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File: 71 KB, 500x784, The-Handmaids-Tale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18164339 No.18164339 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to read this /lit/. Thoughts? Is it good?

>> No.18164352

Spinster catnip

>> No.18164481


I love this one

>> No.18164529

Read something better

>> No.18164534

It's okay. If you want to be vaguely sad, this would be a good fit. Plus you can talk to chicks slightly easier if you read this book and made some notes.

>> No.18164550

It's not bad, she was good in the 80s. Nearly everything she did this century is bullshit

>> No.18164569

she dies giving birth in the end

>> No.18164572

*haven't actually read it, but one can assume

>> No.18164594

Like what? Any recommendations? I'm looking for a short book to read before I tackle W&P for a second time. I like to read high school tier books every once in a while. Been wanting to read a wrinkle in time again, and I've never read Fahrenheit 451, so what do you think about those or other HS tier books?

Thanks anons, yeah this one seems like a book a lot of "normie" people have read and is a safe bet to have a conversation with. Plus I really want to see the TV show (don't hate).

>> No.18164598
File: 1.79 MB, 1624x5736, atwood1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a review that expressed my thoughts exactly. (1/2)

>> No.18164606
File: 1.81 MB, 1688x5504, Atwood2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm watching the show for the first time right now, and they improve on the book in many ways. Mostly by stripping out everything I liked about the books, but those things were hopelessly at odds with the rest anyway.

>> No.18164611

lol is this real? holy heck lmao.

>> No.18164620

What the fuck is she saying

>> No.18164622

Believe it. It's one of the top reviews.

>> No.18164629

Oh my god it's shit, total shit.
She get's raped and there's some reference to a PEAR and and and AND
If you re-arrange the letters in pear you get
>OMFG so deep
Also like, muh waymen dude and like muh distopia and shit
It's fucking shit, read Orwell for a better critique of dystopic futures

>> No.18164631

...I never caught that holy shit

>> No.18164673

not very good. but as men i think we forget that we can baisicly kill >90% of the women we meet with our bare hands while they seem to think about it all the time. its an interesting perspective. some truely awful bit to look for
>there are umbrellas by the door but i dont need an umbrella. i saw through the window that it is not raining
>chair is the first syllable of chairity, a method of exectution, and a word for a position of power. none of these are connected and there was no reason for me to mention
>i have only a vauge understanding of how toliets work. i know that when they overflow its because something prevents to bowl from draing but i think for some reason you fix this buy fiddling around with the top compartment. i also think the lever in a toliet is very sharp.
>i cannot tell if i am crying or sweating. two things which feel nothing alike.

>> No.18164697

Atwood has somehow managed to traumatize a set of women into believing that fundamentalists actually want to force all women into awkward dead fish sex. I can't think of another book that's done more damage

I didn't mind that aspect because it seems like a solid representation of how a prisoner might end up thinking. Depends on the reader, I'm sure.

>> No.18164701

how long do you have to be in prison to forget how a toilet works?

>> No.18164706

schizo pol posting but for women

>> No.18164713

i think the pear thing was just a referece to the uterus. she says its not rape because she had some choice

>> No.18164718

You know a woman who knows how the toilet works?

>> No.18164719

It’s a book about being in dyke prison

>> No.18164727

my mama

>> No.18164730

Actual story aside that's a kino cover.

>> No.18164741

farenheit 451 is fun and much better imho. the trial is also good if you want dystopia.

>> No.18164893

Something you need to know about Margaret Atwood is that she doesn't understand men at all. She is in fact the source of this obnoxious quote: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”

>> No.18164996

No one here reads.

>> No.18165033

what makes it interesting is that it suggests that we understand as little about women. however after reading this book i think im about as interested in umderstanding women as i am in understanding sonichu lore.

>> No.18165034

Easy,The Capital/Communist Manifest.

>> No.18165072

Women say shit like that and then pine over serial killers. The very reason why threatening-looking men exist is because women sexually select for them as opposed to limp-wristed noodle-armed soiboys.

>> No.18165076

but why are there so many søyboys

>> No.18165082

Because of plastics in our water and weak fathers

>> No.18165098

tonight's book: the writer's barely-disguised fetish

>> No.18165104

How embarrassing. The fact that women take Atwood seriously is a stain on the entire sex.
At least in the rv show, Offred is a hostage negotiator

>> No.18166309

Why don;t you read it and make a thread about what you thought instead of making shit threads?