816794

Why does 4chan allow trips? It seems pretty indefensible when THIS is the result.

>> No.1816795

>trying to impress everyone

People don't like you because you're obnoxious.

>> No.1816798

it's not one you'd know because of the actual amount of trips on /mu/, that is one of the boards i kinda keep my Brownbear trip on just because it's easier (And pretty fast as a board)

TL'DR but feel free to block my tripcode at any time

>> No.1816799

i always contribute and start sharethreads on /mu/ if that's what you're referring too, but i don't comment of people's original work that's posted on here because 99% of it is utter shit.

because moot likes the idea of Anoynmous contribution, but doesn't want to force it.

>I think it's important to understand the difference between advocating for anonymous contribution, and a pro-anonymity-is-the-only-way!!!!! zealot. (I'm the former!)


but people DO like me, i'm one of the most well-loved personalities on /lit/

>> No.1816805

I've been here since the beginning and vw00f is kind of a huge faggot

>> No.1816806

Why would I block your tripcode? That's a shitty argument. Let me straw man it for you.

Hey dude, you shit your pants
>Yeah, but you can ignore it!
Wh-What? Why would I ignore it? You shit your pants!
>You're choosing to acknowledge the fact that I shit my pants, when I could have just as easily NOT shit my pants! Jokes on you!
I don't understand, why did you shit your pants in the first place, if you didn't have to? You could have just gone on blending in and contributing to the conversation, but now everyone's distracted because you shat yourself.
>I shat myself on purpose, and people are paying attention to me. I also brought up some points in the discussion that were valid, but you're too busy trying to point out my soiled underwear and not ignoring it to talk about something else. Why don't you just ignore my pants and talk about something else?

>> No.1816808

no he's not he's a cool dude

imagine if in that scenario you could get on a different bus to the guy who shit himself and never have encountered him.
we call that a tripcode filter.

>> No.1816809

>but people DO like me, i'm one of the most well-loved personalities on /lit/

Then explain why nobody is defending you in this thread. Notice how you don't have a single advocate in the world.

And you're getting banned all the time.

Also. What personality, lol.

>> No.1816811

I can't stop laughing. Hahaha. It's so depressingly accurate, too.

>> No.1816813

You're ignoring the entire point, which is that I could have a good conversation with you, and we could all get along if you didn't decide you were going to play your vuvuzela the entire fucking bus ride. I don't WANT to have to filter conversation, I want to be able to talk to everybody, except that you're not only distracting me but a lot other people as well.

>> No.1816815


I almost feel bad for you dude. But >>1816809 is completely on point. This thread makes it manifestly evident.

>> No.1816818

>explain why nobody is defending you in this thread


>And you're getting banned all the time.

>Also. What personality, lol.
yeah it's not like i'm recognisable and showered with attention in threads like this which have over 70 posts by people who could, oh i don't know, maybe just NOT post in them instead

oh my god that post was fucking retarded

>> No.1816821

This. We'd be more than happy to talk to you about literature, if only we thought you'd actually talk about literature and not just yourself.

The world doesn't revolve around you, and /lit/ certainly doesn't.

You're almost as shameless as Tao Lin when it comes to self promotion, Browneye.

>> No.1816823


There is a world of difference between 'love' and loathing. You claim the former and point to evidence that actually expresses the latter.

>> No.1816825

A lot of those posts, if not all of them, were made by you.

I can tell by your punctuation, and sentence structure. You give yourself away in minute details. Some of those posts are not even attempting to hide the fact that you posted them,

>Brownbear makes lots of neat posts about Frankenstein (he studied it for 2 whole years) and literary theory (you could call him Deep&Edgy's protege :-) ). He also wrote up the sticky. HIs presence here is quote valuable.

Come on, seriously? So obvious it's not even mildly amusing.

>> No.1816826

itt: hilarious trollfeeding

>> No.1816829
File: 464 KB, 168x125, burn bitch GIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you can talk to me all you want, it's not my fault you bring up my tripcode!

this would be a better thing

Hey dude, wait a minute, are you wearing that same watch you always wear? i can identify you with that! i have an issue with you wearing it, you don't HAVE to, take it off right now!
>Yeah, but maybe you can just, oh i don't know, ignore the fact i'm wearing this watch and have a conversation with me?
Wh-What? Why would I ignore it? I have to pay attention to the watch you wear in order to have any kind on conversation with you!
>You're choosing to acknowledge the fact that I am wearing this watch, when I could have just as easily NOT worn it and there wouldn't be any problems, you're acting pretty fucking stupid!
I don't understand, why did you wear that watch in the first place, if you didn't have to? You could have just gone on blending in and contributing to the conversation, but now everyone's distracted because you're wearing that watch which means we know who you are!
>It's not my fault that instead of just listening to what i have to say and judging it based on that and that alone, you attatch some meaning and value to the fact i'm wearing this watch. I also brought up some points in the discussion that were valid, but you're too busy trying to point out my watch and not ignoring it to talk about something else. Why don't you just ignore my watch and talk about something else?

>> No.1816831

god i definitely thought this was a v w00f picture at first glance

>> No.1816832

Brownbear was a one hit wonder whose only claim to fame was being the author of a sticky made on 4chan's /lit/ board. He was well known for his self indulgent attitudes, his unwarranted self importance, and the fact that he couldn't stay on topic to save his life.

He was also from Manchester which explains a lot.

>> No.1816833


Clearly the shit analogy was lost on you. Let's try again.

Browneye: A Silver Screen Production:

You: "Hey guys look at me being an annoying cunt just so that I can get the attention that I crave! Look at me shitting up the entire board with my faggotry!! Look at me! LOOK AT ME!! WHY WON'T YOU FUCKING LOOK AT ME OH GOD I'M SO ALONE! please please please look at me! I'm right here being a cunt, can't you see me? I'm derailing all the threads! Look at me PLEASE."

Anon: "Hey dude, that shits kind of annoying, can you just stop it. please. stop. it."

You: "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! Everyone LOVES my zany antics. I'm a personality! If you find my blatant attention seeking annoying you could always NOT FUCKING GIVE ME ATTENTION EVEN THOUGH I SPEND ALL MY TIME TRYING MY BEST TO PROVOKE YOU INTO DOING SO."

et cet

>> No.1816834
File: 232 KB, 888x868, u mad oh ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i talk about literature people decide to talk about my tripcode instead!

>A lot of those posts, if not all of them, were made by you.
>Come on, seriously? So obvious it's not even mildly amusing.
yeah because i use fucking smiley's and shit all the time, holy fuck how new are you, stop trying to call people who think similar things samefags. Fuck me you people are the worst


you groundlings make me want to vomit

>> No.1816836

That was the most boring comeback I've ever read.

>> No.1816839
File: 77 KB, 1125x681, damn it feels good to be a tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry but that was the most stupid thing i've read in the past 24 hours

>> No.1816842
File: 164 KB, 720x301, why trip genius is never anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry let me use a retarded xaggerated thing like shitting yourself to appeal to your sense of humour kiddo

>> No.1816843

somebody's mad.

I wasn't saying that post was your same style, I was saying it was so blatantly self-promoting that it was obvious that it was you.

Samefags throw red herrings into their posts all the time, anyways, so people don't know it's them. Different spelling, punctuation. I know this because I am the king of Samefags.

>> No.1816844

So, what's this thread about?

>> No.1816845


>he doesn't read his own posts


>> No.1816846


>> No.1816847

>claiming tripfags contribute to discussions
>making this claim in a thread you posted that has everything to do with you and nothing to do with literature

Have you considered that perhaps this is why you get banned?

>> No.1816851

Okay. I don't think you get it. The shitting your pants thing wasn't literal. We're not claiming you actually shit your pants.

>> No.1816853

Has everyone reported this thread like good /lit/izens?

I know I sure have. Report for ban evasion and general cuntery.

>> No.1816854
File: 61 KB, 902x366, typical anon lit browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it wasn't me, but heyy i guess your gut instinct means you're correct huh.

yeah look at all this contribution you just made about literature, not like you couldn't just not reply to this thread instead of adding fuel to the fire with your sage which does fuck all

>> No.1816856

>We're not claiming you actually shit your pants.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm definitely claiming that Brownbear shits his pants. I suspect that he does it frequently and enjoys the way the shit feels between his plump buttocks and his well-worn desk chair.

>> No.1816860


>> No.1816861

yeah i did understand that but i think it was a very shitty (aheueueueue) analogy and instead the watch thing would be better.

>general cuntery
yeah these Anonymous should all be getting banned

>> No.1816862


Please refer yourself back to >>1816833 and try and think about it a little bit more.

You CREATED a thread about yourself. You CREATED a thread that had nothing to do with literature. YOU are to blame for this. Even if no one responded to you, you would still be making threads that were masturbatory and off topic. The problem is YOU.

Your behavior is intrinsically wrong, regardless of whether we indulge you.

Oh, and the most gaping hole in your argument:

/lit/ was here first. Doing its own thing, mulling along. Then YOU came along and decided to be disruptive. When you post a stupid reply to someone, when you make an offtopic thread, you are like a child prodding the back of the person in front of them.

You like to make out like its the other way around. Like you were just here minding your own business, and we came along and decided to get annoyed by you.

>> No.1816863
File: 75 KB, 360x270, 1301542596338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1816864


>> No.1816866

> 105 posts and 22 image replies omitted.

well done guys, well done...

and bb, dude, don't you have anything better to do than this crap? i bet its a beautiful morning, even in manchester (or whatever craphole you live in again). Just relax, go outside, have a coffee, read a book, meet a girl and subsequently puke all the way home...

... oh, yeah, i almost forgot: LOSE YOUR TRIP AND ALL THIS DRAMA WILL BE OVER! this board has enough of this crap. give your fellow man a break and go anonymous. It's like a cleansing shower after working in the sugarcane fields all day...

>> No.1816870
File: 179 KB, 1200x779, barton-fink-1991-01-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your fellow man
I know all about my fellow man.

>> No.1816877
File: 14 KB, 500x282, 1301891474742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1816880
File: 260 KB, 500x435, king of LIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude that's like so wrong i can't even begin to explain it

yeah it's 9am and it's a beautiful day, i'm off into town later for a shop around.

>> No.1816883

maybe its so wrong that its right

>> No.1816886
File: 38 KB, 417x266, McLovin-Driver-s-License-superbad-641196_417_266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget your fake id if you want alcoolhol, lol

>> No.1816889


>Dude thats so wrong I can't even begin to explain it
>I can't even being to explain it
>I can't argue against it
>I can't argue against it because its true
>I'm going to dismiss it with a blanket statement rather than get caught out trying to justify my behaviour.

>> No.1816896


I do not want to begin to think what caused this and I will not read the thread because I am drunk, and on enough pills to cause me to believe this is a joke. Why must /lit/ not be a nice place for readers and writers? Why must evil tripfags try to steal the spotlight?

With that being said I just want to iterate how super you are for reading this.

>> No.1816897

i can legally buy alcohol already, i don't live in American when a 20 year old male cannot legally enjoy a beer.

nah it's just fucking retarded

>> No.1816902


>If I keep doing it maybe no one will realize that I don't have a leg left to stand on.

>> No.1816905

but you're mclovin lol. that's kinda mean to mclovin tho, so maybe this instead:

>> No.1816917


Would you just stop posting for a second? Just shut the fuck up. NOBODY fucking cares how the world is unjust for you. Just quit it.

Here's what you could do: read a book. Then come here and talk about it. This would be perfectly fine. Why can't you do that? Why do you need to make /lit/ your personal drama stage? Don't post in this thread. Don't post anything about you for a while. Just shut up about yourself. Talk about something people would be happy to read. We can't do ANYTHING about your ban. We don't need this shit. Just stop posting to this thread.

Just stop now. Everything's fine.

>> No.1816925

that's hilarious...

reading the ebony tower by john fowles atm

>> No.1816929


Brownbear, stop being silly. You are supposed to be one of the less evil tripsfags. This is silliness of endless boundaries should this thread continue any further. Delete the thread and let us talk about fun things like books.

>> No.1816930

That great! How are you liking the book so far?

>> No.1816939

No, it is not hilarious. It is the ugly truth.

>> No.1816946

it's pretty good, it's 3 stories that are slightly interconnected with a bit of meta fiction linking them.

the first story seems to kind of immerse itself in the technicalities of fine art and various painters whilst submitting the reader to this surreal world of an ageing artist visited by a younger artist, at firs you're tempted to google each painter referenced, each painting talked about, all the tehcniques and stuff, but i felt that this throwing in at the deep end was possibly one of the things that helped us relate to the main character of David. He is faced with an isolated environment, an ageing almost senile and certainly eccentric artist who has 2 'students' who are basically just whores he fucks and as a reader although you seem to be distanced from the events through the use of inaccessible language, David as a character is very relatable and very 'human'

the dialogue is also great in that story.
the 2nd story (the one i am on) is the author's translation of a 12th (possibly 14th) century French story about a knight which seems to relate back to The Magus and in turn, to the idea of 'The Ebony Tower'

overall it's pretty enjoyable so far but i am only 40% through

>> No.1816947

dohohohoh okay
it's a shitty pic anyway
is it even me?

>> No.1816950

>David as a character is very relatable and very 'human'
meant to add:
which gives you a good reference to this entire predicament of the unknown he is faced with.

i'd high recommend it so far

>> No.1816993

So basically what happened was Brownbear was revealed to be a janitor, and thus they revoked his position. Brownbear thus argued that his cover wasn't compromised. They continued to argue until the mod gave up and just banned him with the reason "u mad".

>> No.1816995

>is it even me?
you're only lying to yourself uggo.

>> No.1817003
File: 6 KB, 90x115, brownbear from the tripfag pic (group shot outside bar).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>revoked my position

me and Pinky just don't get on very well is all (Pinky is a mod)

>> No.1817004 [DELETED] 


>doesnt know and doesn't care
>checks on goodreads

you fucking eyesore

>> No.1817005

So you are still a janitor then?

>> No.1817007

i never said that

>> No.1817013

That's what happened.

>> No.1817014

Always so evasive and indirect.

>> No.1817015

Look, faggot. By never outright denying it you have confirmed it. Just because you never said, "Hey /lit/ I am a janitor" doesn't mean you didn't tell us.

I don't believe you (how fucked up is the moderation system that an off-topic tripfag who fucks his own mother can be part of the administration?) but if it's true then we all fucking know.

>> No.1817018

The application system is blind.
Read the process about it.
They wouldn't initially know any person was a tripfag unless they matched up the IP addresses or something.

>> No.1817019


oh yeah maybe that was it.


>By never outright denying it you have confirmed it
that's now how the justice system works and it's not how this works either

>> No.1817022


UK, Manchester IIRC

Where's your cover now, Brownbear?

>> No.1817024

>implying the 4chan "justice system" is the same your country's justice system

>> No.1817027
File: 16 KB, 299x214, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it's brownbear in the /lit/ tc he runs.

>> No.1817030

He looks a bit like a coathanger.