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18157225 No.18157225 [Reply] [Original]

>My plan? To think and not act.

>> No.18157278

>one of the most active lecturers said

>> No.18157285

Is thinking not an action?

>> No.18157288

Contemplation is more important than action. Zizek doesn't subscribe to this truth. He acts without thought and pretends to think for external applause. If he thought he could correct his obsessive tendencies like face touching.

>> No.18157326

One of the biggest charlatans of our time. Peterson has some valid psychology (if you consider psychology as valid), but otherwise is another big charlatan.

>> No.18157336

Based Platonian

>> No.18157414

They are another bs theater of left v. right
Normies love that shit

>> No.18157456
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>My plan? To clean my room and have a psychological breakdown when I realize it was pointless

>> No.18157491
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>Peterson has some valid psychology
You know that both of them basically are fans of Lacan, right? Their philosophies are based on the fear of the Real and finding the ways to cope. They are very similar

>> No.18157509

>Balkan military serviceman turned political dissident turned writer
>one of the most prolific contemporary thinkers
>some canadian kermit sounding dude who got popular off /pol/ and reddit memes trying to give patriarchal advice to literal incel dregs

>> No.18157629



>> No.18157642

>>Balkan military serviceman turned political dissident turned writer
>>one of the most prolific contemporary thinkers
None of this is necessarily impressive or praiseworthy. In Zizek's case, it isn't.

>> No.18157641

Better than Foucault telling us all to go get boned in anonymous sex dungeons for the revolution.

>> No.18157647

He was forever btfo'd by based Will Self https://youtu.be/CId1iOWQUuo

>> No.18157659

What thinker *has* actually acted?
Although Deleuze is extremely fascinating, I also don't like his declaration that "forming well posed questions is more important than providing solutions". And so Deleuze provides no solutions to us.
If people this smart cannot even provide us with any solutions then we're pretty fucked.

>> No.18157693

Some Catholics and non-Marxist socialists. But anti-Catholics and Marxists will use that against them, respectively.

>> No.18157928

Deleuze is correct though. Questions are more important than answers. Once a framework of thought has been brought in, the answers flow freely (it also acts in a positive manner in that it negates a former paradigm in order to make way for a new stage of thought). Without the correct question, we risk stasis, and this is only possible if we value the answer over the question because it means we will swim in the same pond so to speak, whereas the positing of radically new questions opens up entirely new possibilities for both action and thought. Besides, Deleuze makes the point that once the correct question has been found and asked, the answers flow freely from it. After all finding the right solution is simpler than finding the right question, since the question already contains the possible solution within it. One need only look at radical breaks in philosophy to confirm this (Descartes, Plato, Kant) where revolutionary new realms are broken into through new ways of questioning, leading to a vital burst of development within these new frameworks (German Idealism, Rationalism or Newtonian Mechanics).

>> No.18158026
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>> No.18159452

Zizek are just typical doctorate holding academic who got placed on the public stage by circumstances. Neither have revolutionary idea

>> No.18159660

>doing nothing
Fapping to as many anime girls as possible and trolling all across the internet for fun is affirmation of life. Neets did nothing wrong.

>> No.18161051


>> No.18161080
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>My plan? To act and not think

>> No.18161111

Given the sheer retardation and confusion produced by attempting to change the world politically that happened in the last four years I'm gonna say based.

>> No.18161156


>> No.18161247
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>Deleuze provides no solutions to us.

>> No.18161261

Literally me

>> No.18161262

i'd rather smoke weed and watch youtube than read this fucking nerd shit lmao

>> No.18161263


>> No.18161348


>> No.18161524
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>> No.18161540

didn't fate of empires address this. inaction and intellectuals.

>> No.18161543

I don't know if this counts but Mishima comes to mind, lives and died on his own terms.

>> No.18161652

When you think, you realize that most acts have made the world worse. So you give up on action, keep mentally masturbating, keep selling those books, get your fun where it is found. That's not shady business, that's just the horrible, mature realization.

>> No.18161769

My plan? Crashing modern day philosophy with no survivors.

>> No.18161788
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>> No.18161835


What is it about libs like Will Self that they always seem so initially likeable but follow the same trajectory,
>get into hard drugs, get educated but pretend not to be educated, pander to the audience, create works which appear to be revealing but are actually designed for a mass audience

I don't get this and I don't believe these kinds of people that Jarvis Cocker sang about really are moralists, they just want to be liked.
That's all being a 'political guy' is anyway.
I've never identified with the right, nor the left, to me the hidden figures, the goddamn cult leaders and Epstein or whomever's mindset makes way more sense, what's the point of speaking in a political sense if you never get to enjoy the taste of your own ridiculous desires?
So what are people afraid of saying this or writing this book now?
D' Annunzio made his path. What's the point of having a philosophy that doesn't get you what you want?

>> No.18161861
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>What thinker *has* actually acted?

>> No.18161876

Zizek argues that we have yet to find a theory that is able to -encapsulate- todays situation as to create meaningful actions, he wishes to contribute towards laying the foundation of such theory and thought, instead of opting for (semi)-impulsive actions that underestimate or downright ignore the complexity of our predicament. Personally i believe he is right.

>> No.18162030

so he wants the prestige of having the change the world for a better tommorow? it doesn´t surprise me a marxist chasing a clout, coffee marxists

>> No.18162037

Yes, called inaction

>> No.18162050

his work on ideology is extremely perceptive

>> No.18162089

Many of them. Socrates fought in the battle and Delion and several others. Dante served in the cavalry and was noted for his bravery (I know, Dante is mainly a poet, but he is also a thinker).
Jünger was in the infantry in WWI and a considered a military hero in interwar Germany. Voltaire weighted in the Calas case and got a lot of shit for it.

In the contemporary era, like them or not, but many of the leftists/liberal philosophers of the 1960s were engaged in political militantism one way or another, often at the risk of being beaten, tried, or imprisoned. Earlier in in the first part of the 20th century political theorician were not uncommonly involved in militias and radical political movements.

>> No.18162100

Good post

>> No.18162384

>argue that humans have yet to find a way to convert unfortunate agnostic depressives to content and saved people with a value system above money and women

wow I didn't think I was this great of a philosopher but apparently I am

>> No.18162393

so he's a failure

>> No.18162402
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Continental philosophy is full of crybabies and charlatans.

>> No.18162419

>didn't read OP

>> No.18162477

source on that image?

>> No.18162854

i don´t have, saved that pic from someone else

>> No.18162911

It's not meant to be impressive, I personally don't care for either of them. To toss Zizek in the same ballpark as a failed incelploitation meme maker and charlatan druggie is still evidently retarded.
And they're only brought up together by JBP fanboys who don't know Zizek will debate a fucking lamp post if it so much as blinked towards his tourettes infested face. That "debate" was obscenely retarded too.

>> No.18162943

Theoretically speaking, how would a political debate between Chomsky and Zizek go? What about prime chomsky vs prime zizek?

>> No.18162956

What makes it inaction?

>> No.18162978

slovenian here, he's sort of a lolcow in my country but it's cool the rest fell for the meme.

>> No.18163439

this is almost all of philosophy
philosophy and identity are the same thing
rather than programming people with ideas i'd rather just express and let them drink from my well in whatever manner they wish

>> No.18164068

Benzos are hardcore. No amount of snowflake instagram life advices works when one is hooked on dem sweet pills.

>> No.18164085

>think and not act
based pessoa

>> No.18164091

absolute brainlet take lol

>> No.18164175

>ctl+f "actionism"
>zero results

>> No.18164196


>> No.18165168

As Baudrillard once put it, there is no point in hope or fear, the only thing one can do is look for new weapons. That being said, Baudrillard correctly identified our transition from a disciplinary to a control society even back in the 90s. We don't fully grasp the implications of that as of today though, which is something we have to do first to correctly fight it. Right now, neither the marxian left nor any retarded right wing movement has yet managed to even adress the simple fact that resistance in the classical sense is futile, they rather larp as some revolutionaries from a hundred years ago
BTW, read the fucking Baudrillard article, it's only like 6 pages long and written in a way that even brainlets can understand

>> No.18165188
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>My plan: to die a virgin without any descendants

>> No.18165207
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>My plan? To seed and feed

>> No.18165261

Isn't Peterson a Jungian. Idk anything about psychology

>> No.18165398

This whole post is referring to Deleuze, not Baudrillard.
He's referring to Deleuze's "Postscript on the Societies of Control"

>> No.18165421

You're right, I'm fucking retarded/hungover

>> No.18165499

Do your duty as a revolutionary and buy his books at barnes and noble

>> No.18165551

Peak bourgeois. The very thing Zizek and the rest criticize.

>> No.18165683

so we become like neo when hes outside the matrix and can energy blast a machine got u

>> No.18165766

unironically the only thing I desire that hasn't been crushed by the system yet is the idea of boobray guns, which enlarge or takeaway boob-heft from women in the street

>> No.18165777

You realise they had mandatory military service in former Yugoslavia, right?
t. Serb

>> No.18165799

>To toss Zizek in the same ballpark as a failed incelploitation meme maker
There's a reason why he debated him. It's where he belongs

>> No.18165820
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Would Zizek have fared better against Chomsky? What about a Zizek and Harris double team? Or would Harris only slow him down.

>> No.18166016 [DELETED] 

>My plan? To cry about my virginity. This I call Amor Fati.

>> No.18166040
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>My plan? To cry about my virginity. This I call Amor Fati.

>> No.18166057
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>My brother...

>> No.18166085
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>Let us face ourselves. We are Hyperboreans; we know very well how far off we live. 'Neither by land nor by sea will you find the way to the Hyperboreans'—Pindar already knew this about us. Beyond the north, ice, and death—our life, our happiness. We have discovered happiness, we know the way, we have found the exit out of the labyrinth of thousands of years. Who else has found it?

>Modern man perhaps? 'I have got lost; I am everything that has got lost,' sighs modern man. This modernity was our sickness: lazy peace, cowardly compromise, the whole virtuous uncleanliness of the modern Yes and No. … Rather live in the ice than among modern virtues and other south winds! We were intrepid enough, we spared neither ourselves nor others; but for a long time we did not know where to turn with our intrepidity. We became gloomy, we were called fatalists. Our fatum—abundance, tension, the damming of strength. We thirsted for lightning and deeds and were most remote from the happiness of the weakling, 'resignation.' In our atmosphere was a thunderstorm; the nature we are became dark—for we saw no way. Formula for our happiness: a Yes, a No, a straight line, a goal.

>> No.18166104

So why didn't he?

>> No.18166203

did he what?

>> No.18166502
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my plan?
get no responses and be the death of every thread.

>> No.18166509

It's relative, and besides, much of the problems in the world today are from a lack of thinking, not an overabundance of it.

>> No.18166549

He did

>> No.18166574 [SPOILER] 
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>My plan? Crashing this plane, with no survivors!

>> No.18166589

people that smart rarely have the solutions. have you ever seen a mechanical engineer try to fix a car? or better yet, have you ever seen a philosopher who actually lives a good normal life? they seem to relegate themselves to the confines of some literal tower somewhere and write about hypothetical situations while ignoring their rapidly degenerating personal life.

>> No.18166699

>Right now, neither the marxian left nor any retarded right wing movement has yet managed to even adress the simple fact that resistance in the classical sense is futile, they rather larp as some revolutionaries from a hundred years ago

Based. Tired of marxists stuck in the 19th century jizzing about praxis and class solidarity. But hate conservatives equally if not more.

Link for the baudrillard article? Id also like suggestions for thinkers like him that btfo out marxists, liberals, and conservatives.

>> No.18166741

Someone pointed out that he was actually talking about Deleuze's Postscript on the Societies of Control. Baudrillard, iirc, doesn't really ever talk about control societies; but he does say something somewhat similar about the simulation being inescapable.

>> No.18166765

What a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.18166806

Oh I've already read that one.

>> No.18167148

he wants people to first imagine a life beyond/outside capitalism, and then build it.
He admits he doesn't know what it would look like. So at least an honest Hegelian. (rare)

>> No.18167281

Is it really so hard not to think in terms of capitalism or communism? Is this the best we can do?
Will any system ever be able to satisfy everyone at same time?

>> No.18167337

>He admits he doesn't know what it would look like
>he wants people to first imagine a life beyond/outside capitalism
I don't need to imagine it. We already saw SEVERAL TIMES how it looks like. What's there to discover? Force good on people once again, that will work this time, right?

>> No.18167353

they aren't one with the dao

>> No.18167380

Demand the impossible
uuhmmmm dear north Koreans clean your rooms

>> No.18167399

kek btfo.

>> No.18167420

>uuhmmmm dear north Koreans clean your rooms

>> No.18167455


>> No.18167463

better than getting divorce raped and raising kids that aren't yours.

>> No.18167473

you already failed

>> No.18167904

He's not talking about communism. He admits it's worse, he admits capitalism has good sides. He wants to go beyond the old communism and the current capitalist system.

>> No.18167929

Chomsky is rapidly melting. Just let the old gremlin die in peace.

>> No.18167981

That was the idea numnuts

>> No.18168025

The debate. Zizek was annoyed as Kermit's retardation and just did a reduction ad absurdum and asked "would you really ask a north korean to clean their room" and Kermit doubled down with a "the only way to be happy in life is to be clearsighted where you have to clean your room first". Zizek was uninterested in shitting on Peterson so he ignored tis non-answer.

>> No.18168059

Yes, the main reason he isn't taken seriously by anyone who knows anything and has turned to being a pop-sci-self-help-writer for desperate and hopeless people.

>> No.18169729

just wait