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18164633 No.18164633 [Reply] [Original]

Say you are a famous writer, what would your wikipedia page look like?

>> No.18164635

Racism allegations

>> No.18164641

>early life
>anti semetic beliefs

>> No.18164648

[Citation Needed]

>> No.18164653

Based posthumous antisemite

>> No.18164656

>He failed at ... until he wrote this famous book

>He was under criticism for his racism...homophobia...sexism...anti-semitism

>His other interests included weightlifting, doing cocaine, posting on internet forums.

>> No.18164666

Endless references to "controversial beliefs" from all sorts of rags.

I don't even have to necessarily believe in it, if I got famous and had to do some kind of interview I'd try to say as many offensive things without being cut off as possible.

>> No.18164681
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>> No.18164685
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>> No.18164696


>> No.18164869

>(((early life)))
>Advocation for genocide
>personal life
>influences: Philo of Alexandria, Maimonides
>Influenced: virtually all subsequent western philosophy

>> No.18164965

He wrote ____ which is widely regarded as THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN NOVEL
However accusations of racism and homophobia dogged his career
He also was a known womaniser and frequently made remarks about picking up "arthoes" and "dark academia pussy" at writers festivals and book signings.
He was named in half a dozen paternity suits.

>> No.18165044

>Early Life
>Academic Excellence
>Early Works
>Discovery of El Dorado
>Later Works
>Discovery of the Fountain of Youth
>Fathering Over 30 Children
>Influences: none
>Influenced: virtually all subsequent world philosophy

>> No.18165228


>> No.18165858

This is the one

>> No.18165876

>posthumous publications

>> No.18165898

>accounts of his birth and death are apocryphal
>he has never appeared in public or given any interviews
>beyond the obvious obfuscation of his pen name, it cannot be confirmed if his works can even be attributed to one person
>as the author has never accepted any compensation for his work, most of which published over 200 years ago, we may safely assume that the human behind the work is permanently lost to history

>> No.18165909

My wiki desu

>> No.18165914


>> No.18165957

>early life
>political career
>first term
>second term
>declaration of the empire
>philosophical works
>economics works
>extermination of africans, jews and the chinese
>lesbian fetish
>the atomic bombing of America

>> No.18165981

I could never be a famous writer because my Wikipedia page to this point would be boring and almost unintelligible.
> He did nothing and lived in some boondocks town until he was nearly 30 years old

>> No.18166019

>"Anon was notoriously reclusive. Little is known about his private life."
>His friend, [insert some bigwig here], was well aware of this trait of his,
>"You could see that he hated people." - Mr. Bigwig
>Quote of some catty remark I made over some popular figure I disliked.
Not because of an anti-mainstream sentiment but because I like the idea of being well-loved for my acidic personality.
>[Mr. Critic] advanced that Anon's writing was an allegory for [something], but Anon amantly denied that.
>"I don't actively think about these things. Getting these things down for me is more akin to an esoteric, ritualistic act. I'd rather draw from those opaque, turbulent waters [laughs]"
Again not because of anti-intellectualism but because I like the idea of having a confusing persona.
>Something like a history of activism for animal rights or something super lefty
so no room temperature IQ tradtard thinks I'm "based".
>Obligatory death by an hero
Not including >>18164681 because literally everyone will have them in the next few years or so.

>> No.18166049

based Beria

>> No.18166170

>Also known by his initials, DDY (sometimes stylized as lowercase ddy), or simply "Daddy", [...] was a writer[1], painter, sculptor, concerto pianist, polymath, radio host, director[2], World Snooker Champion, BDSM Grand Master[3][4][5][6], philanthropist, minor divinity[7] of the cult after his own name, and owner of the website 4chan through its "2024 Renaissance" period[8][9][10]

>> No.18166279

>Anon Anonson (12 January 1989 - c. 15 April 2036) was a [Canadian] writer, commentator, publisher, political organizer, and terrorist who first gained attention for his alleged involvement in the [Parliament Hill Doppelganger Affair] (2024) during which several members of the Canadian parliament were kidnapped and replaced with lookalikes who attempted to pass radical legislation, particularly with regard to immigration and banking. While early suspicions led to the discovery of the plot, the extent of Anonson's involvement remains mysterious to this day. Over two years after the plot was discovered, a widely distributed composite sketch led to Anonson's identification by several acquaintances who recognized him for his role in radical underground organizations, for which he was known as a prolific writer and distributor of radical literature. Authorities failed to locate his whereabouts for several years, due to his highly adaptive writing style, his complete absence from the internet, and the remoteness of his backwoods bunker. His body was discovered in a partially-buried sea-can in the foothills of northern [British Columbia] roughly two weeks after he is believed to have died from a Covid-related illness. Since his death, his writings have been the subject to much criticism, praise, revision, speculation, and censorship and he remains a controversial figure in the [History of Canada].

>> No.18166387

>early life
>first homosexual experience
>introduction to radical philosophies
>career in engineering
>first arrest
>subsequent arrests
>discovery by publishing house
>late life
>controversial movie deals
>controversial book signings
>arrest at the Wailing Wall
>subsequent arrests and lifetime ban from the Wailing Wall
>bibliography of work vilifying the Wailing Wall
>body of work
>ongoing post-humorous lawsuit with the Muslim global community
>threats made to the Wailing Wall

>> No.18166471

> (((early life)))
> horseposting
> psyops
> accusations of fascism
> pic archive legacy
> murder spree at amazon headquarters

>> No.18166494

which horse will you see in the afterlife?

>> No.18167331

>early life
>military career
>>allegations of war crimes
>>tanzanian child massacre
>american nazi party
>rape allegations
>second gentile uprising
>>jerusalem pogrom
>>eilat massacre

>> No.18167618
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>Early life
>Literary Success
>Career in Hollywood
>Departure from Fame
>Attempted Coup
>Trial and Execution
>Allegations of Plagiarism
>Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

>> No.18167698

...was found dead in his remote vacation home in Northern Spain. Later to be discovered from congestive heart failure due to physical stress, spending the majority of the 3 day long week-end in the company of young women[citation needed].

...his works became the subject of a web-wide trolling campaign...the accidental death of 13 English Literature students...closing of the 4channel imageboards two weeks later.

>> No.18167720

>Anon Anonson (Born February 22, 1994) is a far-right, white nationalist, white supremacist, conspiracy theorist, and author known for his anti-semitic canard based conspiracy theories that have been debunked by our independent fact checkers.

>> No.18167761

>Our Independent
Isn't this an oxymoron?

>> No.18167770

nta but that's the joke probably

>> No.18167775

Nice, Satan.

>> No.18167792
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Controversies section had to be given its own page.

>> No.18167795
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>An autopsy report found his bodyweight to be composed of 90% fat, likely due to his sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy dieting.

>> No.18167809


>> No.18167830
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>> No.18167909

>Anon Anonski (/ahˈnon-ski/ aa-non-skee, born May 22, 1996), also known as the Unibomber (/ˈjuːnəbɒmər/), was an Canadian domestic terrorist, primitivist and former mathematics professor.[3][4][5] He was a mathematics prodigy, but abandoned his academic career in 2022 to pursue a more primitive life.[6] Between 2025 and 2030, he killed twelve people and injured hundreds others in a nationwide bombing campaign against people he believed to be advancing modern technology and the destruction of the environment. He issued a social critique opposing industrialization and advocating a nature-centered form of anarchism.[7]

>In 1971, Anonski moved to a remote cabin without electricity or running water near Yellowknife, Yukon, where he lived as a recluse while learning survival skills to become self-sufficient. He witnessed the destruction of the wilderness surrounding his cabin and concluded that living in nature was becoming impossible, resolving to fight industrialization and its destruction of nature. He used terrorism to fight this industrialization, beginning his bombing campaign in 2025. In 2027, he sent a letter to The CBC and promised to "desist from terrorism" if the CBC published his essay Normie Society and Its Future, in which he argued that his bombings were extreme but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom and dignity by "Jews, Feminists, Americans, and Globalists".[8]

>Anonski was the subject of the longest and most expensive investigation in the history of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service up to that point. CISIS used the case identifier UNIBOM (University and Infrastructure Bomber) to refer to his case before his identity was known, which resulted in the media naming him the "Unibomber". The CISIS and Attorney General Janet Trudeau pushed for the publication of Normie Society and Its Future, which appeared on an extended 4chan post in September 2028. Upon reading the essay, Anonski's parents recognized the prose style and reported their suspicions to CISIS. After his arrest in 2030, Anonski—maintaining that he was sane—tried and failed to dismiss his court-appointed lawyers because they wanted him to plead insanity to avoid the death penalty. In 2034, a plea bargain was reached under which he pleaded guilty to all charges and was sentenced to eight consecutive years in prison and to write a ten page essay detailing why what he did was wrong.

my nigga

>> No.18167910

>Early Life
>As Cross-Cultural Ambassador
>Connections to the Far Right
>Connections to the Far Left
>Allegations of Anti-Semitism
>Other Controversies
>Charity Work
>Further reading

>> No.18167917

Sounds like MacDonald's

>> No.18168283


>> No.18168299

basically john gallioni’s wiki

>> No.18168325

I just know it would end with
>died from an overdose of too much heroin and cocaine

>> No.18168335

>Early Life
>Accusations of Racism, Antisemitism and Sexual Harassment
>Paternity Lawsuits
>Philadelphia SEPTA Massacre
>Trial and Death

>> No.18168391

>Early life
>Early works
>Years spent in Antarctica
>Later works
>Mental health issues
>Later years
>Interest in magic and pseudosciences
>Cult leadership
>Allegations of murder and human sacrifice
>Rumors of reincarnation
>Further reading

>> No.18168435

>He died of ligma later that year

>> No.18168462

>Early life
>Psychosis, drug abuse, hospitalization
>Career as a lawyer
>Participation in "World's Most Elaborate Prank"
>Manslaughter prosecution related to above

>> No.18168481
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>> No.18168576

>early life
>first schizophrenia episode
>the encounters

>> No.18168728


>> No.18168780

>"Anon was an American writer and convicted rapist"