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File: 217 KB, 731x900, Wagner_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18156378 No.18156378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>His physical appearance in 1839 was described by the painter Friedrich Pecht: strikingly elegant, indeed aristocratic in his appearance, despite his somewhat short legs, and with such a strikingly beautiful woman on his arm (his wife Minna] that she alone would have sufficed to make the couple interesting, if Wagner himself had not had such an arresting head that one’s attention was involuntarily fixed upon him.

>Meeting him a few years later (1843), the author Eliza Wille described him thus: It had remained a fleeting encounter […]. But Wagner’s features had impressed themselves on my mind: his elegant, supple figure, the head with the mighty brow, the acute eye and the energetic lines around his small and tightly closed mouth. A painter who was sitting next to me drew my attention to his straight, protruding chin, which seemed to be carved out of stone, giving the face a special character.

>> No.18156423
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>Niggas where getting wet looking at picrel

>> No.18156430

el goblino de las Germanias

>> No.18156554

He looks cool. I wish I were German. I am glad I am not French, which are an ugly and despicable people.

>> No.18156576

The French are better looking than the Germans. The Germans are meh. Just some dull blondfags. Their women look like dudes and have no soul.

>> No.18156607

It's because he had a good jawline

>> No.18156622

remove niggerisms from your lexicon

>> No.18156691

Skip to the part where he tells them about the jews.

>> No.18156706

Not that anon but eat a dick my nigga I think I'm going to say that shit just to annoy you stuffy ass nerd niggas. Got a problem nigga? Go cry about it white boy nigga bitch.

>> No.18156707

Niggers are not “cool” in spite of what BigJewCo shoves down your throat. They do this to destroy your people.

>> No.18156730

You sound like a little bitch. I bet in real life you creep females out and finger your butt when fapping to cuck porn of giant retard gorilla niggas fucking tiny white girls while Mori

>> No.18156741

while Morrie Shekelsmoker films and faps himself

>> No.18156744

He doesn't look handsome nor ugly. Just an average middle aged dude.

>> No.18156839
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This was considered the most accurate photo by the Wagners.

>> No.18157087
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>In the last year of Schopenhauer's life, 1860, Wagner visited Frankfurt, where he talked of paying the philosopher a call, but never actually did so, or even made any serious attempt to. Again, he lacked confidence. He was afraid he would be inadequate to the encounter. He admits these things in his autobiography: ‘… a strange diffidence prevented me from visiting him; I was much too distraught and too far removed from that sole issue which would have made a meeting with Schopenhauer significant for me, even if I had felt myself entirely up to a discussion with him’ (p. 621). This instance of Wagner's feeling himself to be inadequate in the face of another human being is unique, as far as my knowledge of him goes. Something inside him deferred to Schopenhauer, and I do not think the same could be said of any other person whose life overlapped with his – unless it be Beethoven, who died in the year in which Wagner was fourteen, and whom he never had any opportunity of meeting. (And, I have to say, I doubt even that.) I do believe that he knew in his heart that Schopenhauer was as great a man as himself. That the realization that Schopenhauer was his equal was fully alive below as well as above the conscious level is revealed, I think, by a dream Wagner had about Schopenhauer less than ten days before he died, and which Cosima recorded in her diary: ‘R. drew Sch.'s attention to a flock of nightingales, but Sch. had already noticed them.’

>> No.18157124

Huhh, I genuinely felt that ngl.
I need to start recording my dreams, they're mostly forgettable but when I wake up they can seem so significant to me.
>R. drew Sch.'s attention to a flock of nightingales, but Sch. had already noticed them.
This is genuinely beautiful. I'm glad she wrote it down, and I got to read it.

>> No.18157427


>> No.18157740

>This is genuinely beautiful. I'm glad she wrote it down, and I got to read it.
Pretty much encapsulates the importance of the Cosima diaries.

>> No.18157859

he has an unusual phenotype.

>> No.18157866
File: 20 KB, 216x311, Minna-Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One certainly could not fault Richard Wagner for being persistent, but one has to question his judgment regarding his pursuit of Minna Planer. Minna did everything in her power to get rid of him! She fled from him, hid from him, embarrassed him and engaged in highly public and sordidly promiscuous relationships, all in an effort to make him understand that they simply weren’t compatible. Yet Richard would have none of it and threatened that “the only thing touching her heart would be a sharp knife if she didn’t marry him.” They had continued “violent arguments” in which he would “rant and rave all night, committing acts of domestic violence so serious that Minna lay there in convulsions for hours on end.” Overcome by remorse, he would then throw himself at her feet and weeping, “begged for forgiveness like a child.” In the end, battered into submission Minna could take it no long and consented to become his wife.

>> No.18157875

>When he was summoned to appear before the magistrate to answer the charges of his creditors on 31 May 1837, Minna ran off with a businessman named Dietrich. According to his autobiography, Richard armed himself with whips and pistols and furiously pursued his wife and her lover. He found her in Dresden where she was hiding in her parent’s house, and on his knees begged for her forgiveness

>> No.18157877

Sauceless Jewish propaganda.

>> No.18157882

> 2 months later Minna once again eloped with Dietrich, with a livid Richard chasing them. Fortunately, he was unable to catch up with them, and with the clear understanding that he would eventually kill her, Minna begged his forgiveness and joined him in Riga. At long last, an uneasy truth descended upon the relationship, however, his financial troubles remained. To supplement his income Richard started to bed women with considerable bank accounts, among them the famed soprano Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient, who paid 1000 Thalers for his “studdly” services. Alwine Fromann was neither pretty nor young, but she had plenty of spare cash, and his affair with the celebrated soprano Henriette Wüst was purely motivated by her husband’s savings account.

>> No.18157906

Christ, this is just pure degeneracy.

>> No.18157937

It's not real anon, it's written by some no-name clickbait writer. The only true parts are that they had affairs, and the marriage was far from always a happy one.

The rest is quite literally made up.

>> No.18157965

>have no soul
Here's your (you)

>> No.18157974
File: 1.21 MB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously there was a world of bottled up aggression in him, but for a long time he found it difficult if not impossible to express it in any direct way. From early on he felt a need to do this: in 1867, before meeting Wagner, he wrote to a friend that ‘one cannot go one's own way independently enough’ (letter, 6 April 1867). But in 1872, after the publication of The Birth of Tragedy, he was writing: ‘I have only just begun to speak my mind somewhat; I still need confidence and strong friendship - above all, good and noble examples, so as not to run out of breath in midspeech’ (letter, 7 November 1872). By this time his supreme example was Wagner, who perceived his problem in this respect and tried actively to encourage him to be more himself – and showed displeasure when Nietzsche failed to comply. On 18 April 1873 Nietzsche wrote to him: ‘If you seemed not satisfied with me when I was present, I understand it only too well; but I cannot help it, for I learn and perceive very slowly and, every moment when I am with you, I realize something of which I have never thought, something that I wish to impress upon my mind. I know very well, dearest Master, that such a visit cannot be a time of leisure for you, and must sometimes even be unbearable. I wished so often to give at least the appearance of greater freedom and independence, but in vain.’ Nevertheless Wagner was of decisive value for Nietzsche in this respect. More than three years after they had seen one another for the last time Nietzsche, writing to a friend about the separation between them, said: ‘I always think of him with gratitude, because to him I am indebted for some of the strongest incitements to intellectual independence’ (letter, 14 January 1880).

>> No.18157977

In all seriousness, it is basically impossible to distinguish a French person from an Arab.
I don't know if it is race-mixing or what happened, but every French person has brown-hair, with dark features and an inbred look to them.
Not sure what happened to the French, I'm sure they did not always look like this

>> No.18157985
File: 197 KB, 518x659, Arthur de Gobineau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sure what happened to the French,

>> No.18158001

>best known for helping to legitimise racism by the use of scientific racist theory and "racial demography", and for developing the theory of the Aryan master race
Yeah wtf happened?? They used to be BASED

>> No.18158022
File: 102 KB, 800x1014, 4535343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germ cope. Europeans have had brown hair for ages. Not everyone has feminine blond hair.

>> No.18158033

Read the wiki page it's all true.

>> No.18158061

Man, writing letters is such a patrician thing. Look how beautifully they expressed their thoughts on paper. Now all we have is short texts and emojis which is fine but it doesn't compare to this

>> No.18158065

No anon, the only thing the wikipedia says is what I said. They had affairs and a stormy marriage, but everything else is just another example of the many gossips and lies told about Wagner.

>> No.18158080

kek a cuck, a simp, and a slut. what a degen.

>> No.18158081

A lot of it's modern import from North Africa, but remember the Gauls and Romans had mostly brown hair too. In the north of France where there's still traces of Germanic/Frankish ancestry you can still find some blonde people but France has never been a very blonde country.

>> No.18158082


>> No.18158084

>the theory of the Aryan master race
so a myth? Aryan means Iranian

>> No.18158096

No, Iranian is a modern derivation of Aryan. Arya is just the most common variant of the name used by the (Proto-)Indo-European peoples to refer to themselves, and by their later offshoots. Due to some historical events the term fell out of use for the European block of Indo-Europeans.

>> No.18158120

Don't forget
>For him the French Revolution, having destroyed the racial basis of French greatness by overthrowing and in many cases killing the aristocracy, was the beginning of a long, irresistible process of decline and degeneration, which could only end with the utter collapse of European civilization. [...] He attributed much of the economic turmoil in France to pollution of the races. [...] Gobineau had often predicted France was so rotten the French were bound to be defeated if they ever fought a major war. At the outbreak of the war with Prussia in July 1870, however, he believed they would win within a few weeks.[126] After the German victory, Gobineau triumphantly used his own country's defeat as proof of his racial theories.
>Gobineau later wrote that only two people in the entire world had ever properly understood his racist philosophy, namely Richard Wagner and Eulenburg. [...] During his visit to Rome, Gobineau met and befriended the German composer Richard Wagner and his wife Cosima.[154] Wagner was greatly impressed with the Essai sur l'inégalité des races humaines and he used his newspaper, the Bayreuther Blätter to popularize Gobineau's racial theories in Germany.[76] Gobineau, in turn, was greatly impressed with Wagner's music and unusually for a Frenchman, he became a member of the Bayreuth Circle.[76] Wagner was fascinated by Gobineau's racial theories, and much of his writing from then on showed Gobineau's influence.

>> No.18158129


>> No.18158140

>After the German victory, Gobineau triumphantly used his own country's defeat as proof of his racial theories.
Sadly he wasn't alive to see muh pure Aryans getting BTFO in WW1 and then AGAIN in WW2. I wonder what he would say about that. He would come up with some lame excuse, I bet.

>> No.18158151

He also fucked old ugly women for money to buy expensive clothes. I can't believe it's the same guy that wrote the Meistersingers or Parsifal.

Maybe the psychoanalytic theme about lack that fuels desire (of any kind) is true

>> No.18158159


>> No.18158161

>Maybe the psychoanalytic theme about lack that fuels desire (of any kind) is true
Care to elaborate? I haven't heard of this theme

>> No.18158169
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>> No.18158172

But as far as those two singular countries are concerned, Germany was victorious over France in both wars.

Gobineau would probably say France could only win because of the help of racially pure nations.

>> No.18158182

>US and Russia
>racially pure

>> No.18158188

That's the job of the Oedipus complex, to install law and social discourse and distance you from the infinite pleasure of being with your mother.
The less this functions, the more you "enjoy" in a deadly way.
If you don't have, you crave, and you move towards goals.

>> No.18158204
File: 127 KB, 825x825, csm_ungern-sternberg-christina_01_83560c8600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Germans are meh.
>Their women look like dudes
-Men are complete beings.
-Women are incomplete becomings.
-Becoming is necessary for reproduction, but still inferior to being.
-The ideal woman would be just incomplete enough to bear healthy children, but no more.
-A woman who looks like a dude is superior to one who doesn't.
>ref; De Generatione Animalium by Aristotle and Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas

>> No.18158206

>They both lied about their age; Richard added one year otherwise he would still have been considered a minor, and Minna subtracted four to become a blushing twenty-three-year old.

>> No.18158212

More proof to the argument that Christian Priests are closeted homosexuals in reality.

>> No.18158215

You should never meet your heroes anon. Just look what happened to Nietzsche after he fell out with Wagner. Imagine how Wagner might have been damaged by an encounter with Schoppy.

>> No.18158223
File: 423 KB, 946x1080, herrwagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18158233


Opinion descarted, you are a pseud.

>> No.18158242

Both times the Germans where not defeated by the French though.

>> No.18158247

But Nietzsche only fell out with Wagner after a long and inspiring friendship of seven years.

>> No.18158248

Yes, race is not pure blood, its blood shaped under stress and conflict.

>> No.18158255

They were defeated by impure races like the Russians and the Americans, which is even worse.
>mental gymnastics

>> No.18158467
File: 331 KB, 1024x1024, 5333986082_51fa244b3c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the church provided a way for them to contibute to society. The greatest accomplishments have been made by celibate or closeted homosexuals (e.g. Plato and Michelangelo). Modern "gay" culture subverts this by encouraging the expression of desire in the most base way possible (psychosexual desublimation).
Even a heterosexual is better off with a well developed (less feminine) woman though. Excess femininity expresses itself as disruptive behaviour, disloyalty and a desire for "drama". This is not to be confused with the tomboy gf meme. A superior becoming does not need to take on the trappings of being, as she is already close to it in essence.

>> No.18158478
File: 1.56 MB, 1353x2293, 9789029582476_cvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and then started defining himself in opposition to him. Imagine what he might have accomplished if he had admired him from afar instead.

>> No.18158490

>seven years
>long friendship

>> No.18158641
File: 72 KB, 625x455, 13496657845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not /lit/

>> No.18158761

Not true at all. Have you ever been to france? If you replaced 'French' with Greek then yes

>> No.18159554

>wiki page

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah........ ahahahahaha

>> No.18159561

Germany raped France in both wars you retard. Go to Brazil

>> No.18159572

German women in the towns and villages are very beautiful, never been to a german city so i cant comment

>> No.18159580

>Germany raped France in both wars you retard.
And impure Russians and Americans BTFO the Germs in WW2.
> Go to Brazil
Why? What's in there?

>> No.18159592

You've gone to villages but not to cities? How does that happen?

>> No.18159609

It's sourced you idiots

>> No.18159618

>And impure Russians and Americans BTFO the Germs in WW2.
Germany would have done very well to beat the Russians, US and the British. Which were then three of the most formidable opponents Germany could have chosen.
The US at that time was still just a mix of European ethnicities, English, German and Irish forming the majority of the makeup. All Northwestern European.
>Why? What's in there?
Nothing but eternal third worldness and racial conflict.

>> No.18159632

Regardless, the Americans have always been radical in their spirit and principles. Hence why their Purtianism has been replaced by radical progressivism, post '60s

>> No.18159642

Germany was stupid and overconfident, which is what happens when you think your race makes you magically invincible. They made many mistakes, and many of them were because they blinded by misguided ideologies.

>> No.18159656

>The US at that time was still just a mix of European ethnicities,
No, there were black soldiers, for example.
>English, German and Irish forming the majority of the makeup.
That's still the case.

>> No.18160065

>No, there were black soldiers, for example.
Yes, but a very small minority. Most forget that American soldiers who fought in WW2 were strongly for segregation.
I agree, none of the great powers at the time could take on the rest if they grouped together. Although, I suppose there were many conditions created by the loss of WW1 that pushed Germany go down the path they did. I'm not a historian so couldn't really comment.

>> No.18160072

There is a large and rapidly growing Hispanic minority now though, esse.

>> No.18160246

Maybe but we're talking late 1930s and early 1940s.