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18162473 No.18162473 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any decent books that effectively critique the hollowness of modern consumerist "culture"?

>> No.18162493

The Bible.

>> No.18162503

White Noise by Don DeLillo

>> No.18162530

Grow up and get a life.

>> No.18162536

Socialists denunciations of capitalism, duh.

>> No.18162541

Wow, anti-consumerism. So original!! we live in a society

>> No.18162546
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>grow up and get a life
Ask me how I know you look just like the creature in the OP.

Socialists are the greatest materialists of all, retarded tripfaggot.

>> No.18162549

we live in the best timeline ever. you have laptops, smartphones and vaccines. what more do you want?

>> No.18162550


>> No.18162554

Seething goblin lol

>> No.18162558
File: 447 KB, 2016x1512, uws democrat action figures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife's bf stole these for me

>> No.18162559

Baudrillard's Consumer Society, if you can handle it.

>> No.18162560

OMG have you guys seen the newest banksy graffiti? so fucking true

>> No.18162561

I'm glad the mindless jellyfish like you are getting culled. The elites were right.

>> No.18162570

I don't even know what the fuck that is sounds like some gay reddit shit, try again subhuman.

>> No.18162584

Well, State-capitalism as done by the pros in China, sure!
But actual socialists, libertarian-socialists, (not the American “Libertarian” liberals) are ACTUALLY against consumerism

>> No.18162583

Why is AOC and Pelosi Ages 14+ when everyone else is 3+

>> No.18162588
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>> No.18162595

Why you so mad bro lmao

>> No.18162605

That's a very good question. I'd ask my wife's bf but he's a Negro and can't read.

>> No.18162613

Something tells me you're the "guy" in the OP image...

>> No.18162616
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Sometimes, I hold out hope that people are consuming and justifying it out of satire, but then I see people like this and see they are sincere. I can't possibly fathom the mental gymnastics one would have to go through to think their addiction to consuming is healthy.

>> No.18162624
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>> No.18162706

I’m 28 the absolute explosions of what I guess they used to call “nerd culture” since I was a teenager really fascinates me. I could think about it for hours - the massive merchandising explosion and the consolidation of literally every passtime behind massive powerhouse IPs.
Idk, I guess this must be how Stephen King feels when he writes about Rock and Roll; it feels like the most obvious cultural force produced by my generation unless Democratic Socialism happens to really stick.
I know that if there was ever a time Star Wars fans were legitimately persecuted as a perennially dateless underclass of losers it was definitely before my lifetime but I feel like what we see today and just how important pop-culture is most Americans it definitely is very different than it was 20 years ago.

>> No.18162741

The Satanic Panic had done more harm than good by giving nerdom appeal by inadvertently portraying it as a counter-cutural force.

>> No.18162759

Seeing gaming be accepted in the mainstream by normies was really a turning point for me.
Back in 2000s, "dont waste your time playing video games you'll get nothing from it"
Overhearing boomers in a cafe in 2021, "yeah my grandson is really good at the fortnite. he has a youtube channel and is entering competitions"

>> No.18162780

ngl here bros, i wouldn't be sad if every single person living in the anglosphere dropped dead this instant.

>> No.18162783

Also the acceptance of esports as a 'legitimate competition' because sponsors and partners are big name companies.
Esports was just as big back in the early 00s if you consider how much money was involved compared to how many people were involved (no twitch).

>> No.18162790


>> No.18162813

banksy is a fag and any real graff writer would go over his shit

>> No.18162821

Angry fags hating on you for no good reason.

OP just hates that people buy stupid funkos with their own money but is incapable of creating a good argument as to why doing so is wrong because his brain is too smooth. He needs help finding a good book to cite in pointless internet arguments.

Just let people buy what they want, it's their money.

>> No.18162827

i don't know how effective it is but Glamorama was hilarious and attacked celebrity+consumer culture of the late 90s

>> No.18162876

wtf but i live there :(

>> No.18162885

>Just let people buy what they want, it's their money.
This is why you and the proletariat will always be poor.

>> No.18162973

Politically and anatomically correct

>> No.18163043

Honestly, same opinion. It rambled on, but it felt close to the hollow feeling of consumerist culture.

>> No.18163138

damn, I didn't realise I'm browsing /lit/ alongside fucking royalty
you're probably against consumerism because you spent the majority of your life being too poor to afford things in the first place. If other people can't buy stuff, it won't make you feel better

>> No.18163152

He probably just doesn’t like wagies funding corporations that aspire to social control. It’s not that complicated, when a rich executive decides he ought to be able to decide your elections you don’t want him to get richer.

>> No.18164393

They come with a 11" black dildo (to scale, of course) and insertable butt plug.

>> No.18164494

The Eternal Bugman

How men ended up like this is unfathomable to me.

>> No.18164508

american psycho

>> No.18164522

materialism isnt the same as consumerism - materialism is a philsophy to describe the occurence of consumer culture, and also the events proceeding and potentially following it.

>> No.18164526

Actually applicable for once

>> No.18164532

Instead of obsessing about consoomers how about you live a better life yourself? What is there to say about consooming, it's obviously stupid, you don't need a 600 page novel to realize that.

>> No.18164536
File: 17 KB, 400x328, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma has lots of porcelain figurines around her house. Is collecting these any different to funko pops? They're just ornaments to fill up space

>> No.18164554

I feel like there is a tangible difference in material quality there.

>> No.18164557

Boomer nendoroids, pretty cool.

>> No.18164560

porcelain figures at least make an attempt to convey beauty. funko pop figures are grotesque.

>> No.18164584

Does this require explication?

>> No.18164667

buddy both communism and capitalism are intrinsically materialistic systems
"spiritual" cultures dont rely heavy on law, but connection

>> No.18164672

>Well, State-capitalism as done by the pros in China, sure!
the chinese are pure sociopaths

>> No.18164857

these images always depress me so much.

>> No.18164861

Adorno. Althusser. Poulantzas.

You're 60 years out of date. Everyone is doing workplace self-examination from an Operaismo perspective.

>> No.18164863

I find it hard to believe anyone finds funko pops aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.18165047

Yes it can be. Some words are used in different ways in different contexts.

>> No.18165062

You are part of it
Why don't you read some actual lit instead of spamming this board constantly with your thinly veiled pol trash?

>> No.18166121

I’m not your buddy pal.
The spiritualism of state-capitalism is obvious. The cultish behavior of tankies (also states) is obvious!

ACTUAL socialists, anarchists, are against it.

As are all capitalists

>> No.18166234

>damn, I didn't realise I'm browsing /lit/ alongside fucking royalty
proceeds to tell him he is poor