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/lit/ - Literature

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18159022 No.18159022 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is he so often associated with the New Atheism crowd? he's the fucking opposite of it he would fit right in here with his nihilistic search for meaning and then fucking dying out of inherent atheism and failure to find god

>> No.18159027

Stop caring about what people think about certain authors/artists and even more importantly stop posting about it.

>> No.18159042

No one cares about this turd anymore.

>> No.18159047

Just fuck off you retarded tranny

>> No.18159054


>> No.18159056

He killed himself because he changed meds.

>> No.18159063

so who do "they" (or (((they))) maybe?) care about nowadays? DFW is the most important and relevant writer for the 21st century

>> No.18159072

Bad writer and also a faggot.
Stop posting him.

>> No.18159073
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>accomplishes nothing of real value, even though he had a platform 99.999% of the world would kill to have
>had no kids, so he'll leave no legacy once his meme-books go out of fashion
>ends up snuffing himself out
Hmm now WHY would someone like that be associated with New Atheism? Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm

>> No.18159084


>> No.18159099

meanwhile I drive by my local churchs and they're flying BLM and faggot flags

>> No.18159102

is /lit/ being raided right now or whats happening

>> No.18159140

yes. Leftypol receives instructions on what threads and memes are "4chan culture" they are to relentless bitch and cry about in addition to their propaganda threads.

>> No.18159142
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Give it a hundred years, those churches will fade away while the true church, the church you don't drive past so often, the church which clings to the True Word of God, endures

>> No.18159161
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>> No.18159172

>DFW is the most important and relevant writer for the 21st century

He's probably not even the most important and relevant writer for the 21st Century named David.

>> No.18159178

nice bitchy reddit sarcasm, leftypol

>> No.18159613

Thats why im never going on meds in the first place. pseudo science mind control bullshit.

>> No.18159773

Ever since 2016.
Way to out yourself.
>4chan culture

>> No.18160111

>People I (rightfully) despise are adopting atheism
>I'll adopt the persona of a religious person to be different.

I fucking hate reactionaries.

In a world of positive numbers, being a negative number won't make you different. You have to be a complex number.

>> No.18160171

He's my favorite writer. I don't know why redditors hate him, he is such a genuine person. After talking to a lot of le academics and redditors I am convinced that those people truly are trapped in irony.

>> No.18160310

>dfw isn't part of /lit/ culture
>calling others a newfag

>> No.18161100

why the fuck they didn´t choose /tv/ or something, i only browse /lit/ on sundays and this is the day they choose for raiding the board?

>> No.18161108

They raid all of the blue boards

>> No.18161118

>being a dfw fagboy and not knowing he's leftist

>> No.18161130

i don´t like dfw, he´s a pretentious moron, i just wanted to see what people thought of him, such a shame those buncherchans are raiding my precious board

>> No.18161133

why did he wear that towel on his head

>> No.18161143

He was a WASP and all of the poor characters in his novels are pieces of shit

>> No.18161256

He peaked when atheists were the edgelords of the era and they liked him even though they likely didn't get him. Atheism being a statement or a sign of social standing is a trend I'm quite glad to have seen die out

I used to dismiss stuff like this as being superstition or just the actions of a few bad actors. Reading that ForeignPolicy article on 4chan and learning that leftypol puts massive effort into raids genuinely surprised me

I hope by now they've realized most of us aren't fascists, "nazis" or even right wingers and that they're only making people here resent them and lose any sympathy they'd have otherwise had for their ideas

>> No.18161300

>being this naive
>expecting teenage trannies to have introspection

>> No.18161310

I have literally never once, in the hundreds of times I've seen him mentioned in various contexts, heard him associated with New Atheism before this thread