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18148385 No.18148385 [Reply] [Original]

What translation of the Bible do you read and why? I want to read a version that is as close to the truth as possible. Let's not turn this thread into arguing about if God is real or not. I just want to discuss translations please. Thank you

>> No.18148395

If you really want to know, you're going to have to study Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic

>> No.18148411

I'm strongly leaning towards Orthodox and reading the Kexham English Septuagint and the Eastern Orthodox Bible and trying to avoid the (((Masoretic))) text.

>> No.18148429

KJV. This essay by an Orthodox priest convinced me:

>> No.18148437

What is wrong with Masoretic influence in translations other than coming from Jews?

>> No.18148445
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ESV, NKJV and NASB are good modern literal-ish translations. I like having a KJV pew Bible around even though I don't read it as much.

>> No.18148460


>> No.18148483

I used to always use the RSV-CE. Initially I chose it because that was what the Ignatius Study Bible Scott Hahn's OT commentaries used. Now if I need English I'll go with an interlinear translation. Learning some basic Greek is too easy to get caught up worrying about translations.

>> No.18148490

That article was helpful for me too, but he comes off as a KJV onlyist for me. His point of the NETS translating pneuma as divine wind is a bit unfounded since pneuma can also be translated as wind, especially in the context of an unseen force acting on an object but seeing it acting on the object.
Because in 90 AD, the Jews seethed so hard from Christians converting their own people to Christianity by using the Septuagint that rabbis from all the tribes of Israel gathered together to officially canonize the Hebrew Bible and rewrote their scriptures of any mentioning of the coming of the messiah (see comparisons on Isaiah 7:14), and banned the usage of the Septuagint.

>> No.18148498

There's good evidence that the people who wrote the New Testament books utilized the Greek Septuagint almost exclusively. There's a lot of deviation from the Greek and 2nd century Hebrew.

>> No.18148505

>not learning koine greek
NGMI if you cant read this


>> No.18148562

Usually in Georgian, because that's my native, but for English I like the KJV, because it's beautifully written

>> No.18148645

The KJV with "Apocrypha" is the single best "version" of the Holy Scriptures there is. The KJV even translated Jesus' accent into English. It is the closest you can get to hearing the voice of the almighty God in printed text.

>> No.18148655

Read both.

>> No.18148658


>> No.18148689
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>> No.18148768

>limiting yourself to one translation

NRSV for clarity of meaning
KJV for poetic license
NIV sometimes when i fucking feel like it
NASB when following with liturgical readings

>> No.18148794

The NRSV is for clarity of gay
The NIV is for clarity of retardation
the NASB is for following the next best thing to the ESV which is the next best thing to the KJV.

>> No.18148868

Citation/link for the 90 AD thing claim?

For Old Testament, Robert Alter's Tanahk translation has the best footnotes for understanding the Hebrew, but as said elsewhere in this thread the Masoretic Text may be unreliable from being altered by those opposing Christianity. At least for the Pentateuch it's good because we have the Dead Sea Scrolls.

For New Testament, New Oxford Ecumenical Study Bible.

>> No.18148972


>What translation of the Bible do you read
Modern Reina - Valera

I'm native spanish speaker. Though there are other translations, I like this one having enormous historic value. Also other modern translations tend to perceptually accommodate language, RB it's more straigh forward on words translation letting reader way more room for interpretation.

>> No.18149037

Interesting. I have never looked into the history of Spanish translations. Is that anything like unto a Spanish equivalent of the KJV? If not is there such a thing?

>> No.18149047

God is not real.

>> No.18149059

Thank you for the bump, may God have mercy upon you and bless you with faith at some point in your life despite yourself.

>> No.18149109


>Is that anything like unto a Spanish equivalent of the KJV

Couldn't say because I'm not into english translations history either kek.

>> No.18149120
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>God is not real

>> No.18149183

NRSV for gender equality you mean

>> No.18149209

NRSV takes the gender inclusiveness to an extreme limit that it makes some verses read clunky and incoherent. If you still want to be a progressive faggot Christian and still read the Bible, go with the NIV.

>> No.18149242

brenton septuagint and esv with masoretic bullshit crossed out has served me fine as an english-only pleb

>> No.18149246


>> No.18149265

And there's the official statement from the Coptic Orthodox Archdiocese of San Francisco and Southern California.
>In AD 70, the Jewish Temple was destroyed. The Rabbinical schools that had previously fought with each other in Jerusalem temporarily united at a new Rabbinical school on the coast at Jamnia. In AD 90, they held a Rabbinical Council, specifically to deal with the “problem” of Jewish converts to Christianity. As part of that Council, the Old Testament canon was finally “decided” upon, and is today called the Masoretic Text (except for Esther, whose status remained in controversy after the close of the Council). The Council also specifically forbade the use of the LXX – specifically because it was being used so successfully by the Christian sect in converting Jews

>> No.18149273

>close to the truth as possible.
>arguing about if God is real or not.

Pick one.

>> No.18149447

Truth as in original meaning and intent from ancient texts. I didn't mean truth as in the content of the Bible taken as fact

>> No.18149458

>NRSV for gender equality you mean
No, stupid. I said what I meant. It is the clearest and most accurate to the sources. Including gender pronouns.

>> No.18149492

>the NRSV is affirming

>> No.18149564

>Including gender pronouns.
That is patently false. Watch the video where he compares the RSV, NIV, and the NRSV to the greek here >>18149209.

>> No.18149596

Best notes: NABRE or Ignatius CSB
Easiest to read: Good News Translation
Best for accurate literalism: Berean

KJV, although historically quaint, is not the best in any regard, either in particular or cumulatively.

>> No.18149612

The CSB has good material from the Church Fathers, but keep in mind that it was translated by baptists.

>> No.18149706

>KJV, although historically quaint, is not the best in any regard
I'm surprised you didn't get trips of 6, Satan.

>> No.18149743

Douay rheims. NAB

>> No.18149757

Very nice article. Considering getting a KJV now, possibly with an ESV for purposes of comparison.

>> No.18149763

As far as "getting to the truth", it should be assumed as a given that learning the original languages beats everything. Something marketed as a "literal translation" (ESV) isn't necessarily closer to the truth either because the Bible *blends* literal and metaphorical meaning, the two are rather identical.

If you have the time/energy, I would say KJV plus a DETAILED study bible & philological notes
One major historical blunder has been the treatment of MT as more "authentic" than Septuagint -perhaps unconsciously, though of course Jews have for good reason fiercely polemical about textual practice- precisely BECAUSE it was written by Jews. Would recommend Aletheia Hellenike by Caroline Brown Tkacz for a comparison of the two

>> No.18149793

>>18148437 #
One major historical blunder has been the treatment of MT as more "authentic" than Septuagint -perhaps unconsciously, though of course Jews have for good reason fiercely polemical about textual practice- precisely BECAUSE it was written by Jews.
The same the goes for using the Alexandrian/Critical Text over tge Byzantine Text on the basis that the Alexandrian Texts were older and better preserved despite the Byzantine Texts providing more clarity and that the AT also contained copies of BT. As a result of privileging the Masoretic and the Alexandrian, the Orthodox god screwed out of useable English translations time and time again.

>> No.18149811

Wrong. God only gave the original writers in the original languages the inspiration to put down exactly the perfect sequence of words that were needed to ultimately lead to the full expression of His word in the KJV. Progressive revelation works on multiple levels. The only step remaining is for someone to go through and notate the final few update patches into the KJV as revealed in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

>> No.18149821

If only the Orthodox had a bunch of monks just hanging around praying all day that could have maybe crafted a perfect complete English translation of the whole Bible after all this time.

>> No.18149846

>Wrong. God only gave the original writers in the original languages the inspiration to put down exactly the perfect sequence of words that were needed to ultimately lead to the full expression of His word in the KJV.
Read the preface to the actual 1611 authorized version. The translators didn't mean the KJV to be the be all end all English translation of the Bible.

>> No.18149852

That's more or less what they did with the EOB New Testament. They got fed up and decided to translate one themselves.

>> No.18149857

I say that as an owner of at least four KVJ, and one of them is the 1611

>> No.18149864

>thinks I haven't read that many times
The translators weren't personally consciously in on God's plan for what they were doing.

>> No.18149870

There are many people who own many things that they themselves do not fully understand.

>> No.18149955

oh, you fully understand the bible?

name all the begats.

>> No.18150015

>I couldn't just copy/paste them

>> No.18150111
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I've read a large chunk of a few different translations (Jerusalem, New English, RSV, KJV). The more I went through other translations the more I started to agree with Robert Alter on how it's a shame that less and les people give time to the KJV to appreciate what Tyndale and the committee did for English prose as time has gone by. There's something in the rhythm of the KJV that the others just can't match up to, they just don't have that same sticking power.

I still think it's pretty useful to have a recent translation like RSV/ESV to have a simpler version to precisely understand what's happening at all times (and the RSV/ESV are more updated with text sources). But even if it might feel a bit weird at first, the KJV is a lot easier to read the more you get into it.

>> No.18150134
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oh shut up ya nonce

the bible is not and never will be english literature, no matter what protestants want to think. they've been a blight on humanity to be honest. liberalism started with them, and look how that has ended up.

>> No.18150147

What does you being blatantly wrong and your off topic rambling have anything to do with my post?

>> No.18150156

>the english invented the hebrew bible and the gospels

it's Semitic and Greek literature you utterly mistaken baboon

>> No.18150161

Who are you quoting?

>> No.18150174

the fellow with the reflective glass a few posts up who insists that KJV is worth a read over clearly-better and more respectful translations.

yourself, i assume.

>> No.18150192

I never said what you accused me of, though.
Why do you assume people will only ever read 1 translation in their entire lifetime? How is the KJV not worth at least a lengthy look, and why does having some experience reading it bar people from reading others? Pretty sure it doesn't.

>> No.18150203

No one said KJV isn't worth reading. It's like the Alexander Pope translation of the Iliad. It's beautiful literature, but not quite accurate.

>> No.18150217

Okay? I think even a child can already guess without knowing anything that the 400 year old version is not going to be as updated for scholars compared to a 1960 and later translation

>> No.18150226

There's not much reason to go for NRSV with the ESV being available with or without apocrypha now

>> No.18150242

>1960 and later
or how about Saint Jerome's Latin translation? can't beat 4th century. just ignore the translation errors about the horns you know better.


>> No.18150250

Richmond Lattimore has a literal NT translation, if you want a literal translation from an expert in the Greek language who had no strong bias to any specific denomination
David Bentley Hart is an Orthodox scholar and has a literal NT translation that its readers seem to like

>> No.18150264

>or how about Saint Jerome's Latin translation? can't beat 4th century. just ignore the translation errors about the horns you know better.
No idea what you're still seething about anymore, schizo. A used KJV and RSV together is like 20$ total, I think people can afford that.

>> No.18150302

>Including gender pronouns.

>> No.18150380

If your translation doesn't differentiate between male and female (you)s like the original Hebrew, it's not a proper Bible.

>> No.18150626

bump, I'll ask a few questions in a bit

>> No.18151007

with any sacred books, use the translation that keep the original important terms the most. let logos stay as logos. let brahman stay as brahman. fuck 'localizations', or sacrificing multiple possible meanings just so u can fit a word for it.

>> No.18151425

>Would recommend Aletheia Hellenike by Caroline Brown Tkacz
I can't find a pdf online; help?

>> No.18151523
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I started going to church recently because I'm basically useless and thought religion would help, it doesn't, and my pastor mentioned that by 2025, China will be the largest Christian country as they are rapidly converting and popping up churches.

Is he full of shit, or is China actually converting to Christianity?

>> No.18151558

It's hard to say. Officially, there are only forty-four million Christians in China. Unofficially? Who knows? Some people estimate that there are two hundred million Christians in China. If that's the case, then yes, it could potentially become the largest Christian nation in the world (keep in mind that one-fifth of the world's population is Chinese). But that estimate could be wrong. Again, it's hard to say.

>> No.18151822
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I started off with KJV but found it difficult to read, the Holy Spirit led me to The Voice bible and it's perfect for a dyslexic autist like me. It's the only book in general I've been able to read easily for long stretches of time, I recommend it to anyone who has trouble reading

>> No.18152566
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>What translation of the Bible do you read and why?
Book in red was just delivered today if that answers your question.

>> No.18152671

The question was what one do you read, not what have you not read but just got today. So I would guess what you have been reading is the Biblio Retardio.

>> No.18152853

Unlike the rest of the Bible, the translators of the Apocrypha identified their source texts in their marginal notes. From these it can be determined that the books of the Apocrypha were translated from the Septuagint—primarily, from the Greek Old Testament column in the Antwerp Polyglot—but with extensive reference to the counterpart Latin Vulgate text, and to Junius's Latin translation. The translators record references to the Sixtine Septuagint of 1587, which is substantially a printing of the Old Testament text from the Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1209, and also to the 1518 Greek Septuagint edition of Aldus Manutius. They had, however, no Greek texts for 2 Esdras, or for the Prayer of Manasses, and Scrivener found that they here used an unidentified Latin manuscript.

In its Apocrypha, the Revised Version became the first printed edition in English to offer the complete text of Second Esdras, inasmuch as damage to one 9th-century manuscript had caused 70 verses to be omitted from previous editions and printed versions, including the King James Version.


>> No.18152940

And such are still lackluster compared to prior translations.

>> No.18152945

>wanting an embellished and doctored gospel script over the raw original

>> No.18153007

I think the 1960 revision is the only serviceable revision since it appears to rewrite and simplify the more literal original readings of the old R-V the least.

Reina-Valera was published in 1602 and was a revision of Reina's 1569 version. R-V versions are the most popular bible translations in Spanish.


>> No.18153088

Might as well use the LXX2012 so it pairs with the modern grammar of the ESV. Though admittedly it and Brenton's are the most faithful translations of the Septuagint, the syntax in them is wonky.

>> No.18153220

Imagine not reading the Wycliffe translation.

>> No.18153667

Any more on this topic? Other then the two links provided.

>> No.18153916

Almost every NT quote of the OT is from the Septuagint, so the claim that it was used by early church fathers is the only correct one in the posts you quoted. Even the Roman Catholics, who claimed the Vulgate was the divinely inspired translation of the LXX, have quietly shifted to basing their OT on the Masoretic Text like the protestants (apart from the Deuterocanon, of course), and it's mostly the EO who use the LXX.

The Masoretic Text is preferred vecause it's the least corrupted textual tradition when compared to the older LXX and Samaritan Pentateuch. Critical scholars knew this even before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls by comparing the textual traditions, but the finds of the last century have fully confirmed it.

Likewise, textual criticism has clearly shown the rarer Alexandrian type NT texts are better than Byzantine/majority manuscripts (which introduce plenty of harmonization between theologically difficult passages and became the majority type after the 9th century because of Byzantine emperors funding the copying) or early Western texts (which introduce so many interpolations that the Western Acts of the Apostles is 10% longer than Alexandrian versions).

In modern translations, you have three general options:
1) "Critical text": These go with the academic consensus and base their OT mostly on the MT, and their NT is some critical text like the Nestle-Aland. If you pick a random bible in the bookstore, there's a good chance this is their variant.
2) "Majority text": The Orthodox way, NT based on the majority text, OT on the LXX. It's way more corrupted than option (1), but at least the Apostles read the same OT.
3) "Textus Receptus": KJV and all texts that follow the Textus Receptus, which was actually an early critical text (MT + a couple shitty medieval manuscripts), and not a true "majority" text, although often called that by KJV-onlyists. The worst of both worlds, and does not incorporate modern textual finds like the DSS.

>> No.18154219


>> No.18154374

Read to me what John 5:4 says in your Bible then.

>> No.18154386


>> No.18154391

try to get something pre-1920/30 at least

>> No.18154412

This is true, Christianity in China is spreading at the same rate as it was in Rome, the change may take 100 or 200 years or so maybe, but it'll happen

>> No.18154480

I can only guess they really just didn't care enough to do more than the NT, they had better use of all those monks having all that free time than getting the Holy Scriptures properly into the hands of English speakers. Even the Catholics care more. Of course, nobody has put more effort into getting Holy Scripture translated and published in more languages and versions than the Protestants. Protestants are on fire for the Lord, while Orthodox are lukewarm at best and partly Satanic with the Catholics at worst.

>> No.18154494

I read the catechism of the Catholic Church

>> No.18154709

>Orthodox are lukewarm at best and partly Satanic with the Catholics at worst.
Please, tell me more about this.

>> No.18154881


CCC with the Douay-Rheims Bible with old commentaries is the way to go...if you're catholic of course. People should just read the Bible they want to read it's pretty simple.

>> No.18154901

all this science is good but if you really believe in the Holy Spirit then you might consider that people were reading the Byzantine manuscripts for a thousand years for a good reason

>> No.18154932

Dude-Rams. There is no other.

>> No.18154942

They can't be arsed to put churches where everyone is, even the Satanic Catholics do that. They can't be arsed to put together a solid full Bible in English. They don't read the Book of Revelation in church. They have no sense of urgency for providing people with the opportunity to be saved. They are lukewarm. This is only a really simple QRD.

>> No.18155248

KJV. New and better translations are interesting and worth study, but even if you had a collection of the original documents, you'd still only be reading the words of man telling of their experience with divinity. The true source of light, knowledge, and truth is the Holy Ghost, and the study of scripture only serves to draw one to seek truth from the Spirit. So the KJV is my preference because the language is poetic and beautiful, it's the standard edition used in my church, which means quotes in lessons and sermons will be from it, and it's the version I enjoy the most.

>> No.18155316


>> No.18155780

There were several missionary groups of various denominations that traveled around in the rural regions of China in the 20th century before the Mao era, and they brought medical supplies/knowledge and taught hygiene routines to lower disease along with establishing small churches and training locals to be priests/pastors. Even after the on and off crackdowns on not-ccp-approved churches and christian meetings, a lot of them simply met in secret and found ways to evade the government. So it's hard to know any exact numbers, especially in the rural areas

>> No.18155782
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Read stirner instead

>> No.18155870

Everyone pray for this faggot, he is under the influence of Satan and is sadly listening to Satan's whispers and buying the nihilism meme. Please God have mercy on this faggot and us all.

>> No.18156043

Yes along with the Luther bible in that they were Protestant translations and published around the same time.

>> No.18156106

what are some good single column physical releases?
also I wish AENT wasn't $250+

>> No.18156526

>Might as well use the LXX2012
i will try this, thank you for the recommendation anon

>> No.18157082

speaking of brenton
if you want eng text only (official release is tiny eng text)

>> No.18157179


>> No.18157835
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If you know French: Bible de Jérusalem

>> No.18157851

/x/ speaking

>> No.18157946

Good thread.
I'm also searching for a translation which is as direct as possible, saying it takes the oldest fragments known and translates to modern languages
the ancient languages as I know are hebrew aramaic and greek?
Preferably translated into german

>> No.18158331
File: 5 KB, 277x182, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone comment on the recent Robert Alter Old Testament?

>> No.18158685

Thank you!
The translation you're looking for is in portuguese, unfortunately. Frederico Lourenço made the book you're with those exact descriptions. Sad that you won't be able to read it.

>> No.18158983

>What translation of the Bible do you read and why?
the cepher bible
it's based as fuck

what would you recommend? im waiting the biblia hebraica quinta and new nestle aland greek new testament edition

>> No.18158988

>What is wrong with Masoretic influence in translations other than coming from Jews

>> No.18158996

>Kexham English Septuagint and the Eastern Orthodox Bible
imagine using a bibl that changed YHWH's name for BAAL (LORD), sometimes even BAAL GAD (LORD GOD)


>> No.18159087

he is supreme, beyond the reals

>> No.18159141


>> No.18159144

holy chinese empire when?

>> No.18159170

>The translation you're looking for is in portuguese, unfortunately. Frederico Lourenço made the book you're with those exact descriptions. Sad that you won't be able to read it.
i will because im huezilian
give name

>> No.18159174

Fun game, I did 7 of those.

>> No.18159191

>Holy Ghost
you mean spirit? ghosts are dead people hunting places

>> No.18159615

This is a good, worthwhile video. I'm listening (with occasional glances) for a second time now. Very much appreciated.

>> No.18159724

is the free version of logos worth giving a go?

>> No.18159752

The Bible Hub website is far superior.

>> No.18160236

Só vi agora a resposta.
É em Português europeu:

>> No.18160438

I personally use ESV, and NKJV with sites to translate the original Greek and Hebrew for comparison.
Anyone who is shilling KJV over NKJV is either a pseud who thinks older=better (while ironically using more recent versions of the original texts) or is really into the poetic side of the Bible.
It's good, better than ones like NIV and NLT but it's by no means the best, whatsoever.

>> No.18160625

>Anyone who is shilling KJV over NKJV is either
Or just isn't falling for the giving Satan money meme. Thomas Nelson is owned by NewsCorp which is Fox News and also owns Harper which publishes the Satanic Bible and an essentially endless list of general filth. Zondervan is also owned by them so the same goes for NIV and NRSV (which they don't own the copyright for but do have most US publication rights).

>> No.18160802

>Guilty by association
>despite being worked on by entirely different people
I'm all for supporting or not supporting whoever you wish, anon, but if you're gonna follow that train of thought then you may wanna reconsider your thoughts on the KJV, which was translated for a man who was quite interested in the Occult and witchcraft, and influenced the way it was written as to keep his own power, both of which aren't very Christlike attributes in and of themselves. That kind of logic means that no translation, or any manuscript for that matter, is safe JUST because we live in a broken and fallen world.
Do what you want anon, but I'll trust loving and God fearing people who translate more reliably and who's work is minimally (and I mean microscopically) associated with a corporation that just so happens to want to make money in less desirable ways, over a 400+ year old translation that is less coherent and was skewn by century old propaganda.

>> No.18161277

I only have the psalms translation but it has pretty lengthy notes on why he translated it the way he did from the Hebrew and specific contexts of certain words. It's probably not going to be someone's primary OT since it's for those who want to dive more deeply into the specifics of translation and language but I don't think there's any other literal translation from the Hebrew that compares with that many detailed notes on its decisions

>> No.18161500

Just use Xiphos bro

>> No.18161507

>unwittingly helped forming the 1517 schism by creating the Italian renaissance after fleeing from the destruction of Constantinople
the biggest redpill of them all

>> No.18161872

What does /lit/ think of the Legacy Standard Bible?

>> No.18161896

I have no interest in anything that has anything to do with John MacArthur, or anything else that doesn't say Holy Bible on the spine.


>> No.18161947

For me, it's the Scofield Reference Bible

>> No.18162514

Is it a doctrinal issue or do you just not like him?

>> No.18163076

I cannot put that into words, he is profoundly abhorrent on multiple levels.

>> No.18163488

Is this an opinion you formed from a couple Joshua Chavez videos?

>> No.18163551

I have no idea who that is, never even seen the name. I barely know who MacArthur is after having seen him being a meme so frequently over so long and briefly investigating. This may be difficult for you to grasp, but not everyone follows a bunch of celebs. There are very, very few "known names" who are worth paying any attention to whatsoever.

>> No.18164921

I don't like English, so I am biased towards not reading KJV. I've seen it praised here, but I wonder if there are translations in other languages, preferably a Romance one, that hold similar literary value.

>> No.18165715

Dumb question, but why does my KJV with "complete" apocrypha not include everything?
It doesn't have Enoch, or Jubilees, and a bunch of other apocrypha.

>> No.18165751

There's no such thing as complete apocrypha. There is much more apocryphal text than there is canon

>> No.18165764

Reina Valera in Spanish is similar.

>> No.18165798

Because by "complete" it meant the deuterocanon (apocrypha deemed semi-canonical/important) of the Roman Catholic Church which protestantism was born from.
The deuterocanons of the Orthodox churches are larger than the Roman Catholic canon, they have variations between different groups. Oriental Orthodox, specifically Ethiopian Orthodox has the largest canon iirc.

>> No.18166026

Protestant bibles like the KJV use different manuscript sources for the Old Testament and base their canon on the 2nd century Hebrew canon. Catholics and Orthodox utilize the Greek Septuagint which included not just the "apocrypha" books but also sections of the books of Daniel and Esther. Protestants will sometimes include the missing books but they won't include the missing parts of Daniel and Esther because the 2nd century Jews didn't accept them.

>> No.18166293

The main reason the LXX was used is because it was the the only version that could be widely understood at the time.


>> No.18166340

The additions in Daniel and Ester are only found in the Greek text.

The original Septuagint text of the Daniel was also replaced by the Theodotion's translation.

>> No.18166380

why not read one of the literal translations and infer from there?

>> No.18167328

Yeah that's what I said.

>> No.18167441

One of the most literal translations you can get are the interlinear bibles and even their use is limited if you don't have some basic Greek grammar. English doesn't always translate some of the nuances of a genitive and dative case or the aorist or pluperfect tense and these are the kind things that really enrich our understanding of the text. On top of that because there's rarely a one to one translation of a word, so deeper meanings and connotations will be lost when you just look at what is effectively a gloss of each word.

There really is no substitute for knowing the Greek and there's honestly a lot less excuses for Christians to not be trying because there's so many great resources available for free. Go on libgen and grab David Alan Blacks textbook and then go to either dailydoseofgreek.com or wvbs.org and enroll in one of those online courses for free. There's a ton of bible apps that will give you access to lexicons like Thayer's and Strong's along with the Greek texts.

>> No.18167517

thanks for replying, i can see now why learning greek would be beneficial in order to get the most out of the bible as english doesn't have analogs of every concept in greek.

>> No.18168292

It was growing but the government started persecuting them.

>> No.18168821

is it too much to ask for a full bible NOT based on masoretic with deuterocanonical books in single column format?

>> No.18168964

Yes, it's too much to ask the Orthodox to actually do much of anything but LARP. Single column is just for gays though.

>> No.18169164

this is the most retarded argument I have ever read on /lit/

>> No.18169219

I've read a large chunk of a few different translations (Jerusalem, New English, RSV, KJV). The more I went through other translations the more I started to agree with Robert Alter on how it's a shame that less and les people give time to the KJV to appreciate what Tyndale and the committee did for English prose as time has gone by. There's something in the rhythm of the KJV that the others just can't match up to, they just don't have that same sticking power.

Well said. My go-to translation is the Jerusalem Bible--when quickly looking up something or other. Nothing matches the KJV in it's lyricism.

>> No.18169860

>Nothing matches the KJV in it's lyricism.

>> No.18170085


>> No.18170238

are you samefagging yourself like an attention whore?

>> No.18170275
File: 90 KB, 432x216, Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 9.39.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post a better translation than KJVs:

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

>> No.18170294

no, quite literally the leap from the merits of KJV to the invention of liberalism is literally /pol/ tier retardation.

>> No.18171848

any commentaries/notes/whatever from eastern catholic or oriental orthodox perspective?
or it that something you won't find in english