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/lit/ - Literature

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18155633 No.18155633 [Reply] [Original]

Not necessarily non-fiction, but books that are like meta and fun?

>> No.18155656

This book has been irrelevant and gay as fuck since the internet. It's like the son in White Noise spouting off the most basic bitch cracked.com garbage anyone has ever heard of
>Achilles: I do say hare, is this a MOBIUS STRIP?!?!?
>No Achilles I believe it's QUANTUM LOL
You are a teenager and probably dumb as well.

>> No.18155663

Professional mathematical logician here. I fucking hate that book. I want to go back in time and tell Hofstadter to get a job as a veterinarian or mechanical engineer or something, anything that doesn't involve writing books.

>> No.18155668

>freshman here

>> No.18155691

A thousand plateaus
Writing and difference
The perfect crime
Schizoanalytic Cartographies

>> No.18155828

>an EGB
What a fucking retard

>> No.18155841

Yeah as a person who took a nontrivial amount of logic stuff in undergrad I also really didn't like it.

>> No.18155867

Unironically “Horror’s Call.” Most meta stuff I’ve ever read. Only read if you like horror/mysteries.

>> No.18155959

>Professional mathematical logician here
very funny

>> No.18155964

fuck off retard

>> No.18156047

spinal catastrophism

>> No.18156080

I’ve only read Call of the Arcade. But yea calling it meta is an understatement.

>> No.18156191


>> No.18156700

Actual mathematician here. Professor of Differential Equations. I love this book.

>> No.18156704

cringe reddit post

>> No.18156709

>t. failed math in high school

>> No.18156714

>reddit poster now turning into a chatbot

>> No.18157076

Wow you're very smart. You must have a really high iq

>> No.18157096

The society of Mind by Minsky, maybe?

>> No.18157114 [DELETED] 

Nigger here. Shiyeet wut are you crackas on about

>> No.18157310

I see many people here hating this book but none seem to be able to describe why they hate it.

>> No.18157353

The case against reality
I am a strange loop
The evolution of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind

>> No.18157482

Based eugenically bred genius

>> No.18157766

It popularized ideas that should have been confined to academia, now everyone can spout them and think they're cool

>> No.18158046

Of course reddit would love this piece of shit

>> No.18158224

Douglas Adams dude

>> No.18158258

Minksy molested some chick at Epstein's

>> No.18158650

Seethe harder

>> No.18158665

This flavor of like, too cool to like or care about things is very juvenile and tiring. How are you not tired of yourself at this point

>> No.18159101

the metamorphosis is complete

>> No.18159120

You mean the character in white noise who I described? Yeah I agree, it's very cringe to be a stereotypical gen X factoid spouter like the author of this gay book.
neither was Carlin, who do you think consumed their bullshit?

>> No.18159299

We get it, you're way too cool and smart

>> No.18159307

yes we know you use reddit

>> No.18159347

>everything I dont like is cringe!
>I'm the first guy to call George Carlin cringe, look how clever I am!

>> No.18159364 [DELETED] 
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>professor of differential equations
I.e., gets his rocks off by computing eigenvalues all day
Leave the real math to the topologychads

>> No.18159584

you don't have to like everything just don't be an insufferable faggot

>> No.18159795

lol I'm not a fan of this book, seems way over-hyped. Some of the math stuff was kinda interesting early on, but it feels like the dude shot his load like half way through the book and it wasn't that interesting; it's like twice as long as it needs to be. Unironically just take some shrooms and spend a day thinking about consciousness to get more interesting insights.

>> No.18159830

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18159869

Confederacy of Dunces is this except for /lit/

>> No.18160070

Man, you owned us.
Listen man, not even trying to one-up you here. WIth this attitude you'll never amount to anything.

Try to be a little introspective will you.

(and yes, I did use reddit spacing)

>> No.18160751

bumping this impotent butthurt