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18161451 No.18161451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books for women who broke free from feminity and embraced manliness. Preferably nothing queer

>> No.18161467

I wonder how many anons from /tv/ and /hr/ killed themselves or had mental breakdowns over this.

>> No.18161472
File: 33 KB, 280x400, specialty-dsm5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a heavy one, but I'm confident that such a woman will find an excerpt that speaks directly to them.

>> No.18161482

not enough
unironically this. Every psychology/psychiatry student I've met think it's an identity disorder, but they're not allowed to suggest this in their undergraduate and graduate studies

>> No.18161533

being ugly and old isn't being a man. stop coping. you will have the same problem because there are many beautiful men who will absolutely mog you.

>> No.18161564

tommy and co.

>> No.18161754

you will ALWAYS be a woman.

>> No.18161772

Shut your fucking retard mouth and stop bothering us with these shit threads you fucking dyke. You will NEVER have testicles, suck it up and move on.
Or kill yourself.

>> No.18161786


>> No.18162265
File: 56 KB, 317x475, Testosterone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unironically. Injecting a bunch of testosterone will make you want to rape bitchs bad

>> No.18162287

Unironically Sexual Personae and Sex, Art and American Culture.

>> No.18163025

She literally turned herself into the virgin meme

>> No.18163049
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>> No.18163065

>broke free from feminity and embraced manliness
did Angela Merkel write a book? more than anyone she's the one I think of here

>> No.18163632
File: 29 KB, 430x350, 1619912000587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds based

>> No.18163709

gender dysphoria is in the DSM dumbass.

>> No.18164104

How is she breaking free of feminity if she's a woman? She's only deranging herself from her natural function and only degenerate subversives will support this.

>> No.18164243

Feminity is antihuman

>> No.18164361

i can testify to this
i've never had this amount of rape fantasies before
t. tranner

>> No.18164405
File: 421 KB, 787x1920, 1619913924069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about your experience. What made you do this. How do you feel

>> No.18164420

>"becoming" a 13 year old trailer park boy

>> No.18164426
File: 67 KB, 838x534, 1619972160756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice painting bruv. despised feminity since conscious childhood, later on dysphoria kicked in, the regular story
I'm in a shithole country so going to a real therapist would take a lot of time and moral effort to get anywhere. I was fully suicidal at 16 and they won't even consider you before 18 anyway
started DIYing with t off sport pharma stores and life got gud

I can confidently say I'm better off than 80% of 4chams - dont want to an hero, had sex with a woman, don't pursue it anymore, nice family, nice life, NEETing comfortably