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18163397 No.18163397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

would breeding a prole race, a race of people who do menial labour and enjoy it (similar to deltas and epsilons in brave new world), be morally wrong? At what point are they more similar to beasts of burden in human form than actual humans? If they don't resist their servitude, if they accept it, can an argument against slavery even be made?
any books on this subject? Thought I should check it out since that's basically what's happening in america right now.

>> No.18163403

What is that, twitter?

>> No.18163407

> implying there are actual humans
not a good one

>> No.18163410

How about for food?

>> No.18163413

How about for food what?

>> No.18163417
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>> No.18163418

How about the OP'S query but for food rather than for what the op asked?

>> No.18163426

based educated father and cringe op

>> No.18163429

>not on my nephew

>> No.18163431

What do you mean for food? Breeding a race of people to cannibalize?

>> No.18163444

Yes you thick cunt

>> No.18163454


>> No.18163457

Nature already provide this.

>> No.18163459

maybe you should formulate a sentence properly you troglodyte cannibal.

>> No.18163465

no this is >>>/lit/

>> No.18163481

>would breeding a prole race, a race of people who do menial labour and enjoy it (similar to deltas and epsilons in brave new world), be morally wrong?
Didn't we already do that? I thought that was what the goyim were for.

>> No.18163528

This already happens in spite of any intervention. Just leave proles to their own devices and they will breed with each other (quite ferociously, as they are usually too impulsive to use contraception properly). Deliberately breeding a prole race is just extra steps. Perhaps you could make proles happier or healthier by selective breeding, but this can also have unintended consequences as any animal breeder will tell you.
The question I would ask in return is whether it is moral to allow unfettered breeding on a finite planet at a time when most jobs are about to be replaced by automation. How do we justify raising a generation of children whose only realistic life outcome is living in a pod and collecting UBI?

>> No.18163575

selective breeding would also be restrictive

>> No.18163580
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The only objection I could see to it is if someone does not find that narritive aesthitic in itself, which of course, might need oneself to be of a different race than a one you are describing. If in itself, the idivigual does not see anything wrong with there position, then there is no wrong.

I can do what I want but i cannot want what I want and all. If you can change what someones wants are, there really isnt a reason to not follow that manufactured want. as is the want that nature gave us so different than one created by man (which by definition is only a subset of nature, so the distinction is somewhat moot, its simply another environmental factor that affected the drive of a certain organism)

>> No.18163608

We already have enough of them already

>> No.18163627

True, but there are different ways of doing it, some of which are more invasive than others.. For example, I would be happy to pay a little extra tax to provide a more comfortable life for those who agree to be sterilized. I would not be so happy if the government dragged people from their homes and forced them to be sterilized.

>> No.18163644
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>“My gift to industry is the genetically engineered worker, or Genejack. Specially designed for labor, the Genejack’s muscles and nerves are ideal for his task, and the cerebral cortex has been atrophied so that he can desire nothing except to perform his duties. Tyranny, you say? How can you tyrannize someone who cannot feel pain?”

>Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, “Essays on Mind and Matter”

>> No.18163653

We're going to have a war retard and you're going to live through or die in it. Nothing you or your faggot philosophical brethren in muh big tech are going to prevent what happens when people reach the breaking point on food an resource competition. If you really genuinely believe that alzhiemers vampires like joe biden and fruity millennial tech weirdos have got this all figured out because it's duh current year you are a moron.

>> No.18163666

If you're going to call someone a retard for pointing out a problem, you might want to try not rephrasing the exact same problem yourself.

>> No.18163678

I'm calling your a retard for your retarded solution and you know that, so you are willfully being a retard because you're also an unbelievable pussy.

>> No.18163722

You think war is a better solution? That's the only alternative you offered.

>> No.18163764
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>> No.18163766

dont worry anons the arabs already did this in africa 500 years ago.

>> No.18163846

>Nothing you or your faggot philosophical brethren in muh big tech are going to prevent what happens when people reach the breaking point on food an resource competition.

robots being sent to exterminate all the proles when they are no longer needed?

>> No.18163921

I'm the anon he's replying to. This is exactly what I want to avoid, along with other forms of war and genocide.
There will come a time when AI can do most jobs better than a human. The only form of human labour in high demand will then be the tasks required to train and incrementally improve the AI. Basically everyone <130 IQ will be obsolete. Historically when people were left behind by their society they either starved to death, became violent criminals or were killed by the state. I don't want to see any of these outcomes.

>> No.18163956

Tyrants always fall

>> No.18163973

Personally, I think your fears are rather unlikely to pass. Firstly, global civilization is living on borrowed time (see climate change) and I suspect global warming will take it out before AI technology reaches such a point. At that point, AI will be irrelevant. But even if you think global warming is less dangerous than it actually is, there's no need for violence. Porn/drugs/entertainment will lead to birthrates falling and eventually populations declining. The problem will solve itself.

>> No.18163985

You may be right, but that's still a pretty depressing way to go. Would still prefer if the people about to be replaced by automation are not born in the first place.